
Hayfever sufferers turn to needle-free 'Haytox' to relieve symptoms

The non-invasive procedure takes less than 10 minutes and promises symptom relief for up to one year! 

What is Haytox The treatment that targets some of the symptoms associated with hay fever

I was scrolling on TikTok the other night when I came across a video of a woman getting a cotton tip swirled around her nose by a lady with a mask on.

At first, I thought it was just someone getting a COVID PCR test and I was like, PA-LEASEEEE TikTok, that is so 2020-2022, get with it. 

But the voiceover quickly informed me that it was actually something called 'Haytox' - a non-invasive procedure designed to reduce hayfever symptoms.  

I quickly changed my tune and thanked my algorithm for targeting me with something. so. damn. relevant. 🙌

Me and my red-raw nose and puffy eyes were curious to learn everything there is to know about Haytox, so I reached out to two experts to find out more.

Put down the antihistamines and come with me, snotty-nosed friend. 

Image: TikTok
Image: TikTok

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What is hayfever and how is it usually treated?

First things first, what actually is hayfever, why does it occur and how is it usually treated?

According to Dr. Sam Hay, "Allergic rhinitis, commonly known as hayfever, smashes millions of Aussies through Spring as the winds whip up all the pollens, grasses, dusts and bushfire smoke."

He told Kidspot, "This leads to dry itchy eyes, itchy snotty noses, and sneezes. Many struggle at night with congested nasal passages and mouth breathing."

He explains that traditional therapies rely on saline rinses, antihistamine tablets and steroid nose sprays. 

But when these fail, "often surgery is needed to reduce the size of the internal nasal passages, or remove polyps that may have grown."

Dr. Sam continues, "But a novel therapy is starting to gain momentum: Haytox! Botulinum toxin has long been used to smooth away the wrinkles of life, leaving many feeling a little younger and more refreshed. But using it for hay fever relief ultimately reduces the symptoms you get when hayfever flares."

Image: IStock
Image: IStock

RELATED: A salute to hay fever sufferers during these times

What is Haytox?

Kidspot then chatted to Dr. Josh Wall, Medical Director at Contour Clinics, to delve into the details of Haytox - a treatment they perform in-clinic in a matter of minutes. 

Dr. Josh begins by shedding light on the basics of Haytox, saying, "It's an entirely non-invasive, highly effective treatment that aims to provide long-lasting relief from hayfever symptoms. There's no need for GP prescriptions, constant chemist visits, or incessant nasal spraying."

How does it work?

The name Haytox itself holds a clue to its mechanism, as Dr. Josh explains, "Haytox gets its name from the use of an anti-wrinkle product to treat hayfever symptoms. It works by decreasing mucus gland irritation and secretion, which results in a reduction of runny noses and sneezing."

Dr. Josh with a patient. Image: Contour Clinics
Dr. Josh with a patient. Image: Contour Clinics

What does the treatment involve?

Contrary to what you might expect, Haytox doesn't involve injections, so it's good news for those who don't like needles!

Dr. Josh clarifies, "Unlike your typical anti-wrinkle treatments, the anti-wrinkle product is applied topically with a precision spray into each nostril, where it's absorbed by the nasal walls. It's entirely non-invasive and very quick and comfortable to receive."

Other clinics (like the one in the original TikTok) may administer the product through the nostrils via a cotton swab, targeting the receptors that trigger hayfever symptoms. 

How much does it cost?

First, you'll have a complimentary consultation to learn about what the treatment will involve and what to expect from your results. 

Then the procedure is performed by experienced and qualified Cosmetic Doctors and Senior Cosmetic Injectors.

At Contour Clinics, the treatment costs $500 and takes five-ten minutes.

When should people expect to feel relief?

As for when to expect relief, Dr. Josh explains, "Results will take a little while, but you should start to notice results within a week. Anti-wrinkle product does gradually build its results though, so on top of your initial improvement, you’ll also notice an increase in its effects after the treatment. Within two weeks, your treatment will reach its full result."

How long does it last?

One of the great features of Haytox is how long it lasts, as Dr. Josh explains, "Most patients experience the benefits of Haytox for at least six months, with many people enjoying its effects for up to a year."

What type of people would benefit from this treatment?

Dr. Josh says that anyone who suffers from hayfever is likely to benefit from this treatment.

"If you are constantly sniffling or congested, and it affects your sleep or daily life, this treatment could be the answer," says Dr. Josh. "People who regularly encounter nasal allergens - being outdoors or around pets, for example - may find this treatment a useful preventative."

He adds, "While we believe this treatment provides great long-term relief, patients should always consult their GP."

How effective is it?

So, you might be wondering, does it actually work?

Dr. Josh says, "Many of our patients find it gives them significant relief from irritating hayfever symptoms. Compared to over-the-counter decongestant nasal sprays, which have a maximum usage duration of three days, Haytox can be used for symptom relief long term."

Originally published as Hayfever sufferers turn to needle-free 'Haytox' to relieve symptoms

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