
Chinese horoscopes 2025: See what this year has in store for you

It’s the Year of the Snake. See what the year holds for you, your loved ones and friends, according to your Chinese zodiac.

Dozens of panda cubs brought together for Lunar New Year celebration

The Year of the Snake is one of great change and chance. There will be historic developments, major agreements as well as some political turbulence.

For the individual, it is a year which encourages personal development and giving more attention to lifestyle balance.

By taking action, surprising benefits can often follow. To discover your prospects, look up the animal ruling your year of birth.


1936, 1948, 1960, 1972, 1984, 1996, 2008, 2020

With charm, style and a friendly manner, Rats get on well with most. They are great at spotting opportunities and have good skills and judgment. Rats like company and particularly value family and social life.

An interesting year ahead and, while not without its challenges, Rats can emerge with many gains to their credit. It is, though, a case of remaining vigilant and adapting as required. In work, there could be increased pressures as new situations arise or other duties given.

However, by concentrating on what needs to be done and furthering skills, Rats will often have the chance to prove themselves with many making headway or taking on a new position.

With charm, style and a friendly manner, Rats get on well with most.
With charm, style and a friendly manner, Rats get on well with most.

This will, though, be a demanding year with Rats needing to remain alert and also not being too independent in attitude. Similarly, in finance, care is needed with large outgoings budgeted for and risks avoided. On a personal level, Rats will find themselves in demand.

New and existing interests can be especially rewarding and help widen social circles. For the unattached, romantic prospects are good, but ideally new romances should be allowed to develop gradually, rather than rushed. Home life will be busy and, while there will be much to do and enjoy, there too could be concerns and decisions that need talking through. Rats should also encourage quality time together rather than for much to be conducted at a heady pace. Rats too should give attention to self, keeping lifestyle in balance and giving consideration to diet and levels of exercise. Although this may not be the easiest of years,

Rats will still be able to do much and, in the process, gain new skills and experience that can be taken further.


1937, 1949, 1961, 1973, 1985, 1997, 2009, 2021

Determined, reliable and hardworking, Oxen put much energy into what they do. They are thorough and well-organised and do not like to leave things to chance. Loyal to loved ones, Oxen are admired for their dependable, no-nonsense ways.

An encouraging year with Oxen set to do well. This is a year to go after aims and aspirations and make strengths count. Also, as Oxen will find, once action is taken, events can often move in fortuitous ways.

Promotion opportunities can arise while, for those seeking a position or wanting change, new doors can open. Also, Oxen should use chances to develop skills and promote ideas with the reputation and standing of many increasing over the year.

Oxen too should further strengths and, whether advancing professional or personal interests, the good done will be noticed and rewarded. Financial prospects can improve allowing many to proceed with plans, including enhancing home life.

Determined, reliable and hardworking, Oxen put much energy into what they do.
Determined, reliable and hardworking, Oxen put much energy into what they do.

Social prospects are encouraging with work and personal interests helping to widen social circles. For the unattached, a chance meeting could become significant with romantic prospects well-aspected.

Oxen can also get much pleasure from engaging in local activities and, if anything interests, would do well to follow up. Again, chances need embracing. Home life will be busy and, with good liaison and discussion, much can take place and be advanced.

Oxen will also give sterling assistance to family members during the year, with time and advice given being more meaningful than many realise. Again, the skills and presence of Oxen can be significant.

However, with a busy lifestyle, Oxen do need to balance out activities including in allowing ‘me time’.

Overall, a year when effort and skills can be rewarded well, and in personal life, for some, romantic prospects, making this a special time.


1938, 1950, 1962, 1974, 1986, 1998, 2010, 2022

Active, enthusiastic and interested in much, Tigers set about their activities with considerable energy. Full of ideas, they are creative and inventive. They are also prepared to take chances to get what they want. Tigers enjoy socialising and have widespread interests.

A reasonable year ahead and, provided Tigers adapt the rhythm and situations of the year, they can do well. This is, though, no year for haste, risk or ploughing on regardless. In work, arising situations will often test their abilities but will allow them to demonstrate further skills. Similarly, for those who take on new positions this year, by learning, adapting and taking advantage of training offered, they can do themselves and prospects much good. This is a year rewarding commitment and career development. Tigers can also get much benefit from interests pursued with creative undertakings satisfying.

Active, enthusiastic and interested in much, Tigers set about their activities with considerable energy.
Active, enthusiastic and interested in much, Tigers set about their activities with considerable energy.

In money matters Tigers should be watchful and thorough, budgeting ahead for plans and travel opportunities that arise. Tigers will also value their social life with chance to add to their circle of friends and contacts. Here new friends could be particularly helpful with romantic prospects also promising.

