
James Weir recaps Married At First Sight episode 21 | ‘You’re out!’: fallout to shock MAFS ‘mistake’

A MAFS husband is threatened with a firm punishment after throwing a punch during a fight with his wife. James Weir recaps.

‘You’re out!’: fallout to shock MAFS ‘mistake’

The Married At First Sight experts are brought in to plaster over the massive hole that was punched in the wall by one of the angry husbands on Sunday night as they threaten to evict him permanently from his marital suite at Trash Towers.

Of course, despite the national furore surrounding the violent act and widespread calls to immediately axe the groom from the show, producers stop short of actually giving him the boot.

But we could’ve predicted that – and we didn’t even need to consult one of Jacqui’s scientific data centres.

JAMES WEIR: Read all the recaps here

Before we head to the commitment ceremony, we find Jacqui in her suite, waxing lyrical about the deep connection she feels with her husband. They’ve been bonding over algorithms. Skanks.

“The thing that has made me feel most close to Ryan is I saw something about data centres being built in Sydney and I was like, ‘Oh! Ryan, do you know what a data centre is?’ And he actually did! It was great,” she beams to us. “I could actually have a conversation with him about data centres!”

That’s swell! Maybe you can consult the data centre to calculate how much we care about this anecdote — on a scale of one to two.

Nerd alert! Nerd alert! Picture: Channel 9
Nerd alert! Nerd alert! Picture: Channel 9

MORE: Gross reality of MAFS revealed

Meanwhile, Morena is missing. Ever since Tony snapped at the dinner party and told her she has an insufferable personality, she has been feeling a tad miffed. Where has she disappeared to? It seems like forever since we heard her screaming in the hallways of Trash Towers about perceived slights.

At the commitment ceremony, Tony arrives alone. The experts summon him onto the sofa solo and, as he begins to explain what happened, the door to the warehouse rolls open.

Morena blasts through the entrance like Paul’s fist through a wall.

Jump scare. Picture: Channel 9
Jump scare. Picture: Channel 9

She clops her cork wedges across the floorboards and over to the sofa where Tony’s cowering. She looms over her estranged husband, taunting him.

“Did you REALLY think I wasn’t gonna come?!” she yells. “Did you REALLY think I was gonna give him the last word?!”

Exhibit A: Morena’s dazzling personality.

Slightly menacing. Picture: Channel 9
Slightly menacing. Picture: Channel 9

She continues to raise hell — unleashing on anyone and everyone who gets in her way, including the experts.

Tony strung her along, she alleges. Now, she feels foolish. And, look, we get it. After all, the guy lied about a fake baby.

But more shocking than a fake baby? Morena screaming the word “penetration”.

“Oh my god, there was a PENETRATION!” she declares of the deep emotions they shared.

Everyone cringes.

“Annnd, on that note … let’s find out if you’ll stay or leave,” John Aiken winds her up.

Oh Jonathan. They’re both leaving, doll.

DJ Morena holds up her decision card: GOOD RIDDANCE. She planned on this being her big mic drop moment but everyone just groans and abandons her dancefloor. The party’s over.

She storms out of the warehouse. In her head, she thinks everyone is going to applaud.

The experts just roll their eyes.

“Bye Morena!” Mel Schilling trolls.

We’ll catch you at da club, diva.

We’ll keep an ear out for your latest DJ mix on SoundCloud xx Picture: Channel 9
We’ll keep an ear out for your latest DJ mix on SoundCloud xx Picture: Channel 9

Unfortunately, Morena is the only comic relief tonight. The rest of this episode is prefaced with an official broadcast warning from Channel 9: THIS EPISODE CONTAINS ADULT THEMES AND CONFRONTING ISSUES.

You know MAFS isn’t fun anymore when official warnings have to be incorporated about distressing content.

First there’s Awhina seemingly being too scared to tell the experts about the turmoil in her relationship because of warnings from her husband Adrian. Then there’s Paul trashing the suite at Trash Towers.

Body corp is NOT gonna be thrilled about the wall damage. Picture: Channel 9
Body corp is NOT gonna be thrilled about the wall damage. Picture: Channel 9

Paul explains it all: he punched a wall following Carina’s confession about the tryst with the famous rapper.

“I felt disrespected and extremely embarrassed,” he pleads with the experts. “I lost control and I punched a hole in the bedroom door.”

“It does not matter how disrespected you felt, you do not punch walls,” sexpert Alessandra scolds. “That intimidates.”

Carina insists she doesn’t feel unsafe with Paul.

“It just shows this is a real relationship. We are passionate,” she says. “I’m European, and they’re passionate.”

Mel Schilling interrupts.

“I’m sorry, I need to jump in here. I cannot sit here and listen to this justification from you,” she says. “This is not normal behaviour, sweetheart. This is not how you show love. This is deeply troubling.”

John Aiken wants to have a turn.

“Just to be clear, this is toxic, inappropriate and unacceptable behaviour. I want you to tell us why the three experts should not kick you out of the experiment right now,” he demands.

Paul feels his world spiralling out of control. He starts to sob.

“I genuinely hate myself for what I’ve done,” he cries. “I regret this! I’ve never done this in the past, ever. I’ve made the biggest mistake. I’m so ashamed. I can’t sleep.”

John Aiken issues one final scolding.

“Make no mistake Paul, you’re on notice,” he says. “Any type of violent behaviour, you’re out!”

They say they’ll provide him with a range of services to manage his anger. And if it happens again, he’ll be punished with mandatory daily attendance at Jacqui’s data centre.

Facebook: @hellojamesweir

Originally published as James Weir recaps Married At First Sight episode 21 | ‘You’re out!’: fallout to shock MAFS ‘mistake’

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