
Donald Trump is considering another run for president in 2024 if he loses 2020 election

Even if Donald Trump loses this election, we may not have seen the end of him, with some sources suggesting he could consider a 2024 run.

Trump or Biden? US election too close to call

Donald Trump is reportedly talking to his aides about another run for US president in 2024 if he loses the election this year.

CNN chief White House correspondent Jim Acosta tweeted that Mr Trump and aides have had discussions about mounting a comeback run in 2024 according to an adviser.

“No word whether he would do it. But the subject has come up, I’m told,” Acosta said.

There is nothing stopping Mr Trump from running again in four years if he loses to Democrat Joe Biden.

RELATED: Follow our live coverage of US election day

US President Donald Trump claps alongside US First Lady Melania Trump after speaking during election night. Picture: Mandel Ngan/AFP
US President Donald Trump claps alongside US First Lady Melania Trump after speaking during election night. Picture: Mandel Ngan/AFP

He will be 78 years old, roughly the same age as Mr Biden, who turns 78 at the end of this month. Legally he is able to run for another term.

Mr Trump’s former communications adviser Bryan Lanza believes the President could “make a very strong case to run again” after four years of a Biden presidency – in which he’ll face the challenges of America’s coronavirus recovery.

“Biden will have the opportunity to guide this country out of COVID, and we’ll see what his successes and failures are,” Mr Lanza told BBC’s Radio 4 program Today.

“And there’s nobody in the Republican party that can challenge President Trump in the primaries.”

He said if Mr Trump was to “lose a very tight election” he can “make a strong case to run again”.

“And the Republicans would step aside to let it happen.”

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Counting is continuing in the US where Mr Trump and Mr Biden are locked in a tight race for the presidency.

All eyes are on crucial states including Pennsylvania, Georgia, Nebraska and Arizona.

As Mr Trump’s lead eroded on election night the President complained of fraud, although no evidence of this has emerged, and prematurely tried to claim victory.

His team has also launched a number of legal actions, mostly around the ability of his team to observe the counting.

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Ballots are counted at the TCF Centre in Detroit, Michigan. Picture: Seth Herald/AFP
Ballots are counted at the TCF Centre in Detroit, Michigan. Picture: Seth Herald/AFP

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