
Donald Trump says he will deport up to three million immigrants immediately

AUSTRALIANS have had their first chance to watch Donald Trump’s controversial interview where he told his supporters to stop harassing minority groups.

President-elect Donald Trump, accompanied by his wife Melania, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell gestures while walking on Capitol Hill in Washington. Picture: Molly Riley/AP
President-elect Donald Trump, accompanied by his wife Melania, and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell gestures while walking on Capitol Hill in Washington. Picture: Molly Riley/AP

DONALD Trump has pledged that he will forgo the President’s US$400,000 salary in his first broadcast interview since last week’s victory.

In the wide ranging interview on CBS’s 60 Minutes, Mr Trump says he wants to get the country “straightened away”, focusing on healthcare, immigration and jobs.

He also told how he would deport between two to three million undocumented immigrants, specifying those with “criminal records, gang members, drug dealers”.

Mr Trump also restated that he would appoint justices to the supreme court who are pro-life and pro second amendment.

He already has one vacancy to fill.

He admitted that a pro-life judge could overturn the Roe v Wade decision which enshrined abortion rights nationally, sending the decision back to the states.

“Well, there are a couple of things. They’ll be pro-life, they’ll be- in terms of the whole gun situation, we know the Second Amendment and everybody’s talking about the Second Amendment and they’re trying to dice it up and change it, they’re going to be very pro-Second Amendment. But having to do with abortion if it ever were overturned, it would go back to the states,” he said.

Asked if that meant some women wouldn’t be able to access abortion, he said: “we’ll they’ll perhaps have to go, they’ll have to go to another state”.

Host Lesley Stahl replied: “And that’s OK?”.

Mr Trump said: “Well, we’ll see what happens. It’s got a long way to go, just so you understand. That has a long, long way to go.”

Mr Trump again insisted he was going to build a wall, but said it could include some fencing.

When asked about his salary and whether he would accept it, he says: “Well I’ve never commented on this, but the answer is no. I think I have to by law take $1 a year, so I’ll take $1 a year,” he said.

President-elect Donald Trump. Picture: CBS/60 Minutes
President-elect Donald Trump. Picture: CBS/60 Minutes

Mr Trump also said minority groups should not be afraid. Told by 60 Minutes host Lesley Stahl that some of his supporters were making racial slurs and personal threats against Americans, Latinos and gays, Mr Trump said he’d seen “one or two instances”.

“I think it’s a very small amount,” he said.

Stahl asked him what he wanted to say to those people.

“I would say don’t do it, that’s terrible, cause I’m gonna bring this country together,” he said.

He said there was a double standard and that if it was his backers protesting a Clinton victory, there would be a different attitude to the protests.

“Don’t be afraid. We are going to bring our country back,” Mr Trump said.

“You know, we just had an election and sort of like you have to be given a little time. I mean, people are protesting. If Hillary had won and if my people went out and protested, everybody would say, ‘Oh, that’s a terrible thing.’ And it would have been a much different attitude. There is a different attitude. You know, there is a double standard here.”

His children also joined him in the interview, speaking of their pride.

Ivanka Trump was asked if her father had changed in the campaign.

“I think it’s impossible to go through this journey and not change for the better. You meet — and in my father’s case, literally millions of Americans, and they speak to you with a candour about their struggles, their challenges. They share with you their most intimate stories. So you connect with people in a different way. And you grow.”

Ivanka also said she would not be a part of the formal administration, but was passionate about particular issues and would fight for them.

“I’m going to be a daughter. But I’ve said throughout the campaign that I am very passionate about certain issues. And that I want to fight for them,” she said.

“Wage equality, childcare. These are things that are very important for me. I’m very passionate about education. Really promoting more opportunities for women. So you know, there’re a lot of things that I feel deeply, strongly about. But not in a formal administrative capacity.”

Millions were expected to tune in to 60 Minutes for clues on how the populist billionaire will govern, and how far he intends to convert his strident campaign slogans into hard and fast policy.

