
New Hampshire primary: Donald Trump, Bernie Sanders tipped to win

AMERICAN media have been to quick to attack Donald Trump and the ‘mindless zombies’ who voted for him as news broke of his New Hampshire win.

Trump Wins Big in New Hampshire Primary

DONALD Trump has proved he is a serious contender in the hunt for the White House, trouncing his opponents in New Hampshire and chalking up a win for the record books across a swath of demographics.

It came as progressive outsider Bernie Sanders also thrashed Democratic favourite Hillary Clinton, spurred on by a mass turn out of young voters inspired by his leftist agenda.

The wins provide boosts for Mr Trump and Mr Sanders before they move their race into more diverse electorates later this month, and will rattle Ms Clinton who has long been considered a favourite for the presidency.

“Wow, wow, wow, wow,” Trump gushed, savoring the moment after his win.

The brash billionaire told the crowd that he’d be the “greatest jobs president God ever created.”

“We are going to do something so good and so fast and so strong and the world is going to respect us again. Believe me.”

He promised that if he was commander in chief, he’d “knock the hell” out of Islamic State and negotiate what he says would be better trade deals.

A Trump presidency, he said, would mean “nobody is going to mess with us.”

The political novice has led national polls for months and the New Hampshire victory reinforces his position as front-runner, proving he can win votes, and giving credibility to his upstart populist candidacy.

But some media outlets have been to quick to fiercely berate Trump and his supporters as news of his win emerged.

The New York Daily News took an aggressive stance in response to Trump’s primary win, declaring on its front page the nation had entered the “dawn of the brain dead”.

The newspaper’s cover refuses to name Trump, instead referring him to as “clown” and blasting the “mindless zombies” who turned out in droves to vote for him.

Donald Trump speaks to supporters. Picture: AP/David Goldman
Donald Trump speaks to supporters. Picture: AP/David Goldman
The New York Daily News Wednesday front page.
The New York Daily News Wednesday front page.

The Huffington Post’s US edition homepage took a similarly militant approach, shrieking “WTF GOP” (GOP, short for Grand Old Party, is another name for the Republican Party) in extra large, red font before declaring a “Racist, Sexist, Xenophobic Demagogue” had just won the primary. It slammed anyone who voted for Trump as supporters of banning Muslims from entering the US.

For Mr Trump, his win - after narrowly placing second in Iowa - reveals Americans see the real estate mogul as electable, with his high voter support cutting across all walks life.

He won in the rural towns in the north, he won in tea-party country and he won in the metropolitan south, commanding 35 per cent of the vote ahead of moderate John Kasich who took 16.

The size of Mr Trump’s win was the biggest in a New Hampshire Republican primary in 16 years.

Iowa victor Ted Cruz fell to third place with just 11 per cent, tied with Jeb Bush - both ahead of Marco Rubio who tanked to 10.5 per cent after a botched debate performance. .

It would take the consolidation of this group into one strong candidate to beat Mr Trump.

The Trump win signals the willingness of those everyday Americans that Mr Trump speaks to with his anti-immigrant, America-is-broken message to do something they don’t usually do - show up at a polling booth.

New Hampshire local Greg Salts said he voted for Trump because he is nothing like regular politicians.

New Hampshire marks an important victory for Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump. Picture: Joe Raedle/Getty Images/AFP
New Hampshire marks an important victory for Republican presidential hopeful Donald Trump. Picture: Joe Raedle/Getty Images/AFP

“If I’m sitting at a bar drinking a beer with Trump, I’d say you know what this guy has a better sense of America than those politicians in the beltway - I wanna take this guy off the bar stool and I wanna put him on the stage and I guarantee he will do better than all the politicians.”

Mr Trump declared last night New Hampshire was the beginning of his road to success.

Storming to the stage at his victory party to the tune of the Beatles “Revolution”, he declared to the crowd: “You started it - remember you started it!”

Ms Clinton’s loss was not surprising after she trailed in the polls, but still hurt her camp and raises questions about her candidacy when coupled with the virtual tie the pair posted in Iowa.

Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders celebrates victory during a primary night rally in New Hampshire. Picture: AFP/Jewel Samad
Democratic presidential candidate Bernie Sanders celebrates victory during a primary night rally in New Hampshire. Picture: AFP/Jewel Samad

While the Clinton team explained Mr Sanders’s victory as a product of home-town advantage, she was dogged by exit polls that showed thousands and thousands of young people turned out to support the progressive senator for reasons that had nothing to do with his home being in the state of Vermont.

“Because of huge voter turnout -- and I say huge! -- we won,” Sanders said, after he was filmed shooting basket ball hoops with his family while the votes were tallied.

“We harnessed the energy and the excitement that the Democratic Party will need to succeed in November.”

Ms Clinton said: ”I know I have some work to do, particularly with young people,” she said. “Now we take this campaign to the entire country. We’re going to fight for every vote in every state.”

Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has copped a nasty blow in the New Hampshire primary. Picture: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/AFP
Democratic presidential hopeful Hillary Clinton has copped a nasty blow in the New Hampshire primary. Picture: Justin Sullivan/Getty Images/AFP


According to exit polls, Sanders won by getting a majority of votes from both men and women, independents and voters under 45. Sanders won the support of about 9 in 10 voters who thought honesty was important. Rival Hillary Clinton is backed a majority of voters aged 65 and older and those with incomes over $200,000.

Among Republican voters, Trump was backed by people looking for an outsider and those who made up their minds a while ago.

In a sign of Trump’s impact on the race, two-thirds of Republican voters said they supported a ban on Muslims entering the US.

John Kasich does best with voters looking for a candidate with political experience — along with moderates, better educated voters and those who made their vote decision in the past few days. Ted Cruz is supported by many voters who are very conservative and evangelical Christians.

Marco Rubio does best among voters for whom experience and electability is important.

Voters who value experience are also inclined to support Jeb Bush.

Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders look to emerge from New Hampshire with wins. Picture: AFP/Jewel Samad
Donald Trump and Bernie Sanders look to emerge from New Hampshire with wins. Picture: AFP/Jewel Samad

The New Hampshire primary gives momentum to the winners heading into the next contests in South Carolina and Nevada as candidates race to pick up delegates for their parties’ nominating conventions. New Hampshire was the second state to pick party nominees for the November 8 election to replace President Barack Obama.

Those who fare poorly could see donations dry up and face pressure to withdraw from the race.

In the last 10 elections, the winner of the Republican primary in New Hampshire went on to become the eventual nominee eight times; on the Democratic side, seven winners went on to become nominees.

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