Anti-vax cartoonist treats ‘rough’ case of Covid-19 with Ivermectin, zinc and beetroot juice
Far-right cartoonist Ben Garrison has revealed that he and his wife are trying to “treat” their Covid-19 infections with beetroot juice.
A renowned American anti-vaxxer who contracted Covid-19 has revealed he is using beetroot to help “treat” his infection.
Right-wing cartoonist Ben Garrison, who achieved notoriety for his pro-Donald Trump artwork, believes he contracted the virus two weeks ago at a restaurant in the US state of Montana, Gizmodo reported.
Despite he and his wife being a fortnight into the illness with their conditions barely improving, the couple remain adamant they won’t accept the vaccine or hospital treatment.
Instead, Mr Garrison said they have been taking “Ivermectin and various vitamins including a lot of Zinc” as well as beetroot juice.
Ivermectin has featured in several of his cartoons including one showing a horse kicking US infectious disease expert Dr Anthony Fauci while shouting “get some horse sense”.
He told the publication that he felt “slightly better” after two weeks with the virus, but had lost his taste, smell and appetite, and dropped seven kilos.
Ivermectin is a common drug used to treat parasites but it has gained notoriety as a discredited coronavirus “treatment”, spruiked by members of the anti-vaccine and anti lockdown movements.
The TGA said there had been a significant increase in the amount of Ivermectin prescriptions dispensed in recent months, leading to shortages for those who need the medicine for scabies and parasite infections.
Meanwhile, Mr Garrison claimed his and his wife’s symptoms were longer-lasting because of their age.
“Young people tend to bounce back more quickly, but we’re in our mid-60s,” he said.
He wrongly claimed the Covid-19 vaccines were “neither safe nor effective”.
“We will never take their foul spike protein-producing jabs, which are neither safe nor effective. They’re not real vaccines. They’re gene therapy,” he said.
The vaccines available in the US – Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson and Johnson – have all been proven to be safe and effective.
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Deaths linked to vaccines are extremely rare and people are far more likely to die from Covid-19 than a vaccine.
Mr Garrison built himself a reputation during the Trump administration for drawing the former leader with unrealistic, flattering features.
He was also banned from Twitter for expressing his support of the insurrection at the US Capitol on January 6.