Trump sent out clear signals to his core electorate on a string of flashpoint issues.

He reaffirmed plans to aggressively deport or jail as many as three million undocumented immigrants — those with criminal records, he said.

Trump also said he stood by his pledge to build a wall on the Mexican border — although he said it could include some fencing.

“What we are going to do is get the people that are criminal and have criminal records, gang members, drug dealers, where a lot of these people, probably two million, it could be even three million — we are getting them out of our country or we are going to incarcerate,” Trump said.

The billionaire real estate baron made security at the US-Mexico border a central plank of his insurgent presidential campaign, which resulted in last Tuesday’s shock election victory against his Democratic rival Hillary Clinton.

Trump added that the barrier to be erected on the US border with Mexico may not consist entirely of brick and mortar, but that fencing could be used in some areas.

“There could be some fencing,” Trump says in his first prime time interview since being elected president last week.

“But (for) certain areas, a wall is more appropriate. I’m very good at this, it’s called construction,” he told 60 Minutes.

Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan pose for photographers after a meeting in the Speaker's office on Capitol Hill. Picture: Alex Brandon/AP
Trump and House Speaker Paul Ryan pose for photographers after a meeting in the Speaker's office on Capitol Hill. Picture: Alex Brandon/AP

Trump’s comments in the interview quash any hopes that the Republican may be more moderate on immigration as a leader than the hard line he touted on the campaign trail.

They also seemed to contradict an interview that Republican House Speaker Paul Ryan gave on Sunday to CNN in which he said there were no plans to erect a deportation force to roundup and deport undocumented immigrants.

“We are not planning on erecting a deportation force. Donald Trump’s not planning on that,” Ryan told CNN.

“I think we should put people’s minds at ease: That is not what our focus is. That is not what we’re focused on. We’re focused on securing the border. We think that’s first and foremost, before we get into any other immigration issue, we’ve got to know who’s coming and going into the country — we’ve got to secure the border,” he added.

President Barack Obama meets Trump in the Oval Office. Picture: Martinez Monsivais/AP
President Barack Obama meets Trump in the Oval Office. Picture: Martinez Monsivais/AP


Trump made his first two key personnel appointments on Sunday, one an overture to Republican circles by naming GOP chief Reince Priebus as his White House chief of staff, the other a shot across the bow of the Washington establishment by tabbing Breitbart news executive Stephan Bannon as chief strategist and senior counsellor.

The two men had made up the president-elect’s chief of staff shortlist, and while Priebus received that job, Bannon’s post also is expected to wield significant clout. The media executive with ties to the alt-right and white nationalist movement was given top billing in the press release announcing their appointments.

Trump’s hires were, at first glance, contradictory, though they fit a pattern of the celebrity businessman creating a veritable Rorschach test that allowed his supporters to see what they wanted. Priebus, who lashed the RNC to Trump despite some intra-party objections, is a GOP operative with deep expertise of the Washington establishment that Trump has vowed to shake up.

New appointees: Reince Priebus (l) and Stephen K. Bannon. Picture: AFP/STF
New appointees: Reince Priebus (l) and Stephen K. Bannon. Picture: AFP/STF

Bannon, meanwhile, helped transform the Breitbart news site into the leading mouthpiece of the party’s anti-establishment wing, which helped fuel the businessman’s political rise. Ryan has been one of his most frequent targets.

“Steve and Reince are highly qualified leaders who worked well together on our campaign and led us to a historic victory,” Trump said. “Now I will have them both with me in the White House as we work to make America great again.”


The interview preview came as Trump once again lashed out at his enemies on social media. Hours after he promised to be more restrained he gloated about his win in one of his trademark Twitter sprees.

Trump, whose sensational election win against Hillary Clinton blindsided much of the media, took aim at the New York Times.

He also showed off about the calls he had received from the Bush family, including former presidents George W. Bush, George Bush senior, Jeb Bush and former presidential candidate Mitt Romney.