However, at all times, Tigers do need to be mindful and aware. A difference or false assumption could be troubling. Similarly in home life, by being attentive and talking through situations and any concerns, this will be helpful for all as well as lead to much going forward.

Good communication and awareness are so very important this year. Overall, a constructive and pleasing year but Tigers do need to take careful note of situations around

and adapt accordingly. This way their efforts and diligence can reward them well.


1939, 1951, 1963, 1975, 1987, 1999, 2011, 2023

With a kindly, understanding nature, Rabbits attach much importance to their home and social life.

They enjoy company and conversation and, with their refined tastes, they are all for an agreeable lifestyle. A good judge of situations, Rabbits are careful in their actions and wary of risk.

A favourable year offering chance and opportunity. By taking the initiative and using chances to develop self and skills, Rabbits are set to do well. If there are interests that appeal or skills

Rabbits feel could benefit, they should pursue with other chances often opening up as a result. In work this too is a year favouring growth, and if openings appeal or promotion opportunities arise, Rabbits should put themselves forward.

With a kindly, understanding nature, Rabbits attach much importance to their home and social life.
With a kindly, understanding nature, Rabbits attach much importance to their home and social life.

As the maxim reminds us, ‘Nothing ventured, nothing gained’, and in 2025 Rabbits should venture. Progress can help financially but Rabbits need to remain disciplined and budget carefully.

Home life will be full and active with personal and family successes often very special. Travel and other plans too can please but, with busy lifestyles and arising pressures, it is important there is good communication and openness between all.

Here their perceptive and empathetic nature will be appreciated as will support given during stressful times. Social life too can be busy and, for the unattached, romance can beckon. However, while there will be much to do and enjoy, Rabbits need to be wary of rumour or the mischief-making of another.

Rabbits take note and be circumspect of anything concerning. Here speaking to others could help.

Overall, a year of excellent possibility. and by using ideas and chances well, Rabbits can make this a satisfying and personally successful time.


1940, 1952, 1964, 1976, 1988, 2000, 2012, 2024

Born under the sign of luck, Dragons have great determination. They are resourceful, active and use their personality and strengths well. Dragons also have style, are sociable and enjoy many interests but value their independence.

A satisfying year ahead and, by directing efforts, much good can happen. This is a year for making the most of strengths and chances that open up. In work, many will have opportunity to consolidate and build on their present position. Here their skills will be appreciated with their active contribution and ideas making a difference. Throughout the year Dragons should also make the most of opportunities, whether through networking, training, following up promotion opportunities or, if unfulfilled or seeking a position, exploring other types of work.

Born under the sign of luck, Dragons have great determination. They are resourceful, active and use their personality and strengths well.
Born under the sign of luck, Dragons have great determination. They are resourceful, active and use their personality and strengths well.

With initiative Dragons can do themselves and their prospects much good. Dragons should also look to further personal interests or take up new challenges, with this an excellent year for personal development. Travel too is favoured and Dragons should consider taking a break over the year. Dragons should also make financial provision for other plans and key purchases.

With discipline a lot can go ahead. Similarly, on a personal level, Dragons will find themselves in demand with their social circle widening appreciably. New friends and

contacts can be helpful and, for the unattached, romance is well-aspected. Home life too can be busy, especially as Dragons will often have ambitious plans and projects to pursue. By pooling efforts, this can be a constructive time. However, with much happening, Dragons do need to guard against becoming too preoccupied and should remain attentive and balance out activities.

Dragons take note. Overall, a rewarding year with their efforts, commitments and ideas bearing considerable fruit.


1941, 1953, 1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013, 2025

Snakes are quietly ambitious. They know what they want and are prepared to work hard and wait patiently for the right moment. Snakes can be quiet and reserved but enjoy wide interests and are loyal to those close to them.

With resolve and enjoying the goodwill of many, this can be a successful and fulfilling year. For those who may have been nurturing hopes or have particular aspirations, this is a year for taking action and making the most of arising situations. As Virgil noted, ‘Fortune favours the brave’, and in the Snake year, fortune will favour enterprising Snakes. One important feature will be the support many receive and by sharing thoughts, seeking advice and meeting others, Snakes can often be helped in surprising ways. This is no year for going it alone or being too independent in approach. In particular, during the year family members can give valuable input and support, but Snakes do need to be forthcoming and receptive to what others say.

Snakes are quietly ambitious. They know what they want and are prepared to work hard and wait patiently for the right moment.
Snakes are quietly ambitious. They know what they want and are prepared to work hard and wait patiently for the right moment.

Snakes should also take advantage of social opportunities and ways to develop personal interests. By using chances well, their actions can make this a personally rewarding time and, for the unattached, romance is favourably aspected. Work prospects are also encouraging with chance for many to build on their position and secure promotion or move to somewhere offering better prospects.

