
‘Step aside’: Democrats turn on Biden

More Democrats have publicly called for Joe Biden to withdraw, while Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi have reportedly spoken privately to express their concerns.

Unveiling Joe Biden's most infamous public mishaps

Joe Biden defiantly vowed to stay in the race against Donald Trump at a gaffe-filled press conference in Washington DC on Thursday that was widely viewed as make-or-break for the President’s re-election campaign.

The 81-year-old, who rarely holds solo press conferences, fielded questions from reporters in an unscripted setting for the first time since last month’s disastrous debate against his Republican rival.

It’s make or break time for Joe Biden. Picture: Brendan Smialowski/AFP
It’s make or break time for Joe Biden. Picture: Brendan Smialowski/AFP

Here are the highlights.

Barack Obama and Nancy Pelosi allegedly discuss Biden’s future

Former President Barack Obama and ex-speaker Nancy Pelosi spoke privately this week about their growing concerns for President Biden’s 2024 re-election campaign, CNN reports.

Obama and Pelosi are said to have discussed how much harder they think it has now become for the embattled 81-year-old president to beat his GOP rival, former President Donald Trump, but neither are sure what to do.

A slew of Democrats have also been begging Obama and Pelosi behind the scenes to help quickly end the ongoing turmoil before even more damage is done just four months out from the election, the sources added.

“They are watching and waiting for President Biden to reach a decision on his own,” a longtime Democrat close to Obama, Pelosi and Biden told CNN.

Politico has previously reported that Pelosi has suggested to Democrats that Biden won’t beat Trump and should step aside.

More Democrats turn on Biden

Rep. Eric Sorensen and Rep. Scott Peters became the latest in the party to publicly plea with the ageing president to retire after his term ends.

Sorensen commended Biden’s commitment to putting the country first and asked that he do it again by suspending his campaign.

“Every day, I remain committed to the people of Central & Northwestern Illinois. I believed our best days are still ahead,” he said in the statement. “And today, I am hopeful President Biden will step aside in his campaign for President.”

Peters (D-Calif.) kept his statement short and simple following the president’s “big boy” press conference.

“Today I ask President Biden to withdraw from the presidential campaign,” Peters wrote in a statement obtained by Politico. “The stakes are high, and we are on a losing course.”

‘What are you doing?’: Wild mid-sentence moment

Mr Biden had a bizarre verbal stumble after being asked about his cognitive tests and health exams.

“Two things — one, I have taken three significant and intense neurological exams, by a neurologist. In each case, it’s similar. They say I’m in good shape,” he said.

“OK? Although I do have a little problem with my left foot because it’s not as sensitive because I broke my foot and didn’t wear the boot. But I’m good. I’m tested every single day about my neurological capacity to the decisions I make, every day. You talk to my staff, all of you talk to my staff. Sometimes my staff talks a lot. The fact of the matter is I don’t think you have them telling you that all of the major ideas we have undertaken haven’t been in part initiated by me.”

Mr Biden stopped mid-sentence to ask someone, ‘What are you doing?’ Picture: X
Mr Biden stopped mid-sentence to ask someone, ‘What are you doing?’ Picture: X

Mr Biden then looked at someone and asked, “What are you doing?”, midway through a sentence about sourcing microchips from South Korea.

He went on, insisting “the only thing age does is creates a little bit of wisdom if you pay attention”.

“And so, the point I’m making is I think it’s important that I, if a neurologist tells me he thinks I need another exam and by the way, I’ve laid every bit of the record out …”

Mr Biden said something unintelligible, before continuing.

“You want to ask Trump for his, OK?” he said.

“I’ve laid it all out. Every single day I’m surrounded by good doctors and if they think there’s a problem, I promise you, even if they don’t think it’s a problem and I think I should have an exam again, I will do it. But no one is suggesting that to me now.”

