
Casey Anthony doesn’t know what happened in the final days of her murdered daughter Caylee

ALMOST a decade after being acquitted of the murder of her daughter, Casey Anthony says she has no idea what happened in Caylee’s final days.

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CASEY Anthony knows that much of the world believes she killed her two-year-old daughter, despite her acquittal. But nearly nine years later, she insists she doesn’t know how the last hours of Caylee’s life unfolded.

“Caylee would be 12 right now. And would be a total badass,” she told The Associated Press in one of a series of exclusive interviews. But discussing Caylee’s last moments, the 30-year-old Anthony spoke in halting, sober tones: “I’m still not even certain as I stand here today about what happened,” she said.

“Based off what was in the media” — the story of a woman who could not account for a month in which her child was missing, whose defence involved an accidental drowning for which there was no eyewitness testimony — “I understand the reasons people feel about me. I understand why people have the opinions that they do.”

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Casey Anthony poses for a portrait next to a photo of her daughter, Caylee, in her West Palm Beach, Florida, bedroom. Picture: AP
Casey Anthony poses for a portrait next to a photo of her daughter, Caylee, in her West Palm Beach, Florida, bedroom. Picture: AP

This was the first time Anthony has spoken to a news media outlet about her daughter’s death or her years since the trial. Her responses were at turns revealing, bizarre and often contradictory, and they ultimately raised more questions than answers about the case that captivated the US and the world.

The interview comes just days after the judge presiding over the trial, Judeg Belvin Perry Jr, said he believed Anthony may have killed her child by giving Caylee too much chloroform.

It’s been almost nine years since Caylee went missing, and six since the circus-like Orlando trial that ended in her mother’s acquittal. The trial was carried live on cable networks and was the focus of daily commentaries by HLN’s Nancy Grace, who called her “the most hated mom in America,” and, derisively, “tot mom.” The child was supposedly last seen on June 16, 2008; she was first reported missing, by Casey Anthony’s mother, on July 15. A day later, Casey Anthony was arrested on charges of child neglect. She told police that Caylee had disappeared with a baby sitter.

A utility worker working in a wooded area near the Anthony home on December 11 found skeletal remains that were later determined to be Caylee’s. Experts would testify that air samples indicated that decaying human remains had been present in Casey Anthony’s trunk.

Casey Anthony during her trial. Picture: AP
Casey Anthony during her trial. Picture: AP

In the end, prosecutors proved Casey Anthony was a liar, but convinced the jury of little else. The government failed to establish how Caylee died, and they couldn’t find her mother’s DNA on the duct tape they said was used to suffocate her. After a trial of a month and a half, the jury took less than 11 hours to find Anthony not guilty of first-degree murder, aggravated manslaughter and aggravated child abuse.

She was convicted of four counts of lying to police (though two counts were later dropped), and served about three years in prison while awaiting trial. She admits that she lied to police: about being employed at Universal Studios; about leaving Caylee with a baby-sitter; about telling two people, both of them imaginary, that Caylee was missing; about receiving a phone call from Caylee the day before she was reported missing.

“Even if I would’ve told them everything that I told to the psychologist, I hate to say this but I firmly believe I would have been in the same place. Because cops believe other cops. Cops tend to victimize the victims. I understand now ... I see why I was treated the way I was even had I been completely truthful.”

At the trial, lead defence attorney Jose Baez suggested that the little girl drowned and that Casey’s father, George Anthony, helped cover that up — and sexually abused his daughter. Her father has vehemently denied the accusations. Asked about the drowning defence, Casey hesitated: “Everyone has their theories, I don’t know. As I stand here today I can’t tell you one way or another. The last time I saw my daughter I believed she was alive and was going to be OK, and that’s what was told to me. ”

Casey Anthony knows that much of the world believes she killed her two-year-old daughter. Picture: AP
Casey Anthony knows that much of the world believes she killed her two-year-old daughter. Picture: AP

Anthony lives in the South Florida home of Patrick McKenna, a private detective who was the lead investigator on her defence team. She also works for him, doing online social media searches and other investigative work. McKenna was also the lead investigator for OJ Simpson, when he was accused of killing his wife and acquitted; Anthony said she’s become fascinated with the case, and there are “a lot of parallels” to her own circumstances.

An Associated Press reporter met Anthony as she protested against President Donald Trump at a Palm Beach rally.

It’s unclear why Anthony agreed to speak to the AP. She later texted the reporter, asking that the AP not run the story. Among other things, she cited the bankruptcy case in which she has been embroiled since 2013: “During the course of my bankruptcy, the rights to my story were purchased by a third party company for $25k to protect my interests. Without written authorization from the controlling members of this company, I am prohibited from speaking publicly about my case at any time.” In addition, she said she had violated a confidentiality agreement with her employer, and remains under subpoena and subject to deposition in her bankruptcy case.

Yet she had participated in five on-the-record interviews over a one-week period, many of them audiotaped.

Chief judge Belvin Perry who presided over Casey Anthony’s trial. Picture: AP
Chief judge Belvin Perry who presided over Casey Anthony’s trial. Picture: AP

She still dreads the supermarket checkout line for fear she’ll see photos of her daughter on the cover of tabloid papers. Her bedroom walls are decorated with photos of Caylee and she weeps when she shows off her daughter’s colourful, finger-painted artwork.

Occasionally she goes out with friends to area bars. But news that she is there spreads quickly; people whispering and snap photos, and she retreats to her newly purchased SUV so she can return home, alone.

Anthony speaks defiantly of her pariah status.

“I don’t give a s*** about what anyone thinks about me, I never will,” she said. “I’m OK with myself, I sleep pretty good at night.”

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