
Brutal UK front pages after Boris Johnson accused of saying he’d rather see ‘bodies pile high in their thousands’ than order 3rd lockdown

British tabloids have let rip at embattled PM Boris Johnson after allegedly saying he’d rather see thousands of bodies pile up than lockdown again.

Boris Johnson attracts bad press after 'bodies pile high' comment

The UK’s tabloids are known for their creative and brutal front pages.

But Brits will wake on Tuesday to a particularly savage selection from the red tops over Boris Johnson’s alleged “bodies pile high in their thousands” comments.

Leading the pack is the Daily Star with a startling image of the PM with fire emerging from his backside with the headline “MY PANTS ARE NOT ON FIRE”.

The headline making reference to Johnson’s denials as more sources come forward alleging the comments.

Monday’s Daily Mail put the PM’s alleged remarks front and centre with the headline “BORIS: ‘LET THE BODIES PILE HIGH IN THEIR THOUSANDS”.

It followed up on Tuesday with “BORIS ON THE ROPES”.

The <i>Daily Star’s </i>savage front page aimed at the UK PM
The Daily Star’s savage front page aimed at the UK PM

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The Sun took inspiration from the current BBC TV hit Line of Duty with its headline “LYING OF DUTY” while the Daily Mirror went for a more sombre tone with “Not just bodies, Boris... we loved them”.

It all comes after Boris Johnson was on Monday accused of saying he would rather see “bodies pile high in their thousands” than order Britain back into lockdown a third time.

The PM allegedly made the remarks after being told he had no choice but to put the country back under harsh restrictions last October, The Sun reports.

Downing St has strongly denied that he ever said such a thing describing the claims, reported by the Daily Mail, as “just another lie”.

On Monday the Defence Secretary Ben Wallace said the reports were the “comedy chapter” of “gossip stories”.

The UK’s <i>Daily Mail </i>front page on Monday...
The UK’s Daily Mail front page on Monday...
...and how it followed up on Tuesday
...and how it followed up on Tuesday

He added that they were “not true” and had been “categorically denied by practically everyone”.

Mr Johnson is said to have made the remarks during last year’s second wave after being told he must lock the country back down.

At a No.10 meeting in late October, top minister Michael Gove reportedly warned him soldiers would be needed to guard overrun hospitals if he didn’t act. The PM is said to have agreed to the new restrictions reluctantly, but then lost his temper.

According to a source he allegedly said: “No more ****ing lockdowns – let the bodies pile high in their thousands!”

<i>The Sun’s</i> front page took inspiration from the current BBC hit <i>Line of Duty</i>
The Sun’s front page took inspiration from the current BBC hit Line of Duty

They told the Mail: “The PM hates the idea of lockdowns. He kept saying ‘there’s no evidence they even work’ and that ’it goes against everything I’ve stood for’.

“But he was outnumbered — and ended up sitting in sullen silence as the others told him he had no choice.”

Mr Wallace said the claims were “just nonsense” and the unnamed sources shouldn‘t be taken seriously.

He said: “I know it’s Oscar season, but the gossip columns are getting filled with such ludicrous allegations and it‘s just getting beyond the reality.

UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson strongly denies a report he said he’d rather see ‘bodies pile high in their thousands’ than order Britain into a third lockdown. Picture: Ian Forsyth/Getty Images
UK Prime Minister Boris Johnson strongly denies a report he said he’d rather see ‘bodies pile high in their thousands’ than order Britain into a third lockdown. Picture: Ian Forsyth/Getty Images

“I have known him personally for many years and the idea that he is going to go around saying things like that, it’s just wrong.”

The revelations come amid an increasingly vicious war of words between the PM and his former top aide, Dominic Cummings.

Mr Johnson is said to have personally briefed newspaper editors that his ex adviser was the "chatty rat" who leaked details of the second lockdown early.

No.10 also suspects he was behind the leaking of text messages between the PM and James Dyson that sparked a lobbying scandal.

The <i>Daily Mirror’s </i>front page on Tuesday
The Daily Mirror’s front page on Tuesday

One source said: “Dominic is engaged in systematic leaking. We are disappointed about that.

“We are concerned about messages from private WhatsApp groups which have very limited circulation.”

The source added the PM was “saddened” by the developments and said Mr Cummings was “bitter” after his exit from Downing Street.

Mr Cummings, who quit as No.10’s chief adviser last year following an internal power struggle, denies being behind any of the leaks.

But it has been reported he has audio recordings of sensitive conversations he had with top ministers and officials in the administration.

He will appear before a parliamentary inquiry into the Government’s handling of the COVID crisis next month.

England is now easing its lockdown restrictions after three national shutdowns. Picture: Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images
England is now easing its lockdown restrictions after three national shutdowns. Picture: Chris J Ratcliffe/Getty Images

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The PM’s ex adviser, who supported a second lockdown, is expected to criticise his former boss’ response to the pandemic.

Former UK prime minister Theresa May’s ex-chief of staff, Lord Barwell, said the row would be “extremely destabilising” for the Tories ahead of local elections next month.

He told Times Radio the PM had “caused” the problem by briefing against Mr Cummings, which he described as a ”remarkable” thing to do.

This article originally appeared in The Sun and was republished with permission

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