
Tony Abbott warns on Aus-US relations, Trump delivers massive NATO bombshell

TONY Abbott has warned Australia should prepare for a shift in its ties with the US, describing a “new age” where we would have to defend ourselves without their military might.

US President Donald Trump talks to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as they tour the new NATO headquarters in Brussels. Photo: AP
US President Donald Trump talks to Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan as they tour the new NATO headquarters in Brussels. Photo: AP

TONY Abbott has warned Australia can’t rely on the United State’s help to defend itself under Donald Trump as the US President dropped a massive bombshell on his fellow NATO leaders overnight, urging them to increase defence spending to 4 per cent of their GDP.

The demand would force NATO countries to double the portion of GDP they spend on defence from President Trump’s previous demand of 2 per cent by 2024.

In a speech in Washington overnight, Mr Abbott said President Trump should be taken at his word and warned that a “new age” was coming for Australia.

“American values can be relied upon but American help less so,” he told the Heritage Foundation in a speech titled Taking Trump Seriously.

“This need not presage a darker time, like Rome’s withdrawal from Britain, but more will be required of the world’s other free countries. Will they step up? That’s the test.”

The former prime minister said Australia’s armed forces needed to be capable of operating independently against “even a substantial adversary”.

Tony Abbott said Australia should have the capability to protect itself without the help of the US. Picture: Supplied.
Tony Abbott said Australia should have the capability to protect itself without the help of the US. Picture: Supplied.

He called for Australia to boost its defence spend above 2 per cent of GDP, for it to obtain anti-missile technology, develop closer ties with India, increase its cyber capabilities and have ships and submarines spend more time in Singapore “if they are more readily to be where they could be needed”.

“When America spends 3 per cent plus of the world’s biggest GDP on its armed forces and the rest of the Western world scarcely 2 per cent, it’s hard to dispute Trump’s view that most of us have been keeping safe on the cheap,” Mr Abbott said.

“America can’t be expected to fight harder for its Australian ally than we would be prepared to fight for ourselves; or to do more for Australia than we are ready to do for ourselves.

“John Curtin’s famous plea to America in the darkest days of World War II actually exposed our ingrained tendency to look to someone else for our own protection.

“When you think of it, what Trump is making clear – to us and to others – is what should always have been screamingly obvious: that our nation’s safety now rests in our own hands, far more than in anyone else’s.”

Mr Abbott credited Malcolm Turnbull’s government for increasing the nations spend on defence but said more needed to be done, pointing to China’s “rapidly growing military strength” and North Korea developing long range nuclear weapons.

President Donald Trump accused his fellow NATO leaders of freeloading off the US when it comes to defence spending. Picture: AP.
President Donald Trump accused his fellow NATO leaders of freeloading off the US when it comes to defence spending. Picture: AP.

“Being America’s partner, as well as its friend, will be even more important now, given Trump’s obsession with reciprocity. Indeed, it may be the only hope of keeping America engaged in troubles that aren’t already its own,” Mr Abbott said.

He added: “The rise of China means that we can no longer take for granted a benign strategic environment.

“We can no longer be sure that someone else will be the first to respond to any challenge to peace, stability and decency in our region.”

President Trump’s demand has set the stage for what is likely to be the most tense NATO summit in years.

White House press secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders confirmed overnight that Mr Trump raised the idea of NATO allies boosting their defence spend to 4 per cent of GDP at a closed-door meeting in Brussels.

However, it’s unclear by what date he’d like to see the increase.

Mr Trump’s huge ask follows the president publicly lambasting the other 28 members of the intergovernmental military alliance before he even landed in Brussels for the summit, accusing them of freeloading off the US when it comes to defence spending.

NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg declined to answer a specific question about Mr Trump’s remarks, according to the BBC, but told reporters: “I think we should first get to 2 per cent, focus on that now ... the good thing is that we are moving to that.”

NATO estimates that 15 members, or just over half, will meet the benchmark by 2024 based on current trends.


The drama surrounding the NATO summit started well before Mr Trump went in blazing to the closed-door meeting with his allies.

As the world’s most powerful leaders gathered en masse, displaying unity, when they arrived to watch the NATO opening ceremony, President Trump and Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan hung back.

The pair strolled slowly and chatted steps behind the rest of their NATO counterparts, which included British prime minister Theresa May, Canadian prime minister Justin Trudeau and the chancellor of Germany Angela Merkel.

The president’s choice to buddy up to Mr Erdogan at the annual summit raised eyebrows as the Turkish president is widely regarded as the most autocratic world leader of all NATO members.

