
There are 10 things I hate about being a mum and I bet you agree with them

"I know you're not meant to say these things, but it's the truth." How many of these pet parenting peeves do you relate to?

Things parents think during 2 AM Nappy Changes

It’s reader o’clock in our household and it is my most torturous time of the day. When you have three children to feed, bathe and get to bed, there’s nothing more irritating than having to sit through the trials and tribulations of a reader.


I know, I know, you’re not meant to say such things. But I did say it. And it’s the truth.

There are certain things I absolutely love about being a parent. Let’s start with those so you know I LOVE my kids.

I love the sleepy cuddles first thing in the morning. I love playing chasey and being silly, playing dress-ups, their wonder at the world. There are so many things about being a mum that light me up.

But then, there are the other things. Things that get on your nerves and drive you nuts. Things you need to vent about in order to stay sane.

What’s at the top of my list? 

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I hate doing readers

I find it excruciatingly painful sitting there for 30 minutes while my son tries to get the words out. That sounds so harsh but I can't help but think of all the other things I need to get done.

I hate the fussy eating 

And having to cook different meals for different mouths. Back when I was little, my mum served us all nana’s spicy Indian curry for dinner some nights. We sat there and we ate it because we had to. Somehow, I’ve built a rod for my back with all of these meal preferences.

I hate playing LEGO

 I once did an aptitude test in high school and the guidance counsellor said to me, “Communications you can do, but don’t ever consider a career as a structural engineer.” I’ve always sucked at building things, and at the ripe old age of 38, I’m no better.

I hate folding itsy-bitsy clothes

I remember when my son was a baby and I got such a buzz at the sight of his teeny tiny clothing hanging up. I'd lovingly fold it, Marie Kondo-style. That lasted about a month. Eight years and three children later, I’m over it.

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I hate mediating the fights

Sibling rivalry is real. And it’s exhausting.

I hate the constant rollercoaster of feelings

One minute I’ll be needing space from my kids and wanting time alone. The next minute my husband will have taken them off to the park and I’ll find myself looking at photos and yearning for them. What a mindf*** parenting can be.

I hate taking wet clothes off.

 It feels like trying to get the meat out of a sausage skin. Mission impossible. The kids hate it too, so that's not helpful at all.

I hate Cocomelon

Enough said.

I hate having to be organised (or appear to be)

I’ve always been annoyingly spontaneous. I tend to fly by the seat of my pants, in fact. When you’re a parent, you can’t always do that.

I hate worrying about the future 

Often, I find myself thinking about what life will be like when my children are gone and how I might feel lonely. It’s a constant fear in the back of my mind - one that I will have to face eventually.

Of course, at the end of the day, all of these silly little niggles fade in comparison to the love and reward parenting provides. It’s not always rainbows and butterflies, but the good stuff far outweighs the bad.

That's why I am so grateful to be strapped in and on this parenting rollercoaster ride - readers and all.

Originally published as There are 10 things I hate about being a mum and I bet you agree with them

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