
Callam Pickering answers your questions about jobs and the economy

Economic forecasts indicate that we are dealing with the most severe economic recession since the Great Depression around 90 years ago, and the impact will be seen for years, says Callam Pickering.

Callam Pickering answers your questions.
Callam Pickering answers your questions.

What started as a health crisis has had a devastating effect on Australia’s economy with many thrown out of work.

A recession seems almost certain at this point, says Callam Pickering, and we will be dealing with the economic fallout for years to come.

The APAC Economist at Indeed, was online today to answer readers’ questions.

Here’s what he had to say:

Q. Do you think we will go in to a full recession as a result of COVID-19 and if so what will that mean for jobs and the timeline to turn the economy around?

A. A recession – normally defined as two consecutive quarters of negative economic growth – unfortunately seems all but certain at this point. The International Monetary Fund (IMF) recently forecasted that economic activity in Australia would decline by 6.7% in 2020, before rebounding by 6.1% next year.

Australia’s forecasts are pretty similar to other advanced economies. Advanced economies are forecast to decline by 6.1% in 2020 and increase by 4.5% next year.

Economic forecasts should always be treated with some caution – even the best economists aren’t very good at it – but it does indicate that we are dealing with the most severe economic recession since the Great Depression around 90 years ago.

The timeline for recovery really depends on when restrictions are lifted. Australia is obviously doing quite well from a health standpoint – at least compared with other countries – which might mean that our economy can open up and begin to recover sooner than other countries.

Hopefully policies such as the JobKeeper wage subsidy can keep the economy ticking along during the lockdown, maintaining the important relationship between worker and employer, so the economy can recover quickly when those restrictions are lifted.

However, history suggests that the impact of a recession can stick with an economy for a long time. For example, in our last recession in the early 1990s it took around a decade for the unemployment rate to return to where it was before the recession. So we will be dealing with the fallout of COVID-19 from an economic standpoint for years to come.

Q. My employer will not get JobKeeper because they cannot afford, and the bank will not loan them, the money for the upfront wage payments of $3000 each for us workers. Do we need to go on the dole?

A. One of the clear weaknesses of the JobKeeper subsidy is that it doesn’t come into effect until 1 May and that wait is too long for many employers. I’m terribly sorry that you and your employer find yourself in that situation.

Without knowing your personal circumstances, or that of your employer, it is worth pointing out that you can agree to receive the JobSeeker payment in a lump in May when the Federal Government begins payment to businesses.

That means that your employer would not face any upfront cost and you’d receive the JobKeeper subsidy, which is more generous than the JobSeeker payment. If your employer is simply not going to apply for the JobKeeper subsidy, or risks going into bankruptcy, then yes the ‘dole’ or JobSeeker payment is your best bet.

Q. America looks to be in dire straits – what impact will that have on our recovery? Likewise, China.

A. As the world’s two biggest economies, the United States and China will play a large role in how fast the global economy can recover.

From our perspective, China is Australia’s largest trading partner. A strong Chinese economy has always been good news for the Australian economy. It will certainly be interesting to track their recovery from COVID-19 and any stimulus measures they implement. In the past, China has often stimulated their economy through infrastructure spending, which has been beneficial to the Australian mining sector, with income then spilling over to other parts of the economy.

Q. How much money are we printing? Will it grow inflation as it normally does? I can’t see it happening, no one is spending a lot of money.

A. Inflation is not really a concern right now. Extra government spending is being used to keep the economy ticking over, effectively replacing economic activity that would normally have occurred. In the absence of ‘printing money’ we’d likely be faced with severe deflation.

High levels of government spending are likely to be temporary, although the economy will still need some support over the next few years. High levels of unemployment and low wage growth will keep inflation at low levels.

And, as we have seen since the global financial crisis, it is incredibly difficult to generate inflation in an economy when the unemployment rate is relatively high. We have seen that in advanced economies across the globe, despite high levels of government spending, I don’t expect this situation to be any different.

Q. What will be the new growth industries do you think for people looking for Employment?

A. Right now most sectors are doing poorly from a hiring perspective. On Indeed AU, job postings are tracking more than 50 per cent below their trend at the same point last year.

Some occupations are holding up better than others. Nursing and delivery drivers fit into that category. There have also been a lot of job opportunities at supermarkets.

The biggest declines in hiring activity have been in areas directly impacted by COVID-19, including hospitality & tourism, beauty & wellness, sport, childcare and education. It’s also tough across retail outside of supermarkets.

