Not so fast! Hidden cost of cheap fashion
Chinese brand Shein has put fast fashion into hyperspeed, adding 6000 new styles every day, but Scott Pape warns that $7 jeans have a hidden cost.
Chinese brand Shein has put fast fashion into hyperspeed, adding 6000 new styles every day, but Scott Pape warns that $7 jeans have a hidden cost.
For all the hype around AI, Scott Pape says the big winners are scammers who have weaponised deepfake videos on people like him to con victims out of their life savings.
Poor Albo, he’s scared witless about the cost of living crisis. He’s tinkering at the edges and praying to the global inflation gods that things will sort themselves out.
Barefoot’s back after traversing Europe with his family in a six-berth motorhome and says he learned a lot about himself as a husband, father and leader in pressure cooker moments.
Mark Zuckerberg, the boy wonder billionaire, is losing for the very first time in his career but don’t get sucked into his ‘virtual reality’ vision.
Scott Pape has 500,000 Facebook followers but says social media influencers and celebrities create “out of whack” expectations of wealth.
It’s been a scary time on financial markets and Barefoot has some sage advice for a woman whose husband lost big on crypto.
Books on financial speculation, the private thoughts of the wisest Roman emperor in history and the best way to change your habits are in Scott Pape’s Santa sack this year.
Food prices have surged a staggering 30 per cent this year and are likely to shoot even higher in 2022. Here’s what you can do to beat the price rise.
Scott Pape prays for his crypto critics, telling them any investment that offers a 17 per cent yield is a red flag that they are taking on an increased risk.
There are 7773 cryptocurrencies in the world and Barefoot Investor Scott Pape says the vast majority will end up being worth digital diddly squat.
Barefoot Investor Scott Pape has returned from a massive road trip around Australia — which gave him the best investment he’s ever made in his life.
Saving money can be one of the toughest things to do — and it may not always bring you happiness. It’s what you do with it that counts.
It’s natural to want to help your children with money but think twice before you dip into your own pockets to help them buy their first home.
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