
10 things we learnt from Redfoo’s sorry chat with Kyle and Jackie O

REDFOO’S cosy chat with Kyle and Jackie O has given us an insight into the mind that lives under the fro and here’s 10 things we learnt.

Redfoo's radio rant

THIS morning Redfoo took a break from sending legal letters to Australian media to discuss the backlash to the unpleasant musical offering Literally I Can’t.

I mean, if you’re going to defend yourself against accusations of promoting rape culture and telling women to ‘shut the f--- up’ the first place you would naturally do an interview is with Kyle Sandilands and Jackie O.

REDFOO APOLOGISES: Massive backlash over his new track, Literally I Can’t

UPROAR: Is this the most offensive song of 2014?

Controversy ... There has been a backlash against Redfoo’s latest song Literally I Can’t Picture: Robert Cianflone/Getty Images
Controversy ... There has been a backlash against Redfoo’s latest song Literally I Can’t Picture: Robert Cianflone/Getty Images

Here’s some of the highlights, once Foo got all the ‘Yeah baby’ thing out of his system:

1. Redfoo would like to bank a future apology to everyone. For anything he does. At all. Ever.

“If anything that I’ve done in the past, or this song (Literally I Can’t), or something in the future, if it offends you, that’s not my intent,” he said on KIIS.

“My intent is to party and have fun and to help the world and help all people become stronger and successful in whatever they do. That’s what I spread. If something in the process of me making my art does something to offend you, then I apologise for that.”

So, there’s that. You can use that as a belated sorry for the line “I’m running through these hoes like Drano” on the million selling, long-running No. 1 Party Rock Anthem by Foo’s previous band LMFAO. And that New Thang cover where Foo’s choice of headwear was a woman’s backside.

2. Jackie O, who admitted she’d only seen half of the offending clip in question they were discussing, asked Redfoo exactly how we should be interpreting women being told to ‘shut the f--- up’ in the song. But it wasn’t just ladies who need to silence themselves apparently.

“The whole joke, maybe in Australia literally I can’t wasn’t a cliche,” Redfoo explained. “But there’s a certain typical group like the valley chick. ‘Eww, literally I can’t’. It was more of a joke on that phrase. They come to a party, we’re just partying, hey you want a drink? You want a dance? ‘I can’t’. It’s like they came to crash the party. It was a symbol of a negative person that came to crash the party. It could have been woman or male or anything, sexual orientation or anything.”

So anyone reading can feel free to be offended.

Sorry ... Redfoo made an apology for anything past, present and future he has said or done which has or will offend anyone. Picture: Stuart Quinn.
Sorry ... Redfoo made an apology for anything past, present and future he has said or done which has or will offend anyone. Picture: Stuart Quinn.

3. Kyle Sandilands thinks anyone who wanted pick-up artist Julien Blanc kicked out of Australia (remember that charmer who was coming here to give tips on strangling women?) was a “dickhead”. However he didn’t actually know anything about Blanc when Redfoo mentioned him as another American Twitter wanted out of Australia.

“Just forget about all these dickheads,” Sandilands told Redfoo of Twitter campaigners. “All these do-gooder idiots forget them.”

Jackie O twigged who they were referring to and said Blanc “was an idiot.”

Sandilands retained his blissful ignorance. “I don’t bother reading the stupid articles I couldn’t care less. I enjoyed the song. Don’t believe what you read on the blogs or in the newspapers. They all want to pretend everyone’s awful, Redfoo’s just a fun guy who wants to have fun.”

So that’s fun.

4. Redfoo is well versed in clickbait. That’s the buzz term for stories with an interesting headline designed to catch attention in a world of constant media taking up everyone’s attention. Of course Kyle and Jackie O do not use celebrity interviews to get people to listen to their station above others. And Redfoo has never done, worn, or said anything to leverage attention against other acts.

“We live in this society where it’s about the blogs and all these blogs are designed to get clicks,” Foo said. “That’s the economy of these blogs. Negativity gets attention and gets clicks. The first reactions to the song online were positive ..., I don’t know how rape culture and Red Foo got into the same headline but that’s a clickable link. Then it got to the groups, the feminist groups, that came in.”

Backlash ... Redfoo said the song was meant to be about a group of people who don’t have fun at parties. Picture: YouTube
Backlash ... Redfoo said the song was meant to be about a group of people who don’t have fun at parties. Picture: YouTube

5. Redfoo trolls his trolls. After seeing he had become the most hated man on Twitter in Australia this week the 39-year-old serial party starter did some Twitter investigation to gauge their Hatorade factor.

“Every time someone tweets me I look at their last tweet. Some of the negative people have the most horrible tweets about everybody so you don’t feel so ...”

6. Kyle Sandilands has no problem with Literally I Can’t, but does have a problem with anyone who does.

“The people writing these articles against you — the only party they’ve been to is a Tupperware party,” Sandilands said. “They don’t know what partying is. I’ve met you, I like you, I think your songs are fun, I don’t think there’s any rape culture in that song. It is what it is.”

7. You can’t say ‘Slut’ on KIIS FM. Everyone skirted around it, calling it ‘the s word’ (there’s already another one of them) and Redfoo spelt the word out as he again said ‘slut’ was never in Literally I Can’t lyrics. So ‘slut’ is out on radio, but putting a 14-year-old girl on a lie-detector test and asking about her sex life, that’s AOK. Feel free to insert your other least favourite Sandilands on air moment here.

8. A woman wrote the treatment for the Literally I Can’t video. So that makes it OK.

9. We’re not sure if Redfoo is coming back to Australia for The X Factor, despite strong rumours Channel 7 have already no pity for the Foo and axed him. Between Sandilands telling him how good he is and how his song is no way rapey there didn’t seem to be any time for actual questions between the pals. Oh well.

10. Kyle is making sure when Redfoo does return to Sydney soon, for a pool party sponsored by his radio station, that any women there will be treated with respect.

All girls have to wear from neck to ankle outfits,’ Sandilands said. Only lying. It’s going to be bikini city.”

Serial enabler Jackie O added “Whatever you want.”

Literally I Can’t is No. 31 on iTunes today. Literally, we can’t.

Originally published as 10 things we learnt from Redfoo’s sorry chat with Kyle and Jackie O

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