
Walking a live volcano in Vanuatu

STANDING next to a crater in Vanuatu can be nerve-wracking, as Martin Kwakwa found at one of the world's hot spots for adventure tourists, the fiery Mount Yasur.

Revered ... watchful villagers at the crater of Mount Yasur on Tanna island. Tribesmen believe the spirits of their ancestors live in the crater.
Revered ... watchful villagers at the crater of Mount Yasur on Tanna island. Tribesmen believe the spirits of their ancestors live in the crater.

THE pre-departure briefing and instructions were quite frightening.

"Don't panic when blasts go off, especially the first one. Don't try to run when debris flies in the air; just be calm and watch so you can dodge the red-hot molten rocks as they fly towards you.

"And make sure your body is covered completely in clothes to shield your skin from smoke and ash, and wear your sunglasses."

No, these were not instructions for a trip to Baghdad. They were from our tour guide moments before we set off in a four-wheel-drive vehicle for another potentially deadly spot on the other side of the world: the very active Yasur volcano on the island of Tanna in Vanuatu, about a 45-minute flight from the capital of Port Vila.

Located in the midst of lush green mountainous forests, it is hard to imagine how nature's fury can exist in such a peaceful, calm place.

The island of Tanna is one of three main southern islands of Vanuatu. Despite its relative isolation, it is increasingly becoming a hot spot for adventure tourists from around the world, thanks mainly to Mount Yasur and its fiery underbelly.

Local tribesmen believe the spirits of their ancestors live right in the crater.

Famed as the world's most accessible volcano, visitors can be taken in a four-wheel-drive vehicle to as close as 150m from the crater. A 10-minute walk, and they are right on the edge of the 100m deep crater, which is about 300m wide.

Daring adventurers can even walk the entire perimeter to get the most out of the once-in-a-lifetime experience.

Standing a metre or two from the unprotected edge of the crater can be frightening. Huge explosions from deep inside the crater frequently shake the ground and can scare even the most hardened tourist.

The explosions are immediately followed by debris that shoots high into the air but settles back into the crater. On a rough count, I noticed there was no more than five minutes between explosions.

Mount Yasur boasts the world's only "volcano post", where visitors can mail letters and postcards to friends and loved ones in a box provided by Vanuatu Post. I mailed a postcard there and it took 10 days to arrive in Sydney.

On the day I visited, the danger level was two. Like fire danger signs in Australia's national parks and bushland, the public is warned in advance with a system that rates the likely danger from one to five.

If it is rated three or higher, there is the likelihood that the red-hot rocks can fly as far as the edge of the crater and beyond – and that can be deadly.

They kill almost instantly – if they connect.

On such days, visits are banned. Ironically, it is the magnificent fireworks displays which accompany huge explosions that attract many tourists, especially if they go at dusk.

And you can take home a memento: one of the hot volcanic rocks (a cooled one, of course) that had emerged from the crater during eruptions.

Vanuatu is a real haven for adventure tourists. Quite apart from the volcano, visitors can indulge in snorkelling, wreck diving and traditional bungy jumps.

If adventure is not your go, the pristine islands are just great for a simple relaxing holiday, especially since the political instability in several Pacific island countries is challenging many Australians to look for a stable, peaceful neighbour for an enjoyable holiday.

Vanuatu seems to be benefitting from conflict in the region. Ongoing problems in Fiji, the Solomon Islands, Papua New Guinea, East Timor and Bali have seen Vanuatu registering huge increases in tourist arrivals this year.

But try mentioning this to Vanuatu's Tourism Minister James Bule and Linda Kalpoi, general manager of the Vanuatu Tourism Office, and they will instantly dismiss this line of reasoning. They particularly deny that Fiji's problems are helping the growth of Vanuatu's tourism trade.

"We do our own thing," Mr Bule told me in his Port Vila office. "We promote the attractions of Vanuatu to potential overseas tourists.

"Our attractions speak for themselves: the natural beauty of our islands, our clean, white, sandy beaches, and the friendliness of our people are what is helping drive our tourism industry forward."

His country is fast catching up with Fiji, boasting highly rated resorts, hotels and a completely different world many Australians would be happy to experience.

"We're always happy to share our history and our ancient way of life, including the fact that

our people were once cannibals," the tour guide at a traditional village says.

The people of Vanuatu are friendly, hold their traditional way of life in high esteem and are always happy to put on their famed singing and dancing performances for tourists.

The writer was a guest of Starwood Hotels, staying at Le Meridien Port Vila Resort and Casino, flying Pacific Blue.

The Sunday Telegraph

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