
Paris under attack: Shootout and explosion in Paris

UPDATE: Islamic State has claimed responsibility for the Paris attacks which French President Francois Hollande called “an act of war”.

Paris Hit by Multiple Terror Attacks

THE Islamic State jihadist group claimed gun and bomb attacks that left at least 127 people dead in Paris in a statement posted online on Saturday.

It said “eight brothers wearing explosive belts and carrying assault rifles” conducted a “blessed attack on... Crusader France.” The statement, published in both Arabic and French, threatened further attacks against France “as long as it continues its Crusader campaign.” It said the targets of Friday’s attacks, which included the national sports stadium and the Bataclan concert hall, “were carefully chosen”.

It said France was guilty of “striking Muslims in the caliphate with their aircraft.”

The discovery of a Syrian passport near the body of one of the attackers appeared to confirm fears over the threat posed to Europe by extremism in the Middle East.

French President Francois Hollande, speaking to the nation, said attacks Friday that killed 127 people were “an act of war.”

Hollande says that the Islamic State group orchestrated the worst attacks in France since World War II and vowed to strike back.

He said the attacks on a stadium, concert hall and Paris cafe diners were “committed by a terrorist army, the Islamic State group, a jihadist army, against France, against the values that we defend everywhere in the world, against what we are: A free country that means something to the whole planet.”

He said France “will be merciless toward the barbarians of Islamic State group.” France “will act by all means anywhere, inside or outside the country.”

France is already bombing IS targets in Syria and Iraq as part of the U.S.-led coalition, and has troops fighting extremists in Africa.

Hollande said after an emergency security meeting Saturday that the death toll has risen to 127 in a string of near-simultaneous attacks Friday night on a concert hall, stadium and Paris cafes.

He declared three days of national mourning and put the nation’s security at its highest level.

Paris remains on high alert tonight and in a state of emergency hours after extremists killed and wounded hundreds in unprecedented terror attacks.

The all-clear is yet to be given by police and security services, who are unsure if all terrorists have been accounted for.

A woman leaves candles outside of the Carillon bar in the 10th district of Paris.
A woman leaves candles outside of the Carillon bar in the 10th district of Paris.

At least 127 people are dead and many others injured, including at least one Australian, after the worst violence to affect France since World War Two.

Eight terrorists were killed after the terror attacks that devastated Paris earlier today, one by police, while the others blew themselves up with explosive belts.

The Paris prosecutor’s office had warned that some terrorist’s could still be “at large”. Residents of the French capital have been told to stay indoors as public buildings were closed, amid growing fears that French society would change forever.

Museums, gyms, schools, shops would be closed and citizens would have to get used to a “changed” France.

Director of Liberation Laurent Joffrin told the BBC: “It’s radically new for there will be no shows museums, people will stay at home....People will get used to being very cautious about who’s coming in the cinema, a restaurant, life will change.”

French President Francois Hollande vowed his country would “fight and be merciless” against whoever was responsible for the attacks.

The country had endured “ a horror,” he added.

The majority of the dead were in the Bataclan concert hall where hundreds of people were attending a concert.

There were other attacks throughout the French capital as gunmen opened fire at downtown restaurants and multiple deaths outside the Stade de France where explosions were heard by spectators watching a France versus Germany football match.

French police said at least 80 of the dead were in the concert hall, but there are fears the death toll will get higher.

As many 180 were wounded, including a 19-year-old Australian, Emma Grace Parkinson, it has been confirmed tonight.

Eighty of the injured are believed to be in a critical condition.

Ms Parkinson is from Hobart but is believed to currently live in Germany. Her injuries are not thought to be life-threatening.

The concert hall, two kilometres from Notre Dame Cathedral, was packed with people watching the Eagles of Death Metal perform.

Eagles of Death Metal - a blues-rock band from California - have worked with music A-listers including Jack Black and Dave Grohl of Foo Fighters and Nirvana.

After hours of uncertainty band members have been confirmed as being safe.

CNN reported hostages were texting that they were being killed one by one and were begging for a police raid.

Rescuers evacuate an injured person near the Bataclan concert hall. AFP: Miguel Medina.
Rescuers evacuate an injured person near the Bataclan concert hall. AFP: Miguel Medina.

Details have begun to emerge of the moment police stormed into the hall. Three of

militants blew up their explosive vests as police began the raid, while a fourth was hit by police fire and blew up as he fell.

