Pictures reveal world reopening after sweeping coronavirus lockdowns
They were once empty beaches, bars and streets, but as Australia prepares to open up, pictures reveal the rest of the world is already in full swing.
They were once empty beaches, bars and streets, but as Australia prepares to open up, the rest of the world is already well and truly in full swing.
Just over 12 months ago most parts of the globe, from the crystal clear beaches in Brazil’s Cocoa Coast to the streets of Amman, Jordan, were thrown into lockdown as the novel coronavirus began to take hold.
Since then, Covid-19 has killed at least 4,636,530 people since the outbreak emerged in China in December 2019 and infected at least 225,185,240. The World Health Organisation estimates that the overall toll could be two to three times higher than official records.
The vast majority have recovered, however, but research has shown some have continued to experience symptoms weeks or even months later.
Yet despite this, photographs from Portugal to Paris, to Long Beach and London, show that even with high Covid-19 cases in many countries including the UK and US, retail is open, tourism is returning, business is booming and in some areas, restrictions, masks and lockdowns are becoming a forgotten thought.
The UK has one of the highest death tolls in the world but has since revealed it will ditch lockdowns and some restrictions as crowds and shoppers return to London.
Sport has returned to the United States and Europe and even Elvis has found an ingenious way to keep business booming in Vegas. High vaccination rates and the summer season in the northern hemisphere has helped keep rates at bay but hospitalisations are still worryingly high.
Among the hardest hit countries are those the United States with 1554 new deaths, followed by Russia with 781 and Malaysia with 413.
The US is the worst-affected country with 662,131 deaths from 41,221,315 cases, but Brazil, India and Mexico follow closely.
So, after a world of relative quiet, what does it look like now?
Brazil – September, 2020
Brazil – May, 2021
New York, January 2021
New York, August, 2021
New York, September, 2021
Las Vegas, July, 2020
Las Vegas, August, 2020
Las Vegas, September, 2021
Long Beach, California, May, 2020
Long Beach, California, September, 2021
London, January, 2021
London, August, 2021
London, September, 2021
Rome, Italy, October, 2020
Turin, Italy, September, 2021
Lisbon, Portugal, November, 2020
Lisbon, Portugal, September, 2021
Athens, Greece, March, 2020
Athens, Greece, September, 2021
Agra, India, March, 2020
India, April, 20201
New Delhi, India, September, 2021
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, October, 2020
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, August, 2021
Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, September, 2021