For any currently dissatisfied and/or seeking a position, by following up possibilities and considering other ways to use skills, important doors can open.

Again, a year of great possibility. Finances can improve but key purchases need to be planned and thought through. Overall, an exciting year but Snakes need to seize the initiative, be bold and make the most of their considerable selves.


1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014

Strong-willed and hardworking, Horses have considerable style. They enjoy activity and have an adventurous, outgoing nature. They like company and conversation and present themselves well. Being independent-minded, Horses set about much in their own distinctive way.

While Horses can look forward to some positive developments this year, they do need to be wary and thorough. Risks could backfire and relationships need care and attention. Without this, misunderstandings could arise or support will sometimes be lacking. Horses take note.

In home life useful plans and projects can be advanced and great times enjoyed, including a break away, but Horses do need to be forthcoming, sharing and encouraging joint

undertakings. Similarly, in social life, Horses need to remain attentive, being aware of views and feelings of others. With care and enjoying the year’s social opportunities, good times can be had but in 2025 mindfulness is key. In work, this is a year to use and build on strengths.

Strong-willed and hardworking, Horses have considerable style. They enjoy activity and have an adventurous, outgoing nature.
Strong-willed and hardworking, Horses have considerable style. They enjoy activity and have an adventurous, outgoing nature.

By focusing efforts this can be a rewarding time with Horses doing their reputation and prospects much good. For those seeking work, any new position taken on can be a great learning opportunity with chance for many to prove themselves in new ways. Horses too can get much pleasure from personal interests and again should further their knowledge and set themselves new aims. In money matters, Horses need to remain vigilant and wary of risk or


As with so much this year, extra attention would not go amiss. While not the easiest of years, Horses should use opportunities to develop themselves, skills and interests. With a willing attitude the good done can prepare the way for future chances and gains.


1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015

Goats have a good understanding of human nature. Observant, caring and sociable, Goats like company and having support for the things they do. They also attach much importance to home life.

Born under the sign of art, Goats are creative and enjoy the finer things in life. An excellent year ahead although, to get most benefit from the favourable aspects, Goats

should give thought to aims and objectives for the next 12 months.

With direction and purpose, Goats can do and succeed in much. Their personal life is especially promising with Goats enjoying the company of existing and new friends as well as many convivial occasions.

Romantic prospects too are excellent. Home life can also be special with personal and family successes to mark and various plans coming to fruition. However, with many commitments, Goats need to manage time well and at times prioritise as well as drawing on the willingness of others to help. Goats cannot do all they want to do this year single-handed.

Snake years favour creativity and Goats can also get much joy from interests and projects pursued. In work, Goats will be encouraged to make more of their special strengths with many making substantial progress.

When promotion opportunities arise or Goats learn of interesting openings, they should follow up. Positions secured this year can often become a platform for

future growth.

Finances can improve and, by setting funds aside for future requirements and travel, much can be appreciated. Overall, a year of excellent possibility but Goats need to

take the initiative, remaining active, going after objectives and enjoying what the year offers.

With a willing and ready attitude, a great deal can be accomplished.


1932, 1944, 1956, 1968, 1980, 1992, 2004, 2016

Resourceful and good at spotting opportunities, Monkeys like to keep active and are interested in much. They have good memories and with their sense of fun, enjoy company, conversation and an often busy home and social life.

A reasonable year although throughout Monkeys need to be alert to situations around and

adapt accordingly. Fortunately, their resourceful nature will help but this is no year for risk or making assumptions. In work, Monkeys should focus on duties, using chances to build on skills.

With effort and willingness to embrace opportunities, Monkeys can impress strengthening position and prospects. Similarly, for those who take on new roles, by learning

and being fully involved, Monkeys can quickly establish themselves and build a platform for later advancement.

With much to do, Monkeys need to keep lifestyle in balance setting time aside for interests. Monkeys will enjoy an increase in earnings but do need to be thorough

when entering agreements or making large purchases. A risk or missed detail could cause problems.

Resourceful and good at spotting opportunities, Monkeys like to keep active and are interested in much.
Resourceful and good at spotting opportunities, Monkeys like to keep active and are interested in much.

Also, in relations with others, Monkeys need to consult and be aware of views and feelings. This is a year for good communication and being a part and, in return, Monkeys cannot only benefit from support given but find more going to plan.

Friends can be especially helpful this year with chance for many to extend their social circle. Romantic prospects too are good although Monkeys should allow time for any new relationships to develop gradually rather than rush. Home life will also see memorable times with family successes and shared

activities a source of much pleasure.

However, plans and any pressures do need talking over and, with busy lifestyles, quality time set aside will be appreciated.

Prospects are encouraging for Monkeys this year but attentiveness and being aware is key.


