
Rapper 360’s claim he identifies the Australian flag with racism has led to threats of violence

RAPPER 360 has received both praise and threats after his provocative comments about racism and the Australian flag on Q & A on Monday night.

Rapper 360 links Australian flag with racism

MELBOURNE rapper 360 has been threatened with violence after blasting racist Australians on the ABC last night.

The rapper, born Matt Colwell, caused controversy when he said on Q & A that he identified the Australian flag with racism.

He spoke of seeing racist Australians draped in the flag abusing non whites, and said “it doesn’t represent the same values that it used to.”

Today his Facebook page exploded with praise and hatred for his claims.

“I’ve had a lot of people threaten me online and say they can’t wait to run into me and they’re going to mess me up if they ever see me because of what I said on Q & A,” Colwell said.

“People are pretty pissed off about it but they’re pretty tough behind their keyboards. They’re bringing up the Diggers and saying I’m disrespecting the people who fought for our country. That has nothing to do with what I’m saying. I think those Diggers who fought under the flag for this country would be ashamed of the racism under the guise of patriotism in Australia these days. People are using the flag in the wrong way and stand behind it and use it as an excuse to be racist and bigoted.”

Taking a stand ... rapper 360 has told racists to stay away from his concerts.
Taking a stand ... rapper 360 has told racists to stay away from his concerts.

Colwell clarified that he only meant to call out racist Australians.

“I’m not anti-Australia, I’m anti-racist Australian. I was only talking to racist people. I’m not saying everyone who is proud to be Australian is racist or everyone who carries the Australian flag is racist. But there is a lot of racism in this country and that’s what I was saying was directed at. We keep seeing these videos of Australians being racist on buses and trains and it’s embarrassing.”

Radio commentator Neil Mitchell, who bizarrely described 360 as a “Justin Bieber-wannabe” said “we need to fight back against these people and stand up for Australia.”

“Stand up for what?” Colwell said. “I’m not having a go at you if you’re not racist. I love Australia and Australians, I love living here. It’s nothing to do with that. As people Australian are usually pretty nice and laid-back, the vibe here is cool. But there’s still a lot of racist dickheads out there. I don’t know why people are taking it so personally when it’s only directed at racist people. I wasn’t on the show plugging my album, I was talking about stuff I believe in. I’m not a politically minded person. If it was a Q & A with big political debates I’d be the wrong person. I can only speak about what I know and what I see and I’ve seen a lot of racist idiots out there draped in the Australian flag.”

360 has had two Top 10 albums, Falling and Flying and this year’s Utopia, and a string of hit singles including Boys Like You, Price of Fame, Live It Up and Child.

The performer has also used his public profile to speak out against homophobia in both hip hop and among his fans and peers, and apologised for using homophobic language in earlier recordings.

Originally published as Rapper 360’s claim he identifies the Australian flag with racism has led to threats of violence

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