
Aussies react with savage sarcasm to ‘Save Australia’ protest

Aussies have reacted in the best possible way after hundreds of Americans marched through New York to demand that America “saves” us.

Protesters chant "save Australia" in New York anti-vaccine rally

Australia needs “saving” according to hundreds of protesters who marched through New York City yesterday — but their offer hasn’t been received in the way they might have anticipated.

Our nation became the surprising focal point of a march against vaccine mandates for teachers in the Big Apple, with hundreds of demonstrators chanting “Save Australia” and some waving Aussie flags.

The large crowd gathered outside the Australian consulate in the city for speeches in support of Australia after they marched through Manhattan.

Hundreds took part in the march. Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images/AFP
Hundreds took part in the march. Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images/AFP

“What’s going on in Australia is not just going to be Australia. And when it shows up on our doorsteps, we’re gonna punch it right in the f***ing teeth,” one speaker said.

“We’re holding the line for Australia, we support Australia!” said another.

They may have been well-meaning in their concern, but Aussies by their thousands reacted to the demonstration with extreme sarcasm, disbelief and reflected concern for Americans in response to the march.

On Wednesday morning, the slogan from the march “Save Australia” is the top trending phrase on Twitter — with over 10,000 people talking about it — and strong reactions on other social media sites.

The overwhelming consensus appears to be that Americans don’t need to worry about Australia and that they have a few issues of their own they should address before trying to help us out.

“Next thing they’ll be having ads: For just $1/ day you could support an Australian,” one person said.

Protesters chanted ‘save Australia’. Picture: Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images/AFP
Protesters chanted ‘save Australia’. Picture: Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images/AFP

“When Americans can say Melbourne properly, then they can be worried about what is happening there,” added another.

Commentators and journalists are commenting on the protest too.

“Save Australia!!! We are being held captive here by universal healthcare, no guns, abundant sunshine and low Covid rates. Help!!!” The Guardian Australia’s Paul Karp said sarcastically on Twitter.

“Before Covid we had 30 years of uninterrupted economic growth – so obviously we’re worked hard. The dictators make us put 10% of our salary into super (401K) so we don’t retire in poverty. Where is the freedom?!?”

As many pointed out, Australia might want to look elsewhere when it comes to advice about how to deal with Covid.

“New York has a population of 8 million and has had 55,000 deaths due to Covid,” one person said.

“Victoria has a population of 6.7 million and a Covid death toll of 877.”

There is also a minority of Australians thanking the protesters for shedding a light on the Covid situation here in Australia.

Rogue MP Craig Kelly — who now represents the United Australia Party — is one of them.

“Thank you NEW YORK,” he wrote on Twitter. “I love Australia.

“Shame on those who trash our Freedoms. Shame on those who abuse our Human Rights.”

What was the protest about?

The march began in Brooklyn outside Department of Education headquarters earlier in the day, as hundreds of people gathered to hear speeches. It mobilised and moved across the Brooklyn Bridge and into Manhattan, with chants of “Wake up, New York,” “Let us teach,” and “We, the people, will not comply.”

Some members of the crowd flipped over a Covid-19 testing site tent on their way through the city, with many of them booing and chanting, “Shame on you!”

One man, recording on his phone, overturned the testing site’s table. Another then pulled down the tent, before police officers intervened.

The march ended outside the Australian consulate in Midtown, where speeches were held in support of Australia.

Footage by Brendan Gutenschwager, an independent reporter, showed some of the speeches.

Australia has become a focal point for some commentators in the USA who see the nation as an extreme example of lockdowns and Covid restrictions.

For example, last month, the Texas Freedom Coalition posted the image to its Facebook page that likened Australia’s strict Covid-19 lockdown laws to a penitentiary system.

A map of Australia is pictured alongside the text: “What the world’s largest prison looks like from space”.

It is understood that the majority of those taking part in the march in New York overnight were Department of Education (DOE) staffers – protesting the agency’s Covid-19 vaccination mandate as it went into effect on Monday.

Teachers and other DOE employees at the rally told the New York Post they had been officially placed on unpaid leave with health insurance after refusing to get the jab.

Others said they were still being paid, but weren’t being allowed in their schools as their religious or medical exemption requests are still being considered.

In New York State, looming deadlines for vaccination have been accompanied by a substantial bump in shots among healthcare workers and others.

About 96 per cent of New York City teachers have had at least one vaccination shot, with a surge taking place in the past week as the deadline approached.

However, some 4000 DOE staffers, including 2000 teachers, were still unvaccinated as classes started on Monday morning, according to the United Federation of Teachers. They will now be placed on unpaid leave or have the option to depart the DOE with severance.

Some DOE staffers at the rally said they knew of colleagues who had only received the jab because they couldn’t afford to lose pay and had families to worry about.

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