“There was blood everywhere, corpses everywhere. We heard screaming. Everyone was trying to flee,” said Pierre Janaszak, a radio presenter who attended the concert and hid with several others at the venue.

Another reporter said police described the scene inside the concert hall as “carnage”, explaining the attackers tossed explosives on hostages before police arrived.

A witness described the attackers as being “calm, determined” who said nothing but “kept shooting...It was a bloodbath.”

However, there are separate reports that the gunman yelled their assault was “for Syria”.

A French network BFM-TV quoted one concertgoer identified only as Yasmin, who said: “I saw two guys. The biggest one said: ‘What are you doing in Syria? You’re going to pay now.’

Five explosions were heard from outside the concert hall and shooting of automatic gunfire as police entered the building. As police closed in on the attackers, they detonated suicide belts, reportedly resulting in the deaths of four more people.

Earlier police officials reported a shootout attack at a Paris restaurant in the 11th arrondissement of the city and an explosion in nearby bar, causing dozens more to be injured and killed.

German media reported a 51-year-old man arrested last week after firearms were discovered in his car has been linked to the Paris attacks.

Public broadcaster Bayrischer Rundfunk reported Saturday that German authorities informed French officials about the arrest of the man near the German-Austrian border on November 5, although a source was not provided.

Bavarian state police spokesman Ludwig Waldinger confirmed that firearms, explosives and hand grenades had been found, but would give no further details.

Following the event, horrific accounts have emerged of terrified people being picked off “one by one” by the gunman who worked their way through the hall shooting.

Carnage ... Victims are covered with sheets following shooting in Paris. Source: TWITTER @5h55
Carnage ... Victims are covered with sheets following shooting in Paris. Source: TWITTER @5h55
Australian Emma Grace Parkinson was injured in the Paris attacks.
Australian Emma Grace Parkinson was injured in the Paris attacks.


French police confirmed there were two suicide attacks and at least two bombings near Stade de France which could be heard by spectators, including the French president, attending a soccer match between France and Germany. At least three were reported to be killed in the bombings.

A separate shooting at a shopping centre was also reported, shortly after the explosions were heard at the stadium.

Dozens of people were killed as gunman opened fire with automatic weapons on diners at a Cambodian restaurant and a nearby bar in the 11th arrondissement. Witnesses reported seeing bodies lying in the street.

A man said he heard shots ring out, in sharp bursts, for two or three minutes. “I saw several bloody bodies on the ground. I don’t know if they were dead,” he said.

“There was blood everywhere,” said another witness.

A victim under a blanket lays dead outside the Bataclan theatre.. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)
A victim under a blanket lays dead outside the Bataclan theatre.. (AP Photo/Jerome Delay)

French President Francois Hollande has closed the country’s borders and declaring a state of emergency while sending extra troops into the French capital.

It is the first time since the Nazis occupied Paris in 1944 that there has been a curfew in the famous city.

Various reports have emerged that the Islamic State has taken responsibility for the attacks but such reports remain unconfirmed. Early reports during the attacks claimed a man apprehended by police said he was recruited by the group.

The Australian government has announced there was no Australians killed in the attacks.

“This is a time of great trial and trauma for the people, government and security forces of France,” said Australian Foreign Minister, Julie Bishop.

“There are no reports of Australians killed or injured at this stage,” she said this afternoon as she offered her support and condolences to the country.

Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull, speaking from Berlin, where he has been visiting ahead of the G20 meeting in Turkey, said advice from security services was that Australia did not need to lift its security alert level.

“The people of France have the absolute solidarity and commitment of the Australian people to support them and all free nations in the battle of terrorism,” Mr Turnbull said.

Australian expat Sam Davies, 33, was previously locked in a bar about 300 metres from the attack on the Le Carrillon and Le Petit Cambodg restaurants in the 10th arrondissement.

He said most bars in the area had gone into lockdown.

“Everyone is wandering around dazed in a state of shock,” he told News Corp Australia.

Formerly from Melbourne, Mr Davies has lived in Paris for eight years and lives next door to Le Carillon.

He said he was horrified the popular Le Carillon bar and neighbouring Cambodian restaurant were targeted.

“This isn’t a tourist area, this is young, hipsters,” he said. “It’s the only place in Paris where you can get a good coffee. It’s like Fitzroy in Melbourne.

“It’s really shocking to me, I cannot understand it.”

Hollande, in a televised address to his nation, said the nation would stand firm and united against the attackers.

