
Donald Trump addresses the United States amid showdown with Iran

Donald Trump is facing a move from concerned politicians who will vote to limit the US President's power to take military action against Iran.

Trump vows to impose sanctions on Iran

US President Donald Trump faces one of the greatest tests of his presidency after Iran launched ballistic missiles at Iraqi bases housing US troops.

Iran struck back at the United States early Wednesday for killing its most powerful military commander, firing a barrage of ballistic missiles at two Iraqi military bases that house American troops in what the Iranian supreme leader said was a “slap” against the US military presence in the region.

World leaders have condemned the Iranian missile strikes, which targeted the sprawling Ain al-Asad airbase in western Iraq and a base in Arbil, both housing American and other foreign troops deployed as part of a US-led coalition fighting the remnants of the Islamic State group.

US President Donald Trump today responded to the incident in an address to the nation.


US politicians try to water down Trump's military power

The US House of Representatives will vote on Thursday (local time) on a measure aimed limiting Donald Trump's ability to take military action against Iran.

Democrat Speaker Nancy Pelosi announced the planned vote in a one-page statement that said the drone strike that killed General Qassem Soleimani was “provocative and disproportionate.”

The Democratic war powers resolution seems certain to pass over solid Republican opposition.

A similar proposal by Senator Tim Kaine faces an uphill fight in the Republican-run Senate.

Because of a procedural dispute between the two parties, it was unclear whether Thursday’s vote would be a step toward binding Trump’s hands on Iran or a symbolic gesture of opposition by Democrats.

Republicans say the proposal – a special type of resolution that does not get the president’s signature – does not have the force of law.

Democrats say that under the 1973 War Powers Act, it would be binding if also approved by the Senate.

The matter has not been definitively decided by federal courts.

A satellite images shows damage to the Ain al-Asad US airbase in western Iraq after being hit by missiles from Iran. Picture: HO/Planet Labs Inc/AFP

The House vote was scheduled shortly after a briefing on Iran Wednesday by top administration officials that many Democrats criticised as lacking specific justification for the killing.

“Members of Congress have serious, urgent concerns about the Administration’s decision to engage in hostilities against Iran and about its lack of strategy moving forward,” Ms Pelosi said in her statement.

“Congress hereby directs the President to terminate the use of United States Armed Forces to engage in hostilities in or against Iran or any part of its government or military” unless Congress declares war on that country or enacts legislation authorizing use of force to prevent an attack on the US and its forces, the five-page resolution says.

“I think it’s extremely important that we as a country, if we are going to – either intentionally or accidentally – slide into war, that we have a debate about it,” said Democrat Elissa Slotkin, the measure’s sponsor.

Slotkin is a former CIA analyst and Pentagon official who served in Iraq.

“I want to understand … what’s your strategy?” she said, referring to the Trump administration.

“How do you know you’re succeeding and not just escalating us into something more and more dangerous? We are owed concrete, specific details on strategy.”

Elissa Slotkin wants to stop Trump from using the military to engage in hostilities with Iran. Picture: Drew Angerer/Getty Images/AFP

The showdown is the latest example of Trump’s willingness to break the norms in Washington.

Trump did not consult with congressional leaders ahead of the attack that killed the Iranian general and afterward sent Congress a notification explaining the rationale, but kept it classified.

Congress has allowed its war powers role to erode since the passage of Authorization for Use of Military Force in 2001 to fight terrorism after the 9/11 attacks, and passage of another AUMF for the invasion of Iraq in 2002.

Fallout from those votes deeply divided Congress and the nation, withmany lawmakers, particularly Democrats, now saying they were mistakes. Yet Congress has been paralysed on the question of whether to repeal or change those authorities.

Australia won't withdraw troops from Iraq

Prime Minister Scott Morrison says Australian troops will remain in Iraq and his government remains focused on ensuring stability in Iraq.

“We remain committed to carrying on this important work,” Mr Morrison said at a press conference.

The PM said the situation in Iraq had stabilised overnight.

“That means we are in a position to continue to undertake the mission that we have set for ourselves in the Middle East and we remain committed to that, as do our other partners,” he said.
Mr Morrison has discussed the unfolding situation in Iraq with the Canadian prime minister.
“We remain together and working together to ensure not only the safety of our own people, but to also ensure that we are in a position to continue to build a stronger Iraq,” he said.
Australia has several hundred troops deployed to Iraq along with a team of diplomatic staff.
– with AAP

'Insulting and demeaning': Trump administration slammed

Two Republican politicians have slammed the Trump adminsitration following classified briefings about the airstrike that killed Iranian General Qasem Soleimani.

"It was probably the worst briefing I've seen at least on a military issue in the nine years I've served in the United States Senate," said Republican senator for Utah Mike Lee.

He said he left the briefing "somewhat unsatisfied" with the explanation for the assassination.

"I find this insulting and demeaning… to the office that each of the 100 senators in this building happens to hold," he said. "I find it insulting and demeaning to the Constitution of the United States."

Mr Lee said he now plans to vote in favour of a new war powers resolution. "That briefing changed my mind."

Fellow Republican senator Rand Paul agreed, saying: "I see no way in the world you could logically argue that an authorization to have war with Saddam Hussein has anything to with having war with people currently in Iraq."