Top Democrat calls for Biden to quit

Jim Himes, the top Democrat on the House Intelligence Committee, called on Mr Biden to suspend his campaign moments after the press conference ended.

“Joe Biden’s record of public service is unrivalled,” the Connecticut Representative said in a statement posted to social media.

US Representative Jim Himes of Connecticut. Picture: Alex Wong/Getty Images/AFP
US Representative Jim Himes of Connecticut. Picture: Alex Wong/Getty Images/AFP

“His accomplishments are immense. His legacy as a great President is secure. He must not risk that legacy, those accomplishments and American democracy to soldier on in the face of the horrors promised by Donald Trump.”

Mr Himes’ said it had been “the honour of my career” to work with Mr Biden “on the achievements that secured his remarkable legacy in American history”, and it was in “consideration of that legacy, that I hope President Biden will step away from the presidential campaign”.

“The 2024 election will define the future of American democracy, and we must put forth the strongest candidate possible to confront the threat posted by Trump’s promised MAGA authoritarianism,” he said.

“I no longer believe that is Joe Biden, and I hope that, as he has throughout a lifetime of public service, he will continue to put our nation first and, as he promised, make way for a new generation of leaders.”

Democrat reaction to Biden says it all

C-SPAN cameras captured the reaction of Mr Biden’s senior officials when he made the “Vice President Trump” gaffe.

Secretary of State Antony Blinken was sitting in the audience with Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin and National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan.

Mr Blinken, looking pained, blinked and stared at the ground, while Mr Sullivan put his hand on his face.

“Absolutely priceless,” wrote the End Wokeness X account.

Off to a good start. Picture: X
Off to a good start. Picture: X

Trump mocks ‘Big Boy’ press conference

Mr Trump has shared a number of clips from the press conference on his Truth Social platform, poking fun at Mr Biden’s “Vice President Trump gaffe”.

“Great job, Joe!” the former President wrote.

He shared another clip where Mr Biden appeared to confuse his top military official with his own role, while answering a question about Ukraine.

“I’m following the advice of my commander-in-chief … my … my … my … chief of staff of the military as well as the Secretary of Defense,” Mr Biden said.

‘We feel good’: Biden’s team

Biden’s team is reportedly pleased with the President’s performance.

One unnamed senior official told CNN after the press conference he showed substance and personality on stage, which he missed during last month’s debate with Mr Trump.

A second official said the team was “relieved”, according to CNN, while a senior Democrat said it was “better but not a home run”.

Biden ends with a whisper

The President has ended questions with his trademark whisper.

He was asked whether he would step aside if he was presented data showing Ms Harris would fare better against Mr Trump.

“No, unless they came back and said there’s no way you can win,” he said.

He then leaned into the microphone to whisper forcefully, “No one is saying that! No poll is saying that! Thank you.”

The press conference ended in uproar with journalists jumping to their feet to shout more questions as the President departed.

Mr Biden’s team is reportedly pleased with his performance. Picture: Saul Loeb/AFP
Mr Biden’s team is reportedly pleased with his performance. Picture: Saul Loeb/AFP

Biden yells about guns

The President has fired up with a sudden outburst about gun control.

“More children are killed by a bullet than any other cause of death!” he yelled.

“The United States of America! What the hell are we doing? What are we doing?”

‘I’m determined on running’

Mr Biden was asked by Bloomberg’s Josh Wingrove whether his performance at campaign events over coming days will affect his decision to run.

His answer was punctuated by several of his characteristic “anyway” trail-offs.

“I’m determined on running but I think it is important that I allay fears that people see me out there,” he said.

“For the longest time, it was, you know, Biden is not prepared to sit with us unscripted, Biden is not prepared … anyway. What I’m doing is what I have been doing, we’ve done over 20 major events from Wisconsin to North Carolina to … anyway, to demonstrate that I’m going out in the areas where we think we can win.”

Biden introduces Zelensky as PUTIN during press conference

Trump would be ‘disaster’

Mr Biden claimed US allies told him another Trump presidency would be a “disaster”.

