
Afghanistan: Pregnant former police officer executed by the Taliban in front of family

The family of a pregnant former police officer was forced to watch on in horror as Taliban militants executed her. Warning: Graphic

Afghan women and girls terrified of their future under the Taliban

The family of a pregnant mum were forced to watch on in horror as she was brutally executed by Taliban soldiers.

Banu Negar was bashed and eventually killed by the Taliban after the militants stormed her home in Firozkoh, seven hours west of Kabul.

The Taliban denies killing Ms Negar, who was eight months pregnant, however multiple sources confirmed to the BBC that the group had beat and shot her dead in front of her husband and children on Saturday.

Photos circulating on social media, taken by family members, showed the horrific scene, with graphic images showing blood spattered on a wall and Ms Negar’s face heavily disfigured.

Another photo featured two screwdrivers, covered in blood.

Ms Negar had worked as a police officer but was most recently employed at her local prison.

Banu Negar was killed at the weekend.
Banu Negar was killed at the weekend.

Witnesses told local media that three gunmen stormed the house on Saturday morning before tying the family up.

Taliban spokesman Zabiullah Mujaheed denied the group’s involvement in the horrific attack and said they were investigating.

“We are aware of the incident and I am confirming that the Taliban have not killed her, our investigation is ongoing,” he said.

He said Ms Negar’s murder was due to “personal enmity or something else” and said the Taliban had already announced an amnesty for Afghans who had worked for the government or with allied forces.

Banu was pregnant when she was murdered.
Banu was pregnant when she was murdered.

However the Taliban’s amnesty promise has already been violated on numerous occasions.

Last month, Taliban soldiers were filmed executing a former police chief after raiding his home and kidnapping him.

Haji Mullah Achakzai, who served in the Afghan Armed Forces, was employed as the police chief of the Badghis province near the city of Herat when he was captured by the Taliban.

Mr Achakzai was being hunted by the Taliban due to the way he stood up to the militant group and fought them alongside the Afghan army.

The execution video, posted to Twitter by a friend of Mr Achakzai, showed the police chief kneeling in the sand with his eyes blindfolded and his hands tied in front of him.

He was surrounded by Taliban soldiers who then shoot him several times and leave his body lying in the sand.

Haji Mullah Achakzai was killed by the Taliban.
Haji Mullah Achakzai was killed by the Taliban.

There are also numerous reports of Taliban “death squads” going door-to-door to execute people who helped the US or the Afghan government.

A senior US official told Fox News that mere hours after the US withdrew from Afghanistan on August 31, Taliban members were going door to door in Kabul and executing people.

Last week, a former translator for a high-ranking US Army Ranger told the publication the Taliban had started executing allies of the US in public, in provinces away from the media attention of Kabul.

“They are not doing really bad stuff in Kabul right now because there’s a lot of media focus on Kabul, but they already started public execution in other provinces where a lot of media is not available or covering it,” the interpreter said.

The Taliban surged to power last month after taking less than two weeks to conquer Afghanistan and gain control of the country.

The brutal militant group, that ruled under its strict interpretation of sharia law from 1996 to 2001, was overthrown by the US in 2001, after the September 11 attacks.

However the Taliban seized on President Joe Biden’s promise to withdraw all US forces by August 31.

Their swift insurgency saw them capture the presidential palace in Kabul on August 15.

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