
UN approves toughest North Korea sanctions in 20 years

NORTH Korea has been hit with the toughest UN sanctions it’s copped in 20 years as punishment for its recent nuclear test and rocket launch.

U.S., China Close Loophole in North Korea Sanctions

THE UN Security Council has unanimously approved the toughest sanctions on North Korea in two decades, reflecting growing anger at Pyongyang’s latest nuclear test and rocket launch.

The US, its Western allies and Japan pressed for new sanctions that went beyond the North’s nuclear and missile programs.

But China, Pyongyang’s neighbour, was reluctant to impose measures that could threaten the stability of North Korea and cause its economy to collapse.

The final draft, negotiated over seven weeks, would eliminate loopholes in previous sanctions resolutions and impose new ones.

But it stresses that the new measures are not intended to have “adverse humanitarian consequences” for civilians, the majority who face economic hardships and food shortages.

They include mandatory inspections of cargo leaving and entering North Korea by sea or air, a ban on all sales or transfers of small arms and light weapons to Pyongyang, and expulsion of diplomats from the North who engage in “illicit activities.”

International fury ... protesters in South Korea hold placards with defaced images of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Picture: AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon
International fury ... protesters in South Korea hold placards with defaced images of North Korean leader Kim Jong-un. Picture: AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said the US administration knows the North Korean people “have suffered for far too long” because of decisions from their government.

“And that’s why this sanctions regimen is targeted more specifically at the North Korean elite,” he said.

For the first time, the draft resolution would require the 192 other UN member states to inspect all cargo from North Korea or heading to the country for illicit goods, ban any sale or transfer of small arms and light weapons to Pyongyang, and require all countries to expel diplomats from the North who engage in “illicit activities.”

It would also for the first time impose significant sanctions on broad sections of the North Korean economy.

The draft resolution would ban the export of coal, iron and iron ore that is being used to fund North Korea’s nuclear or ballistic missile programs., and prohibit all exports of gold, titanium ore, vanadium ore and rare earth minerals.

It would also ban aviation fuel exports to the country, including “kerosene-type rocket fuel.”

In the financial and banking sector, countries would be required to freeze the assets of companies and other entities linked to Pyongyang’s nuclear and missile programs. Under a previous resolution, they were encouraged to do so.

Military drill ... South Korean army soldiers work on K-1 tanks during the annual exercise in Paju, near the border with North Korea. Picture: AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon
Military drill ... South Korean army soldiers work on K-1 tanks during the annual exercise in Paju, near the border with North Korea. Picture: AP Photo/Ahn Young-joon

The draft would also prohibit all countries from opening new branches, subsidiaries and representative offices of North Korean banks, and ban financial institutions from establishing new joint ventures or establishing or maintaining correspondent relationships with these banks.

It would also order countries to close all North Korean banks and terminate all banking relationships within 90 days.

North Korea is already subject to four rounds of UN sanctions imposed since the country’s first nuclear test in 2006. Under those resolutions, it is banned from importing or exporting nuclear or missile items and technology as well as luxury goods.

The new draft would expand the list of banned items — adding luxury items such as expensive watches, snowmobiles, recreational water vehicles and lead crystal.

It would also add 16 individuals, 12 “entities” including the National Aerospace Development Agency which was responsible for February’s rocket launch, and 31 ships owned by the North Korean shipping firm Ocean Maritime Management Company to the sanctions blacklist. That requires the freezing of assets and, in the case of individuals, a travel ban as well.

Resolution ... North Korea has been slammed with its toughest UN sanctions in 20 years. Picture: AFP/ KCNA via KNS
Resolution ... North Korea has been slammed with its toughest UN sanctions in 20 years. Picture: AFP/ KCNA via KNS

The draft resolution would ban Pyongyang from chartering vessels or aircraft, and call on countries to “deregister” any vessel owned, operated or crewed by the North.

The draft resolution calls for a resumption of six-party talks leading to the goal of “the verifiable denuclearisation of the Korean peninsula in a peaceful manner.” North Korea withdrew from the talks in 2008.

US President Barack Obama said the new sanctions aim to stop Pyongyang’s attempts to develop a weapons of mass destruction program.

“The international community, speaking with one voice, has sent Pyongyang a simple message: North Korea must abandon these dangerous programs and choose a better path for its people,” Obama said in a statement.

As with previous resolutions, the test will be whether UN member states enforce the sanctions.

A UN panel of experts monitoring the sanctions has repeatedly pointed out that enforcement in a significant number of cases has been weak. North Korea has ignored many demands, and tried to circumvent others.

It started off the new year with what it claims was its first hydrogen bomb test on January 6 and followed up with the launch of a satellite on a rocket on February 7. It was condemned by much of the world as a test of banned missile technology.

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