
Riding high in Rotorua

XAVIER La Canna discovers why zorbing and shweebing mean heart-in-your-mouth action in the NZ town of Rotorua, now a leading destination for extreme sports.

Good times ... Zorbing, a Rotorua invention, involves rolling down a hill in a see-through sphere / AAP
Good times ... Zorbing, a Rotorua invention, involves rolling down a hill in a see-through sphere / AAP

MY heart was in my mouth as I was hoisted in my harness 40 metres into the air and dropped towards the ground.

When I accepted an offer to go to Rotorua, New Zealand's first holiday destination, I thought the town's only tourist attractions were piles of geothermally heated mud.

My views were outdated.

The mud is still there, but Rotorua is recasting itself, and authorities recently gave the green light to airport upgrades which are expected to see direct flights from Australia in 2009.

I was on an adventure ride called the Swoop, an idea borrowed from a similar ride in the United States, and a slightly less scary proposition than a bungee jump.

Up to three people fit into the harness and are saved from hurtling head-first into the ground by a swing-like contraption that pulls them in another direction at the last moment.

It left my legs shaky, my palms sweaty and my stomach doing backflips, but I was otherwise eager to try another activity – zorbing – a Rotorua invention now attracting thousands of people each year.

So-called "zorbonauts" pay $NZ30-$45 ($27-$40) to climb into a small dome that has had warm water pumped into it.

The dome sits inside a larger sphere, that is then rolled down a hill.

The feeling is something like having a spa bath except the water shoots out from above as well as below. You also get the thrill of rolling down a steep hill that is seen through the translucent plastic.

Since beginning in Rotorua about 10 years ago zorbs have been exported to several countries, including Australia, China, Ireland and Korea.

Zorb wranglers, as the operators call themselves, hope it will one day rival bungee jumping, another Kiwi invention.

In a bid to beef-up its credentials as the place for extreme sports Rotorua has been investing in new inventions too, with the Shweeb the most recent.

I was among the first public visitors to use the new ride.

It consists of a monorail with plastic pods hanging from it containing a seat and a bicycle-like contraption inside worked by lying down and peddling like crazy.

The pod flying around the rail felt a little like a conventional showground ride but is far more exhausting, and riders can adjust their own speed.

It was a little claustrophobic inside the pods, which according to the creators can reach speeds up to 60kmh if the person inside is peddling fast.

Rotorua also has what is touted as the Southern Hemisphere's only free-fall simulator that allows people to get the feeling of jumping out of a plane while only being a few feet off the ground.

The Freefall Xtreme ride is not cheap, at $NZ70 ($62) for four minutes of fun that works by sending up a powerful jet of air while a person lies on top of it, and is left to hang in mid air.

It takes some time to get used to but the feeling of weightlessness was incredible while it lasted.

All the adventure rides are found at the Agrodome, a single location