Mr Erdogan, who has ruled Turkey as prime minister and then as president for 15 years, holds the title of the most divisive leader in recent Turkish history. And after being sworn in for another term as president just days ago, he bought with him a new political system that grants himself, as the country’s leader, vast powers.

Under the new system, the post of prime minister has been scrapped and the president selects his own cabinet, regulates ministries and can remove civil servants — all without parliamentary approval.

Western allies and rights group argue that this is increasing authoritarianism and is an obvious push toward one-man rule.

Since an attempted coup in 2016, Turkey has detained 160,000 people, jailed journalists and shut down dozens of media outlets.


Mr Trump’s distance at the opening ceremony also appeared to be a concerted effort to steer clear of German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Before the summit even officially begun, Mr Trump came out brawling, accusing Germany — a close US ally — of being “totally controlled” by and “captive to Russia”.

In a testy exchange with the NATO Secretary-General, Mr Trump took issue with the US protecting Germany as it strikes deals with Russia.

“I have to say, I think it’s very sad when Germany makes a massive oil and gas deal with Russia where we’re supposed to be guarding against Russia,” Mr Trump said at breakfast with Mr Stoltenberg.

“We’re supposed to protect you against Russia but they’re paying billions of dollars to Russia and I think that’s very inappropriate.”

Mr Trump repeatedly described Germany as “captive to Russia”. Picture: AFP
Mr Trump repeatedly described Germany as “captive to Russia”. Picture: AFP

The president appeared to be referring to the Nord Stream II pipeline that would bring gas from Russia to Germany’s northeastern Baltic coast, bypassing Eastern European nations like Poland and Ukraine and doubling the amount of gas Russia can send directly to Germany.

The vast undersea pipeline is opposed by the US and some other EU members, who warn it could give Moscow greater leverage over Western Europe.

Mr Trump repeatedly described Germany as “captive to Russia” and urged NATO to look into the issue.

Donald Trump walks and chats with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan as they arrive together for a ‘family photo’ at the NATO summit. Picture: AP
Donald Trump walks and chats with Turkish president Recep Tayyip Erdogan as they arrive together for a ‘family photo’ at the NATO summit. Picture: AP

Ms Merkel then pushed back as she arrived at NATO headquarters for the summit shortly before the president, insisting that Germany makes its own decisions.

“I’ve experienced myself a part of Germany controlled by the Soviet Union and I’m very happy today that we are united in freedom as the Federal Republic of Germany and can thus say that we can determine our own policies and make our own decisions and that’s very good,” she said.

The criticism was an unusual one coming from Mr Trump, who has appeared eager over and over to make nice with Russian president Vladimir Putin and dismissed the US intelligence community’s assessment that Russia tried to undermine Western democracy by meddling in the 2016 US presidential election.

During the campaign, Mr Trump often resorted to the tactic of falsely accusing his opponents of things he had been criticised for doing.

NATO heads of state pose for a ‘family picture’ ahead of the opening ceremony of the NATO summit. While the rest of the leaders arrived together, Mr Trump and Mr Erdogan trailed behind. Picture: AFP
NATO heads of state pose for a ‘family picture’ ahead of the opening ceremony of the NATO summit. While the rest of the leaders arrived together, Mr Trump and Mr Erdogan trailed behind. Picture: AFP


Germany isn’t the only one in Mr Trump’s firing line. A transatlantic rift is widening as President Trump — who is displaying remarkably poor understanding of mathematics for a successful property billionaire — accused Europe and Canada of ‘freeloading’ off the US defence budget.

“NATO has not treated us fairly … We pay far too much and they pay far too little,” Mr Trump said as he left the White House.

Setting a combative tone for the two-day meeting before he even touched down in Brussels, the president tweeted a demand that NATO allies “reimburse” the United States for defence costs.

His stance earned him a summit eve rebuke by EU President Donald Tusk who said that Trump should “appreciate” his allies — adding that the United States didn’t have many.

“Dear America, appreciate your allies, after all you don’t have that many,” Mr Tusk said, before reminding Mr Trump that European troops had come to America’s aid following the September 11, 2001 attacks on the United States.

“Please remember this tomorrow when we meet at the NATO summit, but above all when you meet President Putin in Helsinki. It is always worth knowing who is your strategic friend and who is your strategic problem.”

EU President Donald Tusk. Picture: AFP
EU President Donald Tusk. Picture: AFP

In response to Mr Trump’s Twitter tirade, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau announced at the summit that his country will lead NATO’s new military training mission in Iraq, with up to 250 troops, instead of just pouring in new money.

