
Home of Townsville family destroyed by disgusting and racist vandals

THE house of a white, atheist family in Townsville has been trashed by racist vandals who wrote anti-Islamic slurs on the walls and tried to set it on fire.

WARNING: Coarse language.

THE house of a Townsville family has been vandalised and set alight by racist vandals in an attack described as an act of “absolute ignorance and hatred”.

Shani Boag took to Facebook yesterday to share photos of the sickening aftermath of the attack and described the scene that was only halted when she returned home during the vandals’ destructive spree.

“Earlier this week our home, the home my mum and I lived in for 10 years, the home we ardently look forward to making new family memories in, was broken into, vandalised, and set alight using petrol,” she wrote.

A sign in Arabic above the house’s entrance that roughly translates to “wishing you a peaceful welcome” is thought to be what provoked the attack, as those responsible spray-painted anti-Islamic slogans and vitriolic messages around the house.

“Out of sheer luck, I interrupted their escapade before it could consume the house. Still, the damage is estimated to be over $50,000 in tangible, physical repairs,” Boag wrote.

“What isn’t quantifiable are the costs you don’t see. Time. Health. Security. Trust. Tolerance.”

The sign that apparently sparked the incredulous behaviour.
The sign that apparently sparked the incredulous behaviour.

The house was built in the 1980s by a “beautiful” Pakistani family. Ms Boag said she never saw the Arabic sign as a threat and her mum kept it to maintain the history of the house.

“(It was) the unique value we saw in our home, our tolerance, our happiness to share in another’s story,” she said.

But sadly others did not share their sense of inclusion.

“These ‘people’ who broke into our house, who vandalised our walls, graffitied and broke our family pictures, set fire to a bedroom with assumably the intent to leave it to consume the entire home … They saw this sign over our front door. And they used it as an excuse to follow through with disgraceful actions.”

A number of hateful messages were sprawled on the walls.
A number of hateful messages were sprawled on the walls.
She is home.
She is home.
The residents were not even religious.
The residents were not even religious.
Ms Boag said the petrol covered carpet was very smelly.
Ms Boag said the petrol covered carpet was very smelly.

“With no knowledge whatsoever, they’ve drawn conclusions that we are somehow related to ISIS. Further to that, they’ve concluded that they are somehow justified to threaten us with death.

“Why? Because they have recognised Middle Eastern writing over our front door.

“How socially inadequate must you be to deface and set fire to any home, let alone one wishing you peace … At Christmas …”

The Facebook post has attracted a number of comments from friends who condemned the disgusting act.

“I’m so sorry that you had to go through that. It is disgraceful that someone can even contemplate doing that,” wrote one.

“If you need any electrical work done I’ll do my best to help out. Can’t believe that has happened,” wrote another.

A livid friend also shared the photos and story on reddit overnight calling the incident an act of “absolute ignorance and hatred”.

Forensic police have since surveyed the house and Ms Boag is hopeful their efforts will turn up a fingerprint that will identify the culprits. But even in the unlikely event the vandals are brought to justice, the house will never be the same for the Townsville family.

So sad.
So sad.
Something somewhat ironic about the accusation.
Something somewhat ironic about the accusation.

Originally published as Home of Townsville family destroyed by disgusting and racist vandals

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