
Man dragged from police station and killed

A man has been dragged out of a police station and killed. One source claimed the victim, who was on holidays, was tortured to death.

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A man has been dragged out of a police station by an angry mob before being brutally killed.

The horrific incident occurred in Pakistan’s northwestern province of Khyber Pakhtunkhw, around 280km from the capital city of Islamabad.

The 36-year-old had been holidaying in the area and was accused of desecrating the Quran, the holy book of Muslims.

Police officials said hundreds of people had gathered outside the police station where the man was being held. The angry mob then launched an attack on the police station and dragged the man outside.

The man had been accused of insulating the Quran. Picture” Guillem Sartorio / AFP
The man had been accused of insulating the Quran. Picture” Guillem Sartorio / AFP

They also set fire to the police station and a police vehicle. Eight people were taken to hospital after suffering minor injuries from the incident.

A police source told Al Jazeera that the man had been “tortured to death”.

“Our police team reached the main market in Madyan to arrest the man and took him to the police station, but the crowd demanded to have him handed over,” a police official told Al Jazeera on condition of anonymity.

An investigation has been launched by the police, while one politician condemned the man’s death.

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