The President has fielded several questions about NATO, Russia and China.

“How can I say this, without sounding too self-serving?” he said.

“I am not … I have not had any of my European allies come up to me and say, ‘Joe, don’t run.’ What I hear them say is, ‘You’ve gotta win, you can’t let this guy come forward, it would be a disaster.’”

Mr Biden appeared to be fading slightly as the press conference went on, taking longer pauses as he spoke and waffling in his answers.

8pm bedtime ‘not true’

Mr Biden denied reports he has requested an 8pm bedtime after a question from Felicia Schwartz of the Financial Times.

“That is not true,” he said.

“What I said was, instead of my every day starting at seven and going to bed at midnight, it would be smarter for me to pace myself a little more. I said, instead of starting a fundraiser at nine, start it at eight and people go home by 10. That is what I am talking about.”

He added if you “looked at my schedule since I made that stupid mistake in the debate, my schedule has been full-bore”.

“Where has Trump been?” he said.

“Riding his golf cart and filling out his scorecard before he hits the ball? He has done virtually nothing. I have been to roughly 20 major events, some of them with thousands of people showing up. I just think it is better … I always have an inclination, whether I was playing sports or doing politics, just to keep going, not stop. I’ve just got to pace myself a little bit more. Pace myself. The next debate, I won’t travel into 15 time zones a week before. Anyway, that is what it was about.”

The President made a number of verbal stumbles. Picture: Saul Loeb/AFP
The President made a number of verbal stumbles. Picture: Saul Loeb/AFP

The whisper comes out

Mr Biden has leaned into the microphone to deliver his trademark whisper several times during his response to Nancy Cordes from CBS.

Cordes’ question was about what it would mean for Mr Biden’s legacy if he loses to Mr Trump.

Laying out his economic achievements, Mr Biden talked about his pro-union stance.

“I now remember how I got so roundly criticised for being so pro-union,” he said, leaning into the microphone.

“Guess what? I have been the most pro-union President in history — not a joke.”

Biden laughs off Zelensky gaffe, trails off

Mr Biden laughed when Danny Kemp from AFP asked about the gaffe moments earlier.

Kemp told Mr Biden officials were saying “off the record that your decline has become noticeable” and asked if this had “become damaging for America’s standing in the world”.

“Did you see any damage in our standing of my leading this conference?” Mr Biden asked.

“Have you seen a more successful conference?”

But Mr Biden then appeared to trail off as he continued his response.

“Look, guys, the idea anybody suggests that we haven’t had an incredibly successful conference,” he began.

“How many times did you hear in that conference … I know it sounds self-serving, but other leaders, heads of state in thanking me saying, ‘The reason we’re together is because of Biden, because Biden did the following.’ Look, folks, this is … anyway, I thought it was the most successful conference I have attended in a long time and find me a world leader who didn’t think it was.”

Biden faceplants on very first question

Mr Biden made an unfortunate gaffe on the very first question, calling Vice President Kamala Harris “Vice President Trump”.

He was asked whether Ms Harris would be able to step in for the top job.

“I wouldn’t have picked Vice President Trump to be Vice President if I think she was not qualified to be President, so let’s start there,” he said.


‘I’ve been given a list of people to call on’

He concluded his remarks and called for questions.

Mr Biden said “I’ve been given a list of people to call on”, giving the first question to Jeff Mason from Reuters.

Mason asked for his response to recent calls to step aside.

“The fact is that the consideration is that I think I am the most qualified person to run for President,” Mr Biden said.

“I beat him once and I will beat him again.”

Biden speaks

Mr Biden has stepped up to begin delivering his remarks.

The time in Washington is 4.30pm

The President discussed the history of NATO and Russia’s invasion of Ukraine in 2022.

“For those who thought NATO’s time passed, they got a rude awakening when Putin invaded Ukraine,” he said.

