
Your bath towel’s teeming with bacteria ... if you don’t wash it after three uses

ANAL and urinary fluid, fungi and thousands of dead skin cells — your bath towel is a fertile breeding ground for these and other types of nasty germs.

How often you should wash your towels
How often you should wash your towels

ANAL and urinary fluid, fungi and thousands of dead skin cells — your bath towel is a fertile breeding ground for these and other types of nasty germs.

According to medical experts, you should use your towel no more than three times if you want to avoid being unhygienic.

And that’s assuming you’ve left it hanging somewhere to dry between uses, so it can completely air out.

A damp towel is full of tiny growing germs, which can cause infections if they come into contact with cuts on your skin.

Experts advise that if there is a musty odour coming from the towel, you should wash it straight away — because it’s a sign the body dryer is full of bacteria.

Whenever we use our towel, we transfer all kinds of bacterial substances from our skin to the towel, where they immediately begin to multiply. Droplets from the toilet also splash on the towel, making it even dirtier.

Professor Philip Tierno, A microbiologist at the New York school of Medicine says: “The idea is to be prudent and to be aware.

“Mostly aware that your towel is disgusting. And you’re probably not washing it enough.”

This article originally appeared on The Sun.

Originally published as Your bath towel’s teeming with bacteria ... if you don’t wash it after three uses

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