1/20Bombing of Darwin: Damage to Darwin was widespread. The photograph showsCavenagh St, with a view across Bennett Street intersection toward the Esplanade. It showsGordonâs Don Hotel and Chinatown.
A window into our past: Historic Bombing of Darwin photos
The Bombing of Darwin was 81 years ago but several historic photos offer a glimpse of the past. See the pictures here.
2/20Bombing of Darwin: After 64 Air-raid from February 1942 to November 1943, Darwin was virtually destroyed. Pictured here are the remains of the Bank of NSW on the corner of Smith and Bennett Streets.
3/20Bombing of Darwin: Remains of the Darwin Wharf after the bombings. The Neptuna,an ammunition ship, was tied up at the Wharf, and nearby the destroyer USS Peary wasanchored, having arrived back into Darwin Harbour that morning for supplies. A direct hit to thewharf killed at least 21 wharfies, and both the Neptuna and Peary were bombed multiple times,and sunk to the seafloor.
4/20The âZealandiaâ after the Bombing of Darwin, 1942.
5/20Bombing of Darwin: Aboriginal members of the Australian Army medical WomenâsService, known only as Maggie, Florrie, Dibbie and Winnie, with Captain S.C. Perry at the 107General Hospital, Darwin.
6/20Bombing of Darwin: Indigenous people living in remote parts of Northern Australiaassisted the war effort in surveillance and rescue. In this instance, Aboriginal man, only knownby the name Johnny, rescued an American fighter pilot who was shot down, but landed on asmall island off the northern coast. Here Johnny explains how he found the pilot to a RAAFintelligence officer.
7/20Bombing of Darwin: The Tiwi Islands was home to a squad of locals who unofficiallyenlisted in a Navy unit that became known as the Snake Bay Patrol. Located on the critical pathof Japanese air-craft headed for Darwin, the unit was responsible for special duties such aslocating stranded airmen and Japanese mines. Identified left to right: Harry One; Holder Adams; AliMiller (Mungatopi); Francis Butcher (Tippaklippa); Victor Adams; Charlie One (Tippaklippa); Melon;Brownie Araku; Man Fong; Charlie Two; Ginger Two (on end of row, mostly obscured); CaptainBaldwin; Ginger One.
8/20Bombing of Darwin: RAAF personnel and an Aboriginal guide examine the wreckage of aJapanese 'Betty' bomber aircraft shot down by Squadron Leader R C Cresswell during a night attackon 23 November 1942 on Darwin. The bodies of nine Japanese were later found near the wreckedaircraft.
9/20Bombing of Darwin: Ships burning in Darwin Harbour, after the Bombing of Darwin,1942.
10/20Bombing of Darwin: The impact of the first air raid on ships in Darwin Harbour.
11/20Bomb Damage to Darwin on February 19, 1942. Picture Basil Stahl/Supplied
12/20Bombing of Darwin: Members of the 2/18th Field Workshop in Tennant Creek in1942. All except two of the men pictured are Indigenous Territorians.
13/20Bombing of Darwin: Riggers at the Royal Australian Navy Boom Defence Yard,preparing to launch a section of the anti-submarine netting down a chute alongside the BoomWharf.
14/20Bombing of Darwin: Nurses used bikes to cycle to and from duty, Darwin.
15/20AIF 7th Australian Field Survey Section. Picture Supplied
16/20Bombing of Darwin: Soldiers defending Darwin, 1942.
17/20Bomb Damage to Darwin on February 19, 1942. Picture Basil Stahl/Supplied
18/20Bomb Damage to Darwin Post Office on February 19, 1942. Picture Basil Stahl/Supplied
19/20Members of the AIF 7th Australian Field Survey Section at Maranboy, NT in 1942. Picture Basil Stahl/Supplied
20/20Fellow soldiers stand in the crater of the first bomb felled on Darwin on February 19, 1942. Picture Basil Stahl/Supplied