
Take up the Michelle Bridges 100 squats a day for 30 days – and see the difference

Does Michelle Bridges recommend the 100 squats a day in 30 days challenge? Hell yeah! See why.

Michelle Bridge's Easter Workout

I’ve always dreamed about making a T-shirt that said “when in doubt, SQUAT!”

That’s how much this exercise is a total fundamental rockstar when it comes to physical


The 100 squats a day for 30 days challenge is trending again on social media, but it’s been around for a while, as have squats. That’s because they work. And so does this challenge.

The premise is to do 100 squats every day for 30 days. You can choose to do them all in one hit or break them up into groups of say 10 or 20 across the day, as long as you hit 100.

You can also change up your foot positioning from a mid stance (shoulder width apart) to a sumo stance (feet wider than shoulders).

Once your strength starts to build, you could go for as many as you can in one hit, and then clock the rest up later in the day. By doing this, you’ll absolutely start to see a difference in how many you can punch out in one go, and that’s always rewarding and motivating.

There’s not a lot of rules here, so some might like to use more than body weight by picking up a barbell, dumbbells, a backpack, a small child or a dog! Others might be happy using body weight and tapping their butt down to a bench or chair.

The best thing about this challenge is it takes very little time and can be done anywhere, anytime. You could even team up with a buddy or do it as a family for a bit of friendly competition.


Damn straight, you will.

Not only will you witness first hand physical strength in your glutes, quads and hamstrings but you’ll also be strengthening your core.

You’ll see improved muscle tone and power output, better range of movement through your hips, knees and ankles, more stability, better balance and co-ordination and even a dial up on your overall cardio fitness.

If that wasn’t enough to get you started, you will also feel a sense of mental clarity purely by moving more and a sense of accomplishment by ticking the box and getting it done. That is something that can’t be underestimated.

Trainer Michelle Bridges doing an exercise squat.
Trainer Michelle Bridges doing an exercise squat.

A sense of accomplishment leads to self worth, confidence and resilience. Valuable commodities, as they inevitably create the rise of motivation.


If you suffer poor knees, injuries and the like, then maybe this challenge isn’t for you. But, if you were my client, I would reduce your range of movement (do a smaller squat, say half way down) and see if we can over time build up your leg strength.


Once you’ve reached the end of your 30 days, not only will you be seeing and feeling the results, but you’ll have probably ramped up your motivation to keep going by either adding 100 squats to your regular training, choosing to use weights next time, or simply appreciate the positive physical and mental benefits of moving your body and branch out into another challenge or exercise routine.

Like I said … when in doubt, SQUAT!

To join Michelle Bridges’ next 12-Week Body Transformation, head to


Start with your feet shoulder-width apart, toes slightly turned out. Lift your chest, pull your shoulders back and down to set your posture in a neutral spine, brace your abdominals (imagine your being tickled while pulling your belly button in), sit your hips and butt back and bend your knees.

Try to keep your knees tracking in the same direction as your toes are pointing and aim to get your thighs parallel with the floor while maintaining your upright posture. You’ll naturally lean forward a little but aim to maintain a long straight spine opposed to a rounded back. As you drive up, push your feet into the floor, shoulders back, lift your chest, keep those abs braced and have the sensation of pushing your knees out wider.


If you’re losing your balance, your knees are tracking inwards, you’re unable to maintain a neutral spine or your weight is moving more to one side than the other, these are signs of imbalances, such as tightness around hips, knees or ankles and possibly weakness in your core, back, or glutes. All of which can be addressed with a little rehab work, preferably with a professional.

Originally published as Take up the Michelle Bridges 100 squats a day for 30 days – and see the difference

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