
The wife of John Lennon’s killer Mark Chapman says they have sex annually, make pizzas

THE wife of John Lennon’s killer, Mark Chapman, has revealed how she spends the 44 hours she is allowed to be with him once a year.

Imagine there’s no Lennon

SHE gets just 44 hours alone with her husband once each year.

Gloria Chapman’s husband is Mark David Chapman, the man who killed musician John Lennon — hitting him four times in the back at close range — outside the Dakota apartment building in New York on December 8, 1980. He stayed at the scene reading J D Salinger’s novel The Catcher in the Rye until police arrived and arrested him.



Chapman was sentenced to 20 years to life in jail with a stipulation that mental health treatment be provided. He has been denied parole eight times with strong campaigns against his release.

In an interview, Gloria Chapman has revealed she only gets to see Chapman, whom she is “more in love with than ever”, once annually in a caravan at Wende prison in Alden, New York, where he is serving his sentence.

“The first thing I do is kiss Mark. They allow us to do that. We are a loving couple,” she told the Daily Mail.

“On the visits, I bring the food and Mark and I make a homemade pizza. We lay out all the ingredients — peppers, tomatoes, onions and cheeses because Mark likes crunchy snacks but he doesn’t eat unhealthy things. There is a television and we watch lots of episodes of Wheel Of Fortune.”

The pair have sex — “well it’s great ... of course, it’s great”.

Founding member of The Beatles ... John Lennon. Picture: AP / John Lindsay
Founding member of The Beatles ... John Lennon. Picture: AP / John Lindsay
Shot and killed John Lennon ... Mark David Chapman.
Shot and killed John Lennon ... Mark David Chapman.

She revealed that Chapman and her had written letters to Lennon’s widow, Yoko Ono, asking for forgiveness.

“If Mark could say anything to John and Yoko now, he would say: ‘I’m sorry I caused such pain,’” she said, holding a Bible to her chest. “He would say: ‘I hope you have forgiven me.’”

“John was a nice person but Mark wasn’t thinking about that, that day, and put himself first. That was his mistake.”

Chapman, 59, killed Lennon because he was a fantasist.

Gloria Chapman said that her husband told her he murdered Lennon: “Because the bright light of fame, of infamy, notoriety was there. I couldn’t resist it.”

Originally published as The wife of John Lennon’s killer Mark Chapman says they have sex annually, make pizzas

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