

Restrictions on cafes, pubs and gyms could be relaxed in June, says Chief Minister Michael Gunner

CHIEF Minister Michael Gunner says he is looking at lifting restrictions on cafes, pubs and gyms in the Northern Territory in June

Chief Minister Michael Gunner says he will look at lifting restrictions on pubs, clubs and gyms in the Northern Territory in June. Picture: Che Chorley
Chief Minister Michael Gunner says he will look at lifting restrictions on pubs, clubs and gyms in the Northern Territory in June. Picture: Che Chorley

CHIEF Minister Michael Gunner says he is looking at lifting restrictions on cafes, pubs and gyms in the Northern Territory in June.

On ABC this morning, Mr Gunner said the Territory would gradually transition to a “new normal” in June when coronavirus restrictions including those imposed on businesses like cafes, clubs and gyms are expected to be relaxed.

He is expected to provide details about what restrictions will be lifted and when on Thursday.

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“Essentially the new normal will be in place during June,” he said.

“There will be a lot of work between now and Thursday.

“I’ll be able to catch up with the Chamber of Commerce today to talk about these things … about what is a practical set of time frames but we’re aiming towards people in the Territory going to live the new normal in June.”

It comes after Mr Gunner announced that NT parks will be reopened for recreational use this weekend.

He said businesses will need to show how they will implement safety and have a management plan in place to open.

“We’ll be asking, businesses, for example, that are going be opening to have essentially their coronavirus plan about how they’ll intend to manage their premises safely,” he said.

“What we’re doing in our end is also providing some work about what should be in that as a template or as a minimum.”


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The Chief Minister said lifting restrictions on mass gatherings would still be “too risky” at this stage.

“I’m still worried about the mass gathering event, like a super spreader type of event but other than that I think pretty much everything can be managed in some way,” he said.

“The last thing I’ll be touching is the borders.

“We’re safe but we’re not immune.

“I really want people to understand that second waves of this things are possible.”


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