
Coronavirus Victoria: Have your say on the state of lockdown

Outrage over Victoria’s lockdown has escalated after footage emerged of a man being grilled by cops while exercising. How do you feel about the state of lockdown?

Andrews – Case numbers are too high to open up now

Victorians in lockdown are waiting patiently for good news as coronavirus cases remain stubborn and stalled in low double figures.

There were 12 new COVID-19 cases recorded again on Tuesday, bringing metropolitan Melbourne’s 14-day average to 10.

It is a long way from the number Premier Daniel Andrews told Victorians was required to reopen under step three of the state’s pandemic roadmap.

But the Premier has indicated some restrictions could still be eased on October 19 despite Melbourne not reaching the threshold of less than five new cases per day for 14 days.

Under questioning at Tuesday’s press conference, he told reporters that current numbers might be “as good as it gets”.

Outrage over Victoria’s lockdown escalated after footage emerged of a man being grilled by cops while exercising. We want to know how Victorians feel about the current state of lockdown. Take part in our survey below.

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