

Darwin dad Martin Rasas speaks out amid ‘cage’ complaint

‘I’m taking care of him’: The father of a boy whose makeshift worksite playpen sparked an investigation has spoken out, revealing his struggle to secure childcare for his son.

Dad Martin Rasas with his son. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin
Dad Martin Rasas with his son. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin

The father of a four-year-old boy who is subject to a multi-agency investigation for allegedly keeping the child in a ‘cage’ on a Stuart Highway industrial site, said his son was safe and sound while at the workplace.

Martin Rasas kept his son in a three-metre long padded playpen built with pool fences in a large, breezy workshop just metres from where he fixed cars at the Stuart Highway allotment.

The irregular arrangement began about 12-months ago and was a result of being unable to secure childcare for the boy, who has fish and egg allergies, he explained.

Sudanese-born Martin cares for his child while his wife, a trainee pharmacist, works in Nightcliff.

A security guard by night, he occasionally works on cars at business-owner and his immigration sponsor Ken Martin’s earthworks business.

Ken and Jenny Martin, Dad Martin Rasas with his son. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin
Ken and Jenny Martin, Dad Martin Rasas with his son. Picture: Pema Tamang Pakhrin

“We tried to get him into childcare but centres won’t take him because of his allergies so I got knocked back several times. I’m the parent taking care of him,” Martin said.

“I worked for a few days in the yard working on my car, and I had my son there with me and I had his playpen just next to myself and somehow, someone contacted the police.

“Most of the time I am with my son at the playground at the Esplanade or Nightcliff jetty or even Northcrest in Berrimah waiting to pick up my wife after she finishes work.”

A report to police was made by a visiting contractor on April 14, but after a swift investigation they concluded no crime had been committed and the matter was referred to NT WorkSafe and Territory Families, which are both investigating.

Ken Martin and his wife Jenny sponsored Martin when he migrated as a Sudanese refugee to Australia as a 16-year old.

Darwin businessman Ken Martin in front of the playpen set up at his industrial worksite. Matt Cunningham/Sky News
Darwin businessman Ken Martin in front of the playpen set up at his industrial worksite. Matt Cunningham/Sky News

They remain close and when the NT News spoke with Martin on Wednesday, he and his son were at the couples’ Top End home completing childcare enrolment applications.

He has called an end to the makeshift childcare arrangement.

“The good thing since the report was made is that everybody has wanted to help find a solution,” Mr Martin said.

“From my point of view the most important thing was that because it was a workplace, it had to be safe.

“Martin had bought gym mats and it was comfortable and he had lots of toys in there to play with. The boy was very safe but it will stop from now on.”

Mr Martin was unimpressed at the contract mechanic who visited the site and reported what he’d seen to police.

“He didn’t ask us or anything,” he said.

“He said he was going away to get a part and he went straight to the police.”

The outcome, however, might work for all parties.

“The best outcome will be if we can find a childcare place so Martin can work without having to bring his son with him.”

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