
Further delays to rates decision

Alice Springs Town Council have further delayed a decision about relief for rate payers in response to a new multimillion-dollar program announced by the NT Government.

Alice Springs town councillors have further delayed a decision about rate relief in response to coronavirus. Photo: EMMA MURRAY
Alice Springs town councillors have further delayed a decision about rate relief in response to coronavirus. Photo: EMMA MURRAY

The establishment of a $7.1 million program by the NT Government has delayed an Alice Springs Town Council decision to provide across the board rate relief in the wake of the COVID-19 economic effects.

But the delay might not be for long as Council is expected to hold a workshop on rates and the pandemic this week, followed by a special council meeting to pass any decision it makes without having to go to another ordinary meeting.

The package was announced by Local Government Minister Gerry McCarthy late last week.

Council considered a report by Director Corporate Services Sabine Taylor at its meeting last night along with the notice of motions from Deputy Mayor Matt Paterson and councillors Eli Melky and Marli Banks.

Ms Taylor’s report was a late addition to the meeting agenda as the information was only released at noon yesterday.

“Essentially the funding supports job creation in communities, waivers and deferrals of rates for businesses in hardship and a review of unspent grants to support Local Government during the COVID-19 pandemic,” she reported.

Ms Taylor said there had been six applications, four from businesses, for rates concessions already adopted by the Council.

Council agreed with her recommendation to adopt the Public Benefit Concessions Policy for Commercial Ratepayers program announced by Mr McCarthy.

Mr Melky said it was a complex issue and the points raised by the government needed due consideration without being rushed.

“There is more than one issue and there is a whole of detail that is needed,” he said.

“It would come under best practice to take time and we won’t be delaying anybody.

“We have not had the time to go through all the information and digest it.”

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Councillor glen Auricht did not want to delay any necessary rate relief but agreed council officers needed time to work on the proposals and then come back to the members.

ASTC Chief Executive Officer Robert Jennings added the officers needed as much time as possible to get the best result and supported the suggestion of a workshop and then present the outcome to Council.

Ms Taylor’s report also included a detailed analysis of the three councillors’ rate relief proposals.

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