“Some of the oldest and deepest fears in Europe roared back to life because, once again, a murderous madman was on the march but this time no one cowered in appeasement, especially the United States. We collected intelligence that Russia was planning to invade Ukraine, months before the invasion. I directed the intelligence community to start building an international coalition to oppose the invasion.”

‘Slips of the tongue happen’

Fellow leaders at the NATO summit have fielded questions about Mr Biden, and their answers have largely been supportive.

“Slips of the tongue happen, and if you keep a close enough eye on everyone, you will find enough,” German Chancellor Olaf Scholz said after the President’s latest gaffe.

French President Emmanuel Macron said Mr Biden had appeared “in charge”, while British Prime Minister Keir Starmer said he “was on good form”.

Biden calls Ukraine’s leader ‘Putin’

The press conference is still a little way off but Mr Biden is getting started on the gaffes early, introducing Ukraine’s leader as “President Putin”.

The flub came as he handed over to Volodymyr Zelensky to speak on the Ukraine Compact, a pledge by more than two dozen NATO countries to bolster Ukraine’s defence.

“Now I want to hand it over to the President of Ukraine, who has as much courage as he has determination,” he said.

“Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin.”

As the audience hesitantly began to clap, Mr Biden stepped back to the lectern to quickly correct himself.

“President Putin? He’s going to beat President Putin — President Zelensky!” he said.

“I’m so focused on beating Putin … we gotta worry about it … anyway.”

The error drew gasps from the room but Mr Zelensky, Ukraine’s wartime leader against Russia’s 2022 invasion, laughed it off.

“I’m better,” Mr Zelensky quipped.

“You are a hell of a lot better,” Mr Biden agreed.

‘Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin.’ Picture: X
‘Ladies and gentlemen, President Putin.’ Picture: X

Politicians, Hollywood, newspapers urge Biden to quit

Democratic politicians, Hollywood fundraisers and major newspapers are among the growing voices calling on Mr Biden to let someone else take on Mr Trump in the November election.

Hailing from Texas, Oregon, New Jersey and elsewhere, and moderates as well as progressives, about a dozen elected members of the House of Representatives so far have called on Mr Biden to drop out.

They are worried about the Democratic leader’s ability to defeat Mr Trump after Mr Biden’s catastrophic performance in their election debate.

Michigan’s Hillary Scholten on Thursday called on the President to pass the torch for the good of democracy.

One of the most prominent voices in the Democratic Party, Nancy Pelosi, has refused to explicitly back Mr Biden.

Doubts about Mr Biden’s health are also beginning to be heard in the upper house of the US Congress.

The President is facing mounting calls to step aside. Picture: Mandel Ngan/AFP
The President is facing mounting calls to step aside. Picture: Mandel Ngan/AFP

Vermont Senator Peter Welch has become the first to directly call on the president to withdraw from the White House race for the sake of the country on Wednesday.

Actor George Clooney, a staunch Democrat, drew global headlines by calling on the President to exit the race, in a New York Times editorial on Wednesday.

Clooney, who is closely involved with fundraising for the party, said that it could not win with Mr Biden, though he considers the President a friend.

Rob Reiner, director of the cult romantic comedy When Harry Met Sally, backed Clooney’s move as did actors John Cusack and Michael Douglas.

On Monday, writer Stephen King had already launched a plea to the same effect. Producer-heiress Abigail Disney has said she planned to suspend her donations to the Democratic campaign as long as Mr Biden remained in the race.

One of the Democratic Party’s biggest donors, Netflix co-founder Reed Hastings, also called on Mr Biden to step aside to allow a new Democratic name to try to beat Mr Trump.

The editorial board of The New York Times has twice called on Mr Biden to withdraw from the 2024 campaign. The board includes renowned columnists and is supposed to reflect the values of the newspaper.

The Boston Globe made the same move, while commentators in The Atlantic and other magazines and newspapers have also urged the president to change course.

– with AFP

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