
Donald Trump acquitted in impeachment trial, seven Republicans vote guilty

Don Jr has slammed leading Republicans on Twitter over their lack of support during his father's impeachment trial - and he didn't hold back.

Senate acquits Donald Trump again

Donald Trump has been acquitted again in his second impeachment trial, with the prosecution falling 10 votes short of conviction.

A 57-43 majority of the Senate voted guilty, including seven Republicans: Richard Burr, Bill Cassidy, Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, Mitt Romney, Ben Sasse and Pat Toomey. In his first trial a year ago, only Mr Romney voted in favour of conviction.

However, it takes 67 votes to convict, which means the impeachment managers got nowhere near the threshold they needed.

Mr Trump will retain all the privileges of a former president and will be free to run for office again in the future.

Read on for all the news from the day.


Donald Trump Jr slams 'loser Republicans'

Donald Trump Jr has taken aim at leading Republicans on Twitter for their lack of support during his father's impeachment trial.

And he didn't hold back, branding them "losers" and "clowns" in a lengthy video he posted online on Saturday.

"Not guilty. Let me say that again for the people in the back. Not guilty, OK."
"The Democrats can actually go back to do doing some work in the Senate. All of the Senate was punished through this nonsense.

"You obviously had the typical, the loser Republicans that couldn’t get elected dog catcher today.

"The ones that are so weak, like the Mitt Romney's of the world, with Republicans like Mitt Romney, who needs Democrats, those clowns."

He also had a go at Richard Burr who was also one of seven Republicans to vote for conviction in the Senate.

"He was such a coward, when he called me back in to testify in front of the Senate he pulled me aside at the end and profusely apologised for a couple of minutes.

"If he had actual guts, if that guy actually had balls he wouldn’t be pressured by the supposed bipartisan members of his committee in the Senate but that’s not what happens."

He then went on to say, as for the Democrats "that pretend to be Republicans, the Republicans in name only, those losers went along and they wasted time."

Time he said that could have been spent "trying to help the American people and this country back on track".

"Right now it feels like we're working for China than anyone in America. That’s a sad state of affairs."

Signing off from the blog

Thanks for riding along with us today – it's been a big one.

I am signing off now, so don't expect more updates, but if anything significant happens one of my esteemed colleagues will jump in.

Otherwise, keep an eye out for our coverage of the fallout from this impeachment trial, and Donald Trump's acquittal, in the coming days.

'Pathetic': Pelosi hits out again

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has issued a statement repeating many of the same grievances she expressed at that press conference earlier – particularly her anger at Mitch McConnell.

“It is so pathetic that Senator McConnell kept the Senate shut down so that the Senate could not receive the article of impeachment, and has used that as his excuse for not voting to convict Donald Trump,” said Ms Pelosi.

“Tragically, Senate Republicans who voted not to convict chose to abandon the Constitution, the country and the American people with this vote.

"Thank God for the judges and Republican elected officials across the country who pushed back against Donald Trump’s attempted overturning of our election which fueled the insurrection.”

Republican's former opponent praises his vote

I wouldn't normally bother with a statement from a former senator but this is notable, because Mary Landrieu was turfed from office after losing an election to Bill Cassidy.

She has praised his decision to vote guilty today.

No hard feelings, I guess?

Another reason why witnesses weren't called

One more moment worth mentioning from that press conference. Impeachment manager Stacey Plaskett gave a clearer explanation for why the prosecution backed down from calling witnesses.

"Other individuals who may have been there with the president were not friendly to us and would have required subpoenas and months of litigation," Ms Plaskett said.

Pelosi lashes out at 'cowardly' Republicans

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi joined the impeachment managers for the media conference, ostensibly to thank them for their work and all that.

Really though, you got the sense she wanted to lay into the Republicans on camera. One Republican in particular, it turns out – Minority Leader Mitch McConnell.

