
Shut it down: Calls grow to replace Alice Springs youth jail

The Northern Territory Government’s decision to refurbish the Alice Springs youth jail instead of completely replacing it has been met with disappointment from a leading Aboriginal justice agency.

The entrance of the Alice Springs Youth Detention Centre.
The entrance of the Alice Springs Youth Detention Centre.

The Northern Territory Government’s decision to refurbish the Alice Springs youth jail instead of completely replacing it has been met with disappointment from a leading Aboriginal justice agency.

Territory Families Minister Dale Wakefield said there won’t be a new Alice Springs Youth Detention Centre “in the short term” however she pledged $60 million for a completely new youth jail in Darwin.

An outdoor area for youth
An outdoor area for youth

Sophie Trevitt who is a youth civil solicitor at the North Australian Aboriginal Justice Agency said the government’s $10 million commitment to refurbish the Alice Springs facility is not good enough because it is “unfit for purpose”.

“The detention centre contains inadequate space for the children to receive schooling, play outside, and participate in extremely limited programs,” she said.

“Our clients are largely teenage boys – many of whom have diagnosed and undiagnosed disabilities, histories of trauma and mental illness. They describe feeling stressed and distressed because of the small, loud and isolating environment.

The Centralian Advocate visited the facility last week which is located just meters from an adult jail.

A kitchen area used by detainees participating in vocational programs
A kitchen area used by detainees participating in vocational programs

Just one day after Ms Wakefield made her funding announcement at the facility, youth justice officers were injured by out of control detainees.

A Territory Families spokeswoman said at 11am Saturday June 1, four youths aged between 14 and 17 refused the orders of staff.

“As a result of the disturbance a number of staff members received minor injuries, which did not require medical attention,” she said.

An area for female youth
An area for female youth

It’s understood the incident was brought under control within 10 minutes.

Ms Wakefield said the government made the decision not to replace the facility following consultation with the community.

“The preferred site options raised issues which include proximity to residential areas and did not meet community expectations and needs,” she said.

Although replacing the Alice Springs Youth Detention Centre was not a recommendation of the Royal Commission, Law Society NT president Maria Savvas said it was disappointing to see children detained in the “outdated and dangerous” facility.

“To date, they have failed to build new facilities to house and rehabilitate children…” she said.

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