
I told my friend she can't announce her pregnancy at my birthday party

"Can't wait to catch up with you all this weekend. I have some exciting news of my own I would like to share!" the hijacker wrote in the group chat for her friend's birthday bash.

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One would think that as you become adults, your childhood friendships would be easy, knowing each other for so long.

But life is complicated, and things don't always work out how we plan, and people change.

Take for example one woman who told the internet this week that after challenging time in her life, she was throwing herself a big, lovely birthday party.

Planning was going swell, until the woman's childhood friend began her own planning... to announce at the party that she is pregnant.

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"I have some exciting news to share"

Th woman wrote on Reddit: "Leah has always been one of those people who always wants to be in the spotlight. This never l bothered me as I am quite an introverted person.

"Skipping to my birthday. We have been planning this party for a long time as I have been really depressed the past couple years and this was my first big gathering with all my friends and family who were also there to support my recovery.

"I was sending out the invites and was really excited. We were ordering in pizzas and KFC which are my two absolute favourites. Anyways I tell everyone in the group-chat that we will be ordering this and everyone is excited, but then Leah messages and says she 'can't have that' because she is vegan.

"She then went on to say it was disrespectful that I wasn't being inclusive to everyone."

But Leah also harassed the woman in private.

"In private messages she started going on about how it was really rude of me to not have asked before organising food and that I was 'discriminating against her being a vegan', so I got really stressed and didn't know what to do.

"I then said I would order her some food separately from a Vegan place and that I would pay and she went quiet."

But of course, that wasn't the end of it from Leah.

"The day before the party I got a message in the group from her saying '@everyone Can't wait to catch up with you all this weekend. I have some exciting news of my own I would like to share!'

"Confused about this, I message her personally and asked what this was about as I didn't quite understand as to why she had to announce it on MY birthday. It also pissed me off how she was texting the groupchat as if she was the one who was organising the party. We have quite a lot of mutual friends but at the end of the day it was MY GROUPCHAT and she was treating it like it was some mass gathering for her.

"Leah said she was planning on telling everyone about her pregnancy. I was shocked. Not only did I feel like she was purposefully trying to ruin my birthday but I was even more hurt she didn't even ask me first. After all it was MY birthday party.

"I told her I did not want her to announce it on my birthday and that I found it really rude of her to not have asked me first. She then went OFF at me and started complaining about how this was her 'only opportunity to do it' as 'everyone would be there' and the 'timing was so perfect' and that I had 'ruined her plan' and that I am a 'selfish and bad friend' for not being happy for her."

That's... a lot. The woman uninvited her from her party... so Leah's family took up her cause.

"All day I got calls and texts from her family saying I was "selfish and rude" and that I "was narcissistic" and that I was a "bad friend". All these texts made me feel really guilty and like an asshole, so... AITA here?"

Source: iStock
Source: iStock

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"A party for yourself, not her"

No one thought the poster was being unreasonable.

"It's rude to steal someone else's event for your own announcements," wrote one commenter. "I would disinvite her. You know she is going to make a scene."

Another said, "This is your b-day, one day a year when it's just about you. You're throwing a party, making all the plans. She has no right to take that from you.

"Sounds like early on she wanted you to feel guilty by causing an issue with the food. When you fixed that, she had to find another way to make it about her. She doesn't sound like a real friend and, more like a person who needs YOU to make her feel more important in her unimportant life."

A third advised, "Don’t feel guilty about this person. If anyone is being narcissistic, it would be her. It’s YOUR party, and you put in a very obvious boundary that she told you she planned on breaking."

Then there was this comment: "The audacity to call you narcissistic when she's literally using your birthday party to announce her pregnancy and somehow you're the bad friend? 

"Don't let her family guilt you into feeling bad about uninviting her or make you doubt what a good friend you can be to people. Instead of pointing fingers at others, they should take a look at what their own daughter's up to."

But undoubtedly, this was our favourite: "Tell her: She may be having a baby, but she needs to stop acting like a baby."

Well said.

Originally published as I told my friend she can't announce her pregnancy at my birthday party

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