Canada isn’t meeting the informal alliance target for member states to devote at least 2 per cent of their economic output to defence spending but the country’s offer is part of NATO’s attempt to help Iraq rebuild and ensure the Islamic State group can’t gain a new foothold there.

“Those sorts of tangible elements are at the heart of what NATO stands for,” Mr Trudeau said, in an apparent bid to outflank Mr Trump’s call for money.

“You can try and be a bean counter and look at exactly how much this and how much money that, but the fundamental question is: is what you’re doing actually making a difference?”

British Prime Minister Theresa May, which is meeting that target, also announced at the summit it would send 440 military personnel for a similar training mission in Afghanistan — by far the alliance’s biggest foreign venture. Britain’s addition will beef-up efforts that are already training some 16,000 troops.

“I think that shows when NATO calls, the UK is one of the first to step up,” Ms May told reporters.

The pledges from Mr Trudeau and Ms May come as NATO has been keen to play a major role in the fight against terrorism and demonstrate its resilience against an aggressive Russia that has annexed Crimea and sown instability in Ukraine.

But while most NATO members, officials and diplomats work to promote an image of unity in the face of the threat from Russia, the tensions between Brussels and the White House are growing ever sharper.

Mr Trump said before leaving Washington that his meeting in Helsinki with Russian President Vladimir Putin next Monday “may be the easiest” part of his European tour, which also includes a trip to Britain, where the government is in crisis over Brexit.

US President Donald Trump and US First Lady Melania Trump disembark from Air Force One as they arrive at Melsbroek Air Base in Haachtsesteenweg. Picture: AFP
US President Donald Trump and US First Lady Melania Trump disembark from Air Force One as they arrive at Melsbroek Air Base in Haachtsesteenweg. Picture: AFP

Mr Trump will meet Mr Putin in the Finnish capital on July 16 for their first summit amid an ongoing investigation in the US into possible Trump campaign collusion with Russia.

Before departing the White House, the president said he “can’t say right now” whether Mr Putin was a friend or foe.

“I think Putin may be the easiest of them all,” he said in reference to his terse relationship with Europe.

“I think that getting along with Russia, getting along with China, getting along with others is a good thing, not a bad thing.”

But European diplomats fear a repeat of the G7, when Mr Trump clashed with his Western allies, withdrawing from a joint statement and calling Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau “dishonest and weak” before meeting North Korean dictator Kim Jong-un at a summit afterwards and praising him as “very talented”.


While President Trump has repeatedly berated European NATO members and Canada for lagging on a pledge to aim to spend two per cent of GDP on defence, it appears he is unable to separate national defence spending from participating in an international alliance.

Mr Trump claimed on Monday that the US was “paying for 90 per cent of NATO”. It is not clear how he arrived at this figure.

According to alliance figures, the US will account for just under 70 per cent of defence spending in NATO in 2018. That’s $706 billion out of the just over $1 trillion spent by all 29 members this year — most of them with economies far smaller than the US.

In raw terms, Britain is the next biggest defence spender with an estimated $62 billion in 2018, followed by France with $52 billion and Germany with $51 billion.

Raw expenditure figures, however, do not take into account the relative size of each country’s economy, and NATO countries have made defence spending commitments based on their gross domestic product.

Alarmed by declining military spending across the alliance and as the Ukraine crisis raged, NATO members in 2014 pledged to “aim to move towards the two per cent guideline within a decade”.

The US is by far NATO’s biggest spender in terms of GDP as well as raw expenditure, shelling out an estimated 3.5 per cent of GDP on defence in 2018, according to NATO figures.

Greece is second, with 2.27 per cent — albeit of a much smaller economy — followed by Estonia with 2.14 per cent and Britain with 2.1 per cent. Germany, Europe’s economic powerhouse, lags on 1.24 per cent and has come in for withering criticism from Mr Trump.

Mr Trump has also accused NATO allies of “owing” money to the alliance.

This confuses the two per cent pledge, which relates to spending on their own defence budgets, with financial contributions made directly to NATO.

All 29 members contribute according to an agreed cost-sharing formula based again on the size of their economies.

As the biggest economy, the US pays 22 per cent of the total, followed by Germany with 14 per cent and France and Britain with 10.5 per cent.

According to a joint declaration prepared in advance of the summit, NATO members will make an “unwavering commitment to all aspects of the defence investment pledge agreed at the 2014 Wales Summit” which includes the two per cent national defence expenditure target.

So where the US president is getting his financial figures from is a mystery.

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