
‘This is bullshit, your honour!’: Reynolds collapses outside court

An ambulance was called but paramedics decided not to take Ms Reynolds to hospital after telling her she would not need immediate medical treatment if she simply stopped holding her breath.

Rock Centre owner Carolyn Reynolds ran for the seat of Goyder in the NT parliament in 2016 for the Country Liberal Party.
Rock Centre owner Carolyn Reynolds ran for the seat of Goyder in the NT parliament in 2016 for the Country Liberal Party.

PARAMEDICS spent more than an hour trying to convince Carolyn Reynolds to stop holding her breath on Tuesday after the hysterical gym owner collapsed in the lobby of the Darwin Local Court.

The Darwin city council took the former CLP election candidate to court in September after she refused to hand over her Doctors Gully Rock Centre premises following a dispute over the lease.

Early in Tuesday’s hearing an already highly emotional Ms Reynolds stormed out of the courtroom after judge Alan Woodcock rejected her request for a further adjournment on medical grounds.

Ms Reynolds presented a laundry list of calamities as reasons why she couldn’t continue to represent herself on the day, including being struck by lightning three times, being assaulted by a school principal and a doctor and “threatened” by an assistant principal.

A letter tendered to the court from a medical specialist recommended Ms Reynolds seek representation instead of continuing to contest the matter on her own.

But after Ms Reynolds made it clear she did not intend to do so, Mr Woodcock declined the adjournment application saying it would be “best for all concerned” to resolve the matter.

Ms Reynolds fled the room in a flood tears saying “I need a recess, this is bullshit, your honour!” but returned a short time later and Mr Woodcock ordered a 15 minute recess so she could plan her cross examination of witnesses.

Ms Reynolds claimed she had been personally targeted by Mr Woodcock after he raised his voice when she interrupted him during a previous hearing and demanded to speak to the Chief Judge.

“Are you in the Labor Party or are you just biased politically?” she asked.

“I want to cross examine you first to find out what your biases are.”

During the break a sobbing Ms Reynolds had to be supported by court staff before collapsing to the lobby floor where she appeared to stop breathing.

An ambulance was called but paramedics decided not to take Ms Reynolds to hospital after telling her she would not need immediate medical treatment if she simply stopped holding her breath.

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After waiting for more than an hour for Ms Reynolds to compose herself, Mr Woodcock stood the proceeding down until the afternoon.

After lunch, Ms Reynolds made a second adjournment application in closed court and this time Mr Woodcock agreed to hear the matter next Tuesday instead.

The details of Ms Reynolds’ medical condition were suppressed.

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