
Proof One Direction have the world’s weirdest fans

ONE Direction heart throb Harry Styles threw up on the side of the road after a big night out. What the band’s obsessive fans did next will put you off your lunch.

World Premiere Of 'One Direction This Is Us'
World Premiere Of 'One Direction This Is Us'

THERE have been a lot of crazy fans of pop bands over the years. Beatlemania was insane. Beliebers were off their rockers.

But we think fans of One Direction take the crazy cake.

This past weekend, One Direction’s Harry Styles partied a little too hard and had to pull over on the side of a highway in Los Angeles to vomit. And vomit he did.

Someone snapped photos of Styles puking his brains out, and, of course, the pictures made their way to Twitter.

The crazy part is that fans of the band then erected a shrine to the god of vomit. They put up a sign on the side of the 101 that reads, “Harry Styles threw up here.”

That’s about the craziest thing we’ve ever heard. Keep it together, One Direction fans. It’s vomit. It doesn’t have magical healing powers. Being near it won’t make you happier. It’s just gross, bodily refuse. Let’s all just move on with our lives.

Originally published as Proof One Direction have the world’s weirdest fans

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