
Second refugee on Nauru set herself on fire

GREENS Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has slammed Immigration Minister Peter Dutton after he accused refugee advocates of driving asylum seekers to self-harm.

The island of Nauru where refugees are being forced to live.
The island of Nauru where refugees are being forced to live.

GREENS Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has labelled Immigration Minister Peter Dutton a “coward” after he accused refugee advocates of driving asylum seekers to self-harm.

It comes after a second refugee — a 21-year-old Somalian woman — self-immolated on Nauru.

She has arrived in Australia in a critical condition with extensive burns, and was taken to Royal Brisbane & Women’s Hospital.

The Nauruan Government confirmed that the Somali woman had been critically injured after setting herself alight on Monday and was initially being treated by four Australian doctors at the Republic of Nauru hospital.

The government said in a statement it was distressed that refugees were attempting “dreadful acts” to influence the Australian government’s immigration policies.

At a press conference, Mr Dutton called on refugee advocates to stop urging those on Nauru and Manus Island to resist government border control policies.

“It is of grave concern that this person would resort to such an extreme act of self-harm,” he said.

Australian Immigration Minister Peter Dutton speaks to the media today. Picture: AAP
Australian Immigration Minister Peter Dutton speaks to the media today. Picture: AAP

“Their activities and these behaviours must end. They can oppose Government policy and espouse a cause for open borders but that is not the policy of this Government and no action, advocates or those in regional processing countries take will cause the Government to deviate from its course. We are not going to allow people to drown at sea again.”

Mr Dutton said the government had taken a “deliberate approach” to offering health services on Nauru.

“I won’t allow women and children to go to the bottom of the ocean,” he said.

“I repeat the call to advocates today that their intentions may be honourable and they may be noble in their own minds but they are causing serious harm. We won’t tolerate that situation.”

He said refugees could make a new life in Nauru or resettle in Cambodia, while those on Manus Island could settle in Papua New Guinea.

At a Greens press conference, Ms Hanson-Young said she was “disgusted” by Dutton’s accusations that advocates were stirring up trouble.

“Peter Dutton’s a coward. He, rather than seeing that this is a policy in free-fall, that this government’s policy is harming people, hurting people, breaking young women, children and taking responsibility for that, he turns around and blames the victim,” she said.

“Blames those who are speaking for the victims. There’s nothing more to say. He’s a minister who blames others. No-one else put that woman on a plane. He did that. It is the minister’s ultimate responsibility. It is a personal discretion of the minister. He did that, he should take responsibility for it, and stop being such a coward.”

Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has hit out at Dutton’s accusations. Picture: AAP/Mick Tsikas.
Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young has hit out at Dutton’s accusations. Picture: AAP/Mick Tsikas.

Labor has pledged to find new resettlement countries for about 1300 asylum seekers and refugees on Nauru and Manus.

Opposition leader Bill Shorten said the party does not support indefinite detention and would resettle refugees in a third country.

The Refugee Action Coalition identified her as Hadon, who was brought to Australia in November after suffering a head injury.

The Nauruan Government has released a statement following her emergency evacuation saying: “We are distressed that refugees are attempting such dreadful acts in order to attempt to influence the Australian Government’s immigration policies.”

The Government of Nauru also said that refugees and asylum seekers enjoyed the same freedoms as local citizens, but have access to better facilities.

“These actions are purely and simply being taken because they believe that political protests will influence the Australian Government and possibly help them gain entry to Australia.

“Refugee advocates must stop giving refugees and asylum seekers on Nauru false hope and stirring up these protests.”

The UN refugee agency says the policy of offshore processing and prolonged detention is immensely harmful.

“Despite efforts by the governments of Papua New Guinea and Nauru, arrangements in both countries have proved completely untenable,” the UNHCR said.

“UNHCR’s principal concern today is that these refugees and asylum seekers are immediately moved to humane conditions with adequate support and services.”

Greens senator Sarah Hanson-Young called on Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull to immediately intervene before more people were hurt.

“This policy is killing people - it is dangerous, it is brutal and it is time that it changed,” she told reporters in Canberra today.

This is the second incident in as many weeks of an asylum seeker self-harming on the island.

A 23-year-old Iranian man known as Omid dies last week after suffering burns to more than 75 per cent of his body.

His case has been referred to the Queensland Coroner.

Readers seeking support and information about suicide prevention can contact Lifeline on 13 11 14.

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