Romney vowed not to vote for him. Jeb Bush was also critical of him during the campaign.

Trump tweeted twice on Sunday about the New York Times’ “bad” and “highly inaccurate” coverage of his campaign and claimed it was losing “thousands of subscribers.” In a letter to subscribers after the election, the publisher of the Times questioned whether Trump’s “sheer unconventionality” led the paper and other news outlets to underestimate his support among American voters. The letter vowed to “rededicate” the Times to its mission of reporting news “without fear or favour.”

The paper has been one of Trump’s most ardent critics and during the campaign broke stories about him not paying taxes, and interviews with women accusing the president-elect of sexual assault. He denies the charges.

Oprah Winfrey says she sees chances for hope in a Trump presidency. Picture: John Salangsang/Invision/AP
Oprah Winfrey says she sees chances for hope in a Trump presidency. Picture: John Salangsang/Invision/AP


Meanwhile, Oprah Winfrey has taken flak from other celebrities after she said she saw chances for hope in a Trump presidency.

The TV host tweeted a photo of Trump at the White House on Thursday with President Barack Obama, adding the caption, “Everybody take a breath! Hope lives.”

She also told Entertainment Tonight that seeing the pair together had “given her hope”.

But many stars and fans of the TV mogul were angry at this response.

American actor Heather Matarazzo, star of Welcome to the Dollhouse, said: “Oprah, you can take a deep breath and hold it while the rest of us literally fight for our lives right now. #smh.”

June Diane Raphael, from the TV show Grace & Frankie also urged Oprah not to “normalise this man”. “Minority children are already being targeted,” she tweeted.

But documentary-maker Michael Moore — who predicted a Trump win — said the Democrats would fare better if they ran beloved personalities for president — including Oprah.

“Democrats would be better off if they ran Oprah or Tom Hanks ... why don’t we run beloved people?” Moore told CNN.

“We have so many of them. The Republicans do this — they run (actor Ronald) Reagan and the Terminator (Arnold Schwarzenegger) and other people. Why don’t we run somebody that the American people love and are really drawn to, and that are smart and have good politics and all that?”


Now that her ex-husband is president-elect, Ivana Trump is ready to serve her country.

“I will suggest that I be ambassador for the Czech Republic,” Ms Trump told The New York Post. “[That] is where I’m from and my language and everybody knows me. I’m quite known all around the world. Not only in America. I have written three books, and they were translated in 40 countries in 25 languages. I’m known by the name Ivana. I really did not need the name Trump.”

Ivana Trump has big dreams now that her ex-husband is president-elect. Picture: GoldStar Media/Splash News
Ivana Trump has big dreams now that her ex-husband is president-elect. Picture: GoldStar Media/Splash News


Trump is so disgusted with Chris Christie’s handling of the Bridgegate scandal that he’s kicking the New Jersey Governor out of his inner circle, The New York Post has learned.

“Trump thought it was shameful that Christie didn’t take the fall for [convicted aide] Bridget Kelly,” said a source close to the transition team. “Trump is really angry that Christie is sending a soccer mum to jail. He believes 100 per cent that Christie was behind it all.”

Christie’s former deputy chief of staff was convicted in federal court earlier this month along with former Port Authority executive Bill Baroni. They were charged with causing dangerous traffic tie-ups on the George Washington Bridge in September 2013 as political payback for Fort Lee Mayor Mark Sokolich not endorsing Christie.

“Trump really doesn’t like it when married women with kids get hurt in politics,” said the source. “Trump was pretty disgusted with Christie.”

Christie was formally pushed aside on Friday as chair of Trump’s transition team and the job given to Vice President-elect Mike Pence.

Insiders say Donald Trump was “disgusted” by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Picture: AFP/Getty/Jeff Zelevanksy
Insiders say Donald Trump was “disgusted” by New Jersey Governor Chris Christie. Picture: AFP/Getty/Jeff Zelevanksy

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