
NT Government may reopen old Don Dale Detention Centre

THE Northern Territory’s youth detainees could be moved back to the old Don Dale Detention Centre under a plan being seriously considered by the Northern Territory Government

Royal commissioners Margaret White and Mick Gooda inspect a cell in the BMU at Darwin's old Don Dale Youth Detention Centre. Picture:  Amos Aikman
Royal commissioners Margaret White and Mick Gooda inspect a cell in the BMU at Darwin's old Don Dale Youth Detention Centre. Picture: Amos Aikman

THE Northern Territory’s youth detainees could be moved back to the old Don Dale Detention Centre under a plan being seriously considered by the Northern Territory Government.

IT is understood that a refurbished Don Dale is shaping as the most likely option to house Darwin’s underage offenders.

The idea of moving detainees back to the old Don Dale was first raised after Royal Commissioners Mick Gooda and Margaret White visited the centre late last year.

The commissioners said they were far more impressed with the old Don Dale than with the former Berrimah adult prison, where the youth detainees have been held since 2015.

It is understood talks have since advanced between the NT Government, the Federal Government and the Royal Commission, about the prospect of moving the detainees back to the old centre.

“We need to look at those options, we are currently going through some very initial design options,” Families Minister Dale Wakefield said.

“We are working with the Federal Government around what the design options are for that.”.

The Territory Government has committed $15 million for a new youth justice centre in Darwin, but that would go just a fraction of the way towards building a new facility.

It is understood many within the Government believe that money would be better spent on a major upgrade at the old Don Dale, but no final decision will be made until the Royal Commission hands down its report.

A confidential document obtained this week showed the new Don Dale facility – the old prison - was deemed unfit for future use seven years ago.

The Royal Commission has also heard serious security concerns about the facility in Alice Springs.

Ms Wakefield said the government was taking action to move detainees out of both facilities.

“I think we’re all very clear that both Don Dale in Darwin and the Alice Spring Owen Springs facility are not fit for purpose — they weren’t built for youth detention centres,” she said.

While the Royal Commission sits in Alice Springs the Northern Territory Government has been getting on with its youth justice reforms.

It will this week pass legislation to allow electronic monitoring bracelets to be fitted to youth offenders, while they are out on bail.

Ms Wakefield said the bracelets were a positive tool for police.

“It’s only one tool out of a range of measures we’re doing, but we think it’s an important one,” she said.

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