Unfortunately hiring activity is unlikely to pick up meaningfully until restrictions are lifted on economic activity. It just doesn’t make sense for employers to advertise roles when revenue is either down or so uncertain.

Q. I’m in my late 50s and in an industry that was already having regular rounds of redundancies. If I lose my job now I doubt I’ll ever get anything at the same level (if I can find a job at all). I’m sure there will be a focus on getting young people into work after this crisis, but do you think there’s any hope for older workers?

A. Even during the ‘good times’ it can be tough for workers in their 50s or 60s to find a new job. A job search that might once have taken a few months, now takes six months or a year, and often older workers are forced into retirement prematurely. It has always been tougher than it should be for older workers who find themselves unemployed.

Even when these lockdowns are lifted, the economy will likely be weak for a number of years. In our last recession, it took around a decade for the unemployment rate to return to its pre-recession level. Unfortunately, there will be a lot of workers, young and old alike, who struggle to find their way back to employment.

While workplaces have become friendlier for older workers, which is sensible given the wealth of experience and skills possessed by this group, they do run the risk of missing out to workers who might be more appealing because of their youth. Age discrimination is unfortunately still a thing.

However, I do expect the Federal Government to make older workers a priority, particularly getting them back into the workforce once restrictions are lifted. Older Australians are a key voting demographic for the Coalition and older workers have experienced strong employment growth over the past decade. Businesses are relying more on older workers than ever before, across a wide variety of occupations and industries.

Q. Have we got the balance right between protecting health and protecting the economy? At what point do continued lockdowns become more dangerous than the virus?

A. Australia has done a good job protecting health but that can easily unravel if lockdowns are lifted too early. We have all seen the pictures and footage coming out of other countries or cities – truly horrific images from the likes of Italy and New York – so we clearly want to avoid that.

There has obviously been a lot of talk recently about lifting restrictions or whether the ‘cure’ is worse than the ‘disease’. But from a policy perspective, it is very possible to both protect the health of Australians and also protect their economic livelihood. Many of the already announced measures, JobKeeper being the most obvious example, try to do just that albeit imperfectly.

It’s important to remember that even if lockdowns didn’t exist the economy would still be at a standstill. Remembering that case numbers would be much higher, Australians would still be afraid of eating at restaurants or shopping and fearful of their colleagues, family and friends. Few economies could function effectively in the current health environment, lockdowns or not.

Australia is perhaps best placed of any country to eradicate the disease and open up our economy. We just need to hold on a little longer. Open up too soon and we could undermine all of our good work.

To facilitate complete eradication may require further government support. I think there is a strong argument for widening the JobKeeper subsidy to include casual staff or even increasing if for staff that normally receive more than $1500 per fortnight. But to be clear, the federal government has all the tools necessary to stop the disease and manage the economic fallout, we just need to use them.

Q. Can my employer increase my part-time hours because I am now on the JobKeeper allowance. She says because I now earn slightly more I need to work more hours even though I was stood down because work had slowed down.

A. The way the JobKeeper subsidy works is that the Federal Government pays the wage of eligible workers up to $1500 a fortnight. Regardless of whether you are stood down or redundant or even working normal hours you will receive that $1500 a fortnight.

In your case, as someone who normally earns less than $1500 a fortnight, your employer is effectively paying you nothing (outside of superannuation and other benefits). The government covers the entire cost.

So there should be no expectation that an employee should work more to ‘earn’ their JobKeeper allowance. It shouldn’t matter to your employer whether you work 2 hours or 20 hours under the JobKeeper scheme.

However, there is currently a complicating factor. The JobKeeper subsidy doesn’t come into effect until 1 May. Although it will be backdated until 30 March, your employer currently bears the full cost of the $1500 per fortnight it pays eligible workers. It comes directly out of the employer’s pocket until 1 May when the federal government will then compensate them.

For some businesses, that will obviously be a tall order. A month can be a long time to pay staff when you are not operating or earning a mere fraction of normal revenue. Some businesses will simply not be in a good position to wait until 1 May to start receiving money to pay their staff.

One solution to that is for you to agree to receive the full amount backdated in May – when the Federal Government starts to pay. That reduces the burden on your employer. Ultimately that depends on your personal financial situation – some people will be much better placed than others to wait until May for payment.

I’d recommend having a chat with your employer about this. Highlighting that the full JobKeeper payment comes from the Federal Government and that any short-term cost to your employer will be fully compensated.

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