Kim Jong-un reportedly sending North Korean ‘slaves’ to Russia
NORTH Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is reportedly shipping tens of thousands of poor citizens to Russia and then taking 90 per cent of their wages.
NORTH Korean dictator Kim Jong-un is reportedly shipping tens of thousands of poor citizens to Russia in exchange for money.
Fox News reports that Human Rights Group Data Base Centre estimates that 50,000 North Koreans are working gruelling and low-paid jobs in Russia.
The group says North Korea is earning upwards of $US120 million every year from the scheme.
“The North Korean government maintains strict controls over their workers’ profits, in some cases probably taking 90 per cent of their wages,” Scott Synder, director of the Program on US-Korea Policy at the Council of Foreign Relations, told Fox News. “This is an issue that has been going on under the radar for a long time.”
North Koreans helped construct a new soccer stadium in St. Petersburg, where at least one North Korea was killed.
The US State Department issued a report on human trafficking last month that concluded that North Korean workers in Russia had been subjected to “exploitative labour conditions characteristic of trafficking cases such as withholding of identity documents, non-payment for services rendered, physical abuse, lack of safety measures, or extremely poor living conditions.”
US Secretary of State Rex Tillerson has proposed new sanctions to deal with the problem.
“Secretary Tillerson has called on all countries to fully implement all U.N. Security Council resolutions, sever or downgrade diplomatic relations, and isolate [North Korea] financially, including through new sanctions, severing trade relationships, expelling guest workers, and banning imports from North Korean,” a State Department official told Fox News.
The corruption has apparently only increased in the last 10 years as the monthly pay rate for the labourers has increased from about 17,000 roubles, around $376, to 50,000 roubles, or about $1079, according to the report.
“It’s very much analogous to any other type of trafficking situation across the world,” Snyder said. “Sex trafficking is done by shadowy, illegal organisations, but here we’re talking about state entities carrying out the trafficking. This really speaks to the nature of these regimes.”