1933, 1945, 1957, 1969, 1981, 1993, 2005, 2017

Roosters have considerable style and dignity. They enjoy company and conversation and are interested and informed about much. Roosters also like to be well-organised and to think and plan ahead.

A year of good chance and, by acting determinedly on aims and aspirations, much can be achieved. In work, Roosters will be able to put skills to good use with many securing

promotion and/or the chance to take on more satisfying duties.

When openings occur Roosters should pursue. Similarly, for those unfulfilled in their present role or seeking work, by making inquiries and putting themselves forward, important doors can open. This is a year encouraging advance with personal interests and creative pursuits also developing well.

Roosters too will be encouraged by the support and goodwill of others and, by being forthcoming, help given can often make an appreciable difference.

This is an excellent year for networking, meeting others and widening social circle.

Roosters have considerable style and dignity. They enjoy company and conversation and are interested and informed about much.
Roosters have considerable style and dignity. They enjoy company and conversation and are interested and informed about much.

Romantic prospects are promising with someone met quickly becoming special.

In home life, this will be a busy year with many making acquisitions and carrying out plans on their home. However, Roosters do need to allow ample time for ambitious projects as well as making sure all stay consulted and involved.

This is a year for joint effort and managing time and resources well. Shared interests too should be encouraged and, with travel well-aspected, a break away could be

appreciated. With lots to do and many plans and purchases, Roosters need to remain disciplined in spending and keep tabs on their budget. Overall, this can be a busy and exciting year and by seizing the initiative and using chances and skills well, Roosters can look forward to many rewarding times and well-deserved successes.


1934, 1946, 1958, 1970, 1982, 1994, 2006, 2018

Loyal and caring, Dogs are very protective of loved ones. They are also direct and straightforward in manner and prepared to stand up for their beliefs. Dogs have a tendency to worry but are dependable and much respected. A pleasing year although, to get full benefit, Dogs would do well to think and plan ahead.

With aims in mind and backed with steady effort, much is possible. In addition, Dogs will be helped by the support of those around and, by sharing thoughts and combining efforts, this can lead to much happening. In work, Dogs will often have more chance to use and develop strengths and, by concentrating in their area of expertise, can do their situation considerable good.

Loyal and caring, Dogs are very protective of loved ones.
Loyal and caring, Dogs are very protective of loved ones.

In addition, if openings arise or training opportunities are offered, Dogs should take advantage. This is a year to build and develop. For those who feel unfulfilled or seeking a

position, by actively making inquiries, seeking advice and exploring possibilities, many will secure a platform with potential to go forward. Finances can see improvement and with careful budgeting, pleasing acquisitions can be made and plans carried forward. Dogs will also get much pleasure furthering personal interests and the social elements these offer.

In addition to benefiting from the support of others, Dogs will have cause to assist another during the year with their efforts greatly valued. Similarly, in home life, Dogs will appreciate many shared moments as well as joining with others to advance plans and home projects.

Here a pooling of talents and setting sufficient time aside for undertakings can make this a satisfying year. Overall, a favourable year but Dogs do need to direct their efforts making the most of talents and arising chances.


1935, 1947, 1959, 1971, 1983, 1995, 2007, 2019

Outgoing, kindly and trusting, Pigs enjoy good relations with others, with their home and social life especially important. They also like their pleasures and the finer things in life. Pigs are hardworking and use their skills and opportunities well.

This year Pigs need to be on their metal. Particularly in relations with others, Pigs need to be attentive and mindful. Without care, misunderstandings could occur and tensions arise.

Fortunately, Pigs are perceptive and have an agreeable manner but this is no year for risks, making assumptions or not giving those around sufficient time. Pigs take note and while lifestyle can often be busy, do balance out activities and allow quality time for family and friends. This will make a difference. In home life, Pigs should encourage shared interests as well as putting forward ideas all can enjoy.

Outgoing, kindly and trusting, Pigs enjoy good relations with others, with their home and social life especially important.
Outgoing, kindly and trusting, Pigs enjoy good relations with others, with their home and social life especially important.

With friends too, Pigs need to remain aware as well as avoid any situations that could leave them open to censure or rebound. Good times can be had and new friends made but this is a year for treading carefully. Personal interests can also benefit as will attention to wellbeing and lifestyle.

An encouraging year workwise with chance for many to further their position. For those keen on change or seeking, interesting opportunities can open up which can often be a platform for later growth. Progress can lead to an increase in income with some pleasing plans carried forward. As with much this year, Pigs need to be alert, thorough and use chances well. With work and interests Pigs can make impressive progress but in relations with others, this is a year for care and


Neil Somerville is the author of Your Chinese Horoscope for Each and Every Year, published by Thorsons

Originally published as Chinese horoscopes 2025: See what this year has in store for you

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