French security officials believe the violent incidents were co-ordinated but no organisation has been officially identified as responsible.

An early map of the attacks in Paris Friday night.
An early map of the attacks in Paris Friday night.

BFM television reported there were several dead in the restaurant shooting in the 10th arrondissement of the capital.

“It lasted terribly long,” said a witness, quoted by the French newspaper Liberation. “He lifted his Kalashnikov, he pulled into the Carillon. We could hear people screaming, you could not hear the shooter”.

Emilioi Macchio, from Ravenna, Italy, was at the Carillon bar near the restaurant that was targeted, having a beer on the sidewalk when the shooting started.

He said he didn’t see any gunmen or victims, but hid behind a corner then ran away.

“It sounded like fireworks,” he said.

An Associated Press reporter in the stadium Friday night heard two explosions loud enough to penetrate the sounds of cheering fans. Sirens were immediately heard, and a helicopter was circling overhead.

Hundreds of people spilt onto the field of the Stade de France stadium after the explosions were heard.

A stadium announcer made an announcement over the loudspeaker after the match, telling fans to avoid certain exits “due to events outside,” without elaborating.

At first that prompted some panic, but then the crowds just walked dazed, hugging each other and looking at their phones for the latest news of the violence.

Many appeared hesitant to leave amid the uncertainty after France’s deadliest attacks in decades.

The attacks comes as France has heightened security measures ahead of a major global climate conference that starts in two weeks, out of fear of violent protests and potential terrorist attacks.

Football fans gather in the field as they wait for security clearance to leave the Stade de France. AFP/Frank Fif.
Football fans gather in the field as they wait for security clearance to leave the Stade de France. AFP/Frank Fif.
All on board ... Police officers and rescue workers at the Petit Cambodge restaurant.
All on board ... Police officers and rescue workers at the Petit Cambodge restaurant.

Former US Secretary of Homeland Security Michael Chertoff says it is too early to know exactly what happened in Paris.

Social media posts from purported ISIS supporters could indicate that “there was a group waiting for this, but it could be a group watching,” Chertoff said in an interview with MSNBC Friday night.

“I don’t think we can say this proves anything, but again it supports the idea that it’s terrorism,” Chertoff said.

John Cohen, a former Homeland Security Department counter-terrorism co-ordinator, said the presence of multiple attack at the same time suggested a co-ordinated effort to “send a message” and raised immediate terror concerns, including for other cities in Europe and potentially the United States as well.

He said both Al Qaida and ISIS have relied on the strategy of co-ordinated attacks in the past.

Deadly night ... Rescue workers and medics work on victims in a Paris restaurant.
Deadly night ... Rescue workers and medics work on victims in a Paris restaurant.


President Barack Obama is calling the attacks on Paris “outrageous attempt to terrorise innocent civilians” and is vowing to do whatever it takes to help bring the perpetrators to justice.

New York went on a heightened state of alert Friday, deploying counter-terrorism police reinforcements to crowded places.

Speaking to reporters at the White House, Obama said he would not speculate about who was responsible.

He called the attacks a “heartbreaking situation” and an “attack on all of humanity.”

The attacks come as the president is preparing for two trips abroad. He’s slated to leave Saturday for a nine-day trip to Turkey, the Philippines and Malaysia.

His due to travel to Paris for climate change talks at the end of the month.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel says she is “deeply shaken by the news and pictures that are reaching us from Paris.”

British Prime Minister David Cameron says he is “shocked” by the Paris attacks and violence.

Cameron said on Twitter “Our thoughts and prayers are with the French people. We will do whatever we can to help.”

Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau expressed solidarity with France.

“I am shocked and saddened that so many people have been killed and injured in violent attacks in Paris,” Trudeau said, offering his condolences.

“Canada stands with France at this dark time and offers all possible assistance.”

France has been on edge since deadly attacks by Islamic extremists in January on satirical newspaper Charlie Hebdo and a kosher grocery that left 20 dead, including the three attackers.

The restaurant targeted Friday, Le Carillon, is in the same general neighbourhood as the Charlie Hebdo offices.

The country has seen several smaller-scale attacks or attempts since, including an incident on a high-speed train in August in which American travellers thwarted a heavily armed Islamic radical trying to attack passengers.

Already the country is mourning the horrific night with the Eiffel Tower going dark as the nation will wake Saturday in a state of shock.

More to come

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