
Council declares Anzac Oval as a Heritage Place

Declaring Anzac Oval (Lot 678) as a Heritage Place has been supported by the Alice Springs Town Council.

Anzac Hill which overlooks Anzac Oval. Council has supported Heritage listing for the oval and certain buildings adjoining it. Picture: ANDREA JOHNSTON
Anzac Hill which overlooks Anzac Oval. Council has supported Heritage listing for the oval and certain buildings adjoining it. Picture: ANDREA JOHNSTON

Declaring Anzac Oval (Lot 678) as a Heritage Place has been supported by the Alice Springs Town Council.

This was in response to a letter from Heritage Council NT advising council, as the owner, that it had resolved to invite submissions on whether Anzac Oval should be permanently declared a heritage place.

The motion, moved by Cr Eli Melky with help from councillors and officers, was to support naming the whole Lot as a heritage place.

But there was some uncertainty as to exactly what was to be included. Lot 678 includes — Totem Theatre, 50-Plus Community Centre, the carpark along Wills Tce and the grandstand and changerooms built in 2012.

Cr Melky said he intended to include all the buildings as well.

“If it was just the oval it would take a subdivision of the Lot,” he said.

Cr Jimmy Cocking said it was good to receive the statement of heritage value to get an understanding of its history.

“Anzac Oval had its beginnings as a recreational reserves that was established in the mid 1930s by the Reverend Harry Griffiths and other returned servicemen,” the statement outlined. “It was at a time when the European population of Alice Springs was rapidly expanding, following the extension of the Ghan railway to the town in 1929.

“Anzac Oval can lay claim to several firsts.”

In supporting the motion to support declaration of the oval, Cr Glen Auricht the community supported keeping a green space for the community.

Council was advised that the Minister for Tourism and Culture Lauren Moss has signed an instrument provisionally declaring Anzac Oval as a heritage place.

This means there are restrictions on what work may be carried out.

Restrictions remain in place until a final decision is made as to whether Anzac Oval should be permanently declared as a heritage place.

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