He also said using the 2002 authorisation to justify the strike that killed Soleimani in Baghdad was "absurd" and an "insult".

"Let's have the debate, and let's have some senators stand up," Mr Pauł said.

Two rockets fired into Green Zone

Two new rockets have been fired into the Green Zone in Baghdad.

The Green Zone is where several diplomatic countries host their embassies and foreign missions.

Sirens went off at the US embassy which suggest the rockets came down near the building, Sky News reported.

The Iraqi military said there were no casualties from the rockets.

“Two Katyusha rockets fall inside the Green Zone without causing casualties. Details to follow,” the military said.

Two loud blasts followed by sirens had been heard in Baghdad, witnesses said. There has been no immediate claim of responsibility.

The attack came nearly 24 hours after Tehran launched ballistic missiles at Iraqi bases housing American and other coalition forces in retaliation for the US killing top Iranian general Qasem Soleimani.

Just before midnight, AFP's correspondents in Baghdad heard two loud blasts followed by the wailing security sirens of the Green Zone.

Satellite images show air base damage

Satellite images show the damage to the Iraqi air base struck by an Iranian missile attack.

The images, taken by Planet Labs, show that multiple structures at the base were hit during the attack.

The damaged base facilities appeared to house equipment and aircraft rather than personnel, NPR reported.

US officials say Iran may have intentionally been trying to avoid causing casualties that could drive the US to retaliate with force.

The images below, courtesy of Planet Labs, show the aftermath of the attacks:

Photos show pieces of Iranian missiles that missed Iraq targets

Photos show two failed Iranian ballistic missiles that fell short of their targets in the rural Iraqi town of Al-Baghdadi.

Two missiles fell short of the base and are lying unexploded in the village next to it, according to Sky News.

Kurdish forces were seen guarding the area before Iraqi or US forces could detonate the duds.

Iraqi officials said four of the 22 missiles failed to launch.

Picture: Anadolu Agency via Getty Images

Trump calls on allies

Mr Trump touted economic achievements that he said had made the US less dependent on Middle Eastern oil, changing Washington’s “strategic priorities” in the region.

“Today I am going to ask NATO to become much more involved in the Middle East process,” he said.

He also called for world powers to follow his lead in withdrawing last May from the 2015 nuclear deal with Iran.

The agreement is already unravelling, with Tehran announcing on Sunday that it would roll back the limit on the number of centrifuges used in uranium enrichment, one of its commitments under the agreement.

“The time has come for the United Kingdom, Germany, France, Russia, and China to recognise this reality. They must now break away from the remnants of the Iran deal, or JCPOA,” Mr Trump said.

“We must all work together towards making a deal with Iran that makes the world a safer and more peaceful place.”

US imposes sanctions on Iran

Speaking at the White House, Mr Trump said the US would impose new “punishing economic sanctions” on Iran to force it to stop its nuclear program and what he called its “hostilities” in the region. But he also said Washington was open to a deal with Tehran.
Iran, in turn, appeared to have calibrated its attack to avoid stoking further US retaliation, giving some early warning to its Iraqi allies to avoid casualties.

Trump vows to impose sanctions on Iran

President Donald Trump has vowed to impose sanctions on Iran over the ballistic missiles launched at Iraqi bases housing US troops.

"The United States will impose additional punishing economic sanctions on the Iranian regime," the President said in a national address.

The Iranian strikes came days after Mr Trump authorised the targeted killing of General Qassem Soleimani, the head of Iran’s elite Quds Force.

Iran had pledged to retaliate, though its actions did not result in any American casualties, according to the US President.

"I'm pleased to inform you, the American people should be extremely grateful and happy – no Americans were harmed in last night's attack by the Iranian regime," Mr Trump said.

"We suffered no casualties.

"All of our soldiers are safe and only minimal damage was sustained at our military bases."

Iran’s attack was its most brazen direct assault on America since the 1979 seizing of the US Embassy in Tehran.

The strikes pushed Tehran and Washington perilously close to war but in his Wednesday address, Mr Trump appeared to back away from responding with more military force.

"American forces are prepared for anything," he said.

"Iran appears to be standing down which is a very good thing for all parties concerned and a very good thing for the world."

The US president warned that the world had "tolerated Iran's destructive behaviour…for far too long". 

"Those days are over," he said, before delivering a message directly to Iranian "terrorists".

"If you value your own life you will not threaten the lives of our people."

Iran announced Wednesday it was partially withdrawing from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action, or JCPOA.

Mr Trump described the Iran nuclear deal as "very defective" and called on other countries to "break away" from it.

"The very defective JCPOA expires shortly, anyway, and gives Iran a clear and quick path to nuclear breakout,"Mr Trump said.

"Iran must abandon its nuclear ambitions and end its support for terrorism.

"Your campaign for terrorism and mayhem will not be tolerated any longer. It will not be allowed to go forward."

Mr Trump claimed that as long as he was in power "Iran will never be allowed to have a nuclear weapon.".

"We must all work together toward making a deal with Iran that makes the world a safer and more peaceful place," he said.

"Finally, to the people and leaders of Iran, we want you to have a future and a great future, one that you deserve.

"One of prosperity at home and harmony with the nations of the world. 

"The United States is ready to embrace peace with all who seek it."

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