The short version of her complaint was this: the House of Representatives passed the article of impeachment on January 13. The Senate was in recess, and Mr McConnell (who was majority leader at the time) declined to recall it for an emergency session to receive the article and start the trial. As a result, the trial did not happen until Donald Trump was out of office. And now Mr McConnell has cited that fact as the reason for his vote to acquit.

Cue an angry Nancy Pelosi.

"Why I came over is because I listened to Mitch McConnell," Ms Pelosi told reporters.

"Mitch McConnell, who when this distinguished group of House managers were gathered on January 15 to deliver the articles of impeachment, were told it could not be received because Mitch McConnell had shut the Senate, and was going to keep it shut down right until the inauguration.

"So for him to get up there and make this indictment against the president, and then say, 'But I can't vote for it because it's after the fact,' – the fact that he established!

"For Mitch McConnell, who created the situation where it could not have been heard before the 20th, to say all the things he said, oh my gosh, about Donald Trump and how horrible he was and is – and then say, 'But, the time that the House chose to bring it over.' No, we didn't choose. You chose.

"It doesn't matter. You can have the case after the person is out of office. The Senate ruled in that way. It didn't matter, except it was not the reason that he voted the way he did. It was the excuse that he used."

She described the Republicans more broadly as a "cowardly group" who were "afraid to do their job and respect the institution in which they serve".

Prosecutors: 'No number of witnesses' would have changed the result

The team of impeachment managers, led by Jamie Raskin, is holding a media conference to address the not guilty verdict.

"First, I want to thank the American people for engaging so seriously with this process," Mr Raskin said.

He also thanked the members of the Senate, the House, and his fellow impeachment managers.

"Trump stormed our House with the mob he incited, and we defended our House. And he violated our Constitution, and we defended the Constitution," he said.

"This was the most bipartisan presidential impeachment in the history of the United States. It was also the largest Senate vote for a presidential impeachment, 57-43."

There have only been three other presidential impeachments, including Mr Trump's first a year ago. But yes, this is the closest any has come to ending in conviction.

Still 10 votes short, though.

"Senator Mitch McConnell just went to the floor, essentially to say that we made our case on the facts, that he believes that Donald Trump was practically and morally responsible for inciting the events of January 6," said Mr Raskin.

"So the bottom line is that we convinced a big majority in the Senate of our case. I'm very proud of the exceptional hard work of these managers."

He also addressed this morning's rather farcical freakout over the question of whether or not to call witnesses.

"We were able to get treated as under oath testimony the statement of our colleague, Jaime Herrera Beutler. We were able to get that stipulated into evidence today," he said.

"If you listen to Mitch McConnell and the Republicans who are now hurriedly explaining why they voted not to convict, all of them are hinging it on a legal argument – jurisdictional or some other legal argument – that could never be overcome by any number of witnesses.

"We could have had 5000 witnesses, and Mitch McConnell would be giving the same speech, because what he's asserting is that the Senate never has jurisdiction over a former president.

"We reject that completely. It's totally at odds with our history.

"But the point is, no number of witnesses would convince them."

Trump 'hasn't gotten away with anything yet'

Here's another striking line from Republican Senate leader Mitch McConnell's speech.

"President Trump is still liable for everything he did in office. He hasn't gotten away with anything yet," Mr McConnell said.

"We have a criminal justice system in this country. We have civil litigation. And former presidents are not immune from being held accountable by either one."

He's clearly suggesting Donald Trump could face prosecution in court for his actions. Thus far, however, there is no indication that Mr Trump will face any legal consequences for the riot on January 6.

There is currently an ongoing criminal investigation into the former president in Georgia, concerning his attempts to pressure state officials into overturning its election result.

Republican explains surprising guilty vote

OK, let's go back to the statement from Senator Richard Burr, who provided the only genuinely surprising guilty vote from the Republican side.

"When this process started, I believed that it was unconstitutional to impeach a president who was no longer in office. I still believe that to be the case," Mr Burr said.

"However, the Senate is an institution based on precedent, and given that the majority in the Senate voted to proceed with this trial, the question of constitutionality is now established precedent.

"As an impartial juror, my role is now to determine whether House managers have sufficiently made the case for the article of impeachment against President Trump."

This is Mr Burr's logic for why he didn't vote not guilty on jurisdictional grounds, like Mitch McConnell.

"I have listened to the arguments presented by both sides and considered the facts. The facts are clear," he continued.

"The president promoted unfounded conspiracy theories to cast doubt on the integrity of a free and fair election because he did not like the results.

"As Congress met to certify the election results, the president directed his supporters to go to the Capitol to disrupt the lawful proceedings required by the Constitution.

"When the crowd became violent, the president used his office to first inflame the situation instead of immediately calling for an end to the assault.

"The evidence is compelling that President Trump is guilty of inciting an insurrection against a coequal branch of government and that the charge rises to the level of high crimes and misdemeanours. Therefore, I have voted to convict.

"By what he did and by what he did not do, President Trump violated his oath of office to preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States."

Republican Senate leader eviscerates Trump (after voting to acquit)

Republican Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, who voted to acquit Donald Trump, has just delivered a long and withering speech condemning the former president's conduct as a "disgraceful dereliction of duty".

"January 6 was a disgrace. American citizens attacked their own government," Mr McConnell said on the floor of the Senate.

"They did this because they'd been fed wild falsehoods by the most powerful man on earth. Because he was angry he'd lost an election. Former president Trump's actions preceding the riot were a disgraceful, disgraceful dereliction of duty.

"The House accused the former president of 'incitement'. That is a specific term from the criminal law. Let me just put that aside for a moment, and reiterate something I said weeks ago.

"There's no question, none, that President Trump is practically and morally responsible for provoking the events of the day. No question about it. The people who stormed this building believed they were acting on the wishes and instructions of their president.

"Having that belief was a foreseeable consequence of the growing crescendo of false statements, conspiracy theories and reckless hyperbole which the defeated president kept shouting into the largest megaphone on the planet.

"It was (a) manufactured atmosphere of looming catastrophe, the increasingly wild myths about a landslide election, some secret coup by our now President.

"I defended the president's right to bring any complaints to our legal system. The system spoke. The electoral college spoke. The election was settled, it was over. But that just really opened a new chapter of even wilder, wilder, and more unfounded claims.

"The leader of the free world cannot spend weeks thundering that shadowy forces are stealing our country, and then feign surprise when people believe him and do reckless things.

"Many politicians sometimes make heated comments that unhinged listeners might take literally. But that's different than what we saw.

"The unconscionable behaviour did not end when the violence actually began. Whatever our ex-president claim he thought might happen that day, whatever reaction he says he meant to produce, by that afternoon, we know he was watching the same live TV as the rest of us.

"A mob was assaulting the Capitol in his name. These criminals were carrying his banners, hanging his flags and screaming their loyalty to him. It was obvious that only President Trump could end this.

"Former aides publicly begged him to do so. Loyal allies frantically called. The president did not act swiftly. He did not do his job. He did not take steps so federal law could be executed and order restored. No. Instead, according to public reports, he watched TV happily as the chaos unfolded. He kept pressing his schemes to overturn the election.

"Even after it was clear to any reasonable observer that Vice President Pence was in serious danger, even as the mob was beating cops and breaching perimeters, the president sent a further tweet attacking his own vice president.

"Later, when the president finally started half-heartedly calling for peace, he didn't call right away for the riot to end. He did not tell the mob to depart until even later. And even then, with police bleeding, he kept repeating election lies and praising the criminals.

"In recent weeks, our ex-president's associated have tried to use the 74 million Americans who voted to re-elect him as a sort of human shield against criticism. Anyone who decries his awful behaviour is accused of insulting millions of voters. That's an absurd deflection.

"I've made my view of this episode very plain. But our system of government gave the Senate a specific task. The Constitution gives us a particular role. This body is not invited to act as the nation's overarching moral tribunal. We're not free to work backwards."

All that said, he moved on to justifying his vote to acquit, saying the Senate lacked jurisdiction to punish Mr Trump.

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