
Man jailed for stabbing ex-wife in abdomen after she prodded him with a dessert spoon

A MAN has been sentenced to 18 months’ jail after stabbing his ex-wife in the abdomen with a kitchen knife after she poked him with a dessert spoon

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A MAN has been sentenced to 18 months’ jail after stabbing his ex-wife in the abdomen with a kitchen knife after she poked him with a dessert spoon.

Anthony Carr, who was 51 at the time of the incident, pleaded guilty in the Supreme Court to one count of negligently causing serious harm to his victim, who was then 48.

The court heard the victim had invited Mr Carr over to her house for dinner on November 2, 2019.

The pair got drunk, the court heard. Mr Carr then entered the kitchen and started cutting slices of silverside beef.

The victim entered the kitchen and prodded Mr Carr with a dessert spoon, telling him to wait until the meat was ready.

Mr Carr then turned around and stabbed the victim in the left side of her abdomen, the court heard.

While Chief Justice Michael Grant accepted the facts, as presented by Mr Carr’s counsel, that Mr Carr had not intended to actually stab or threaten his ex-wife with the knife, his “gesturing with the knife causing it to stab the victim” was an act of gross negligence for which Mr Carr was criminally liable.


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The victim remained in intensive care for several days after surgery, and then underwent a relatively long period of rehabilitation, the court heard.

“My physical appearance is something that I would consider at this time to be absolutely repulsive, and I don’t want anyone to touch me. I think your words were, ‘they butchered you,’ in reference to a scar that extends from my naval to my vagina,” the victim wrote in her impact statement, addressing Mr Carr.

“ … (The scar) will always be a constant reminder of the violence.

“Had I not had surgery, I would have died. This would equate to having left three beautiful, intelligent people, who are my children, without a mother.”

In sentencing, Chief Justice Grant noted Mr Carr already had an extensive history of offending, including acts of domestic violence against the same victim.

The Chief Justice said the fact Mr Carr continued to help raise his children after the breakdown of his marriage with the victim reflected well on him.

However, he also said Mr Carr was of generally poor character and, given his age, should not be afforded the leniency ordinarily given to younger offenders.

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Chief Justice Grant sentenced Mr Carr to a non-parole period of nine months, noting that while he had some prospects for rehabilitation, these were limited due to ongoing problems with alcohol abuse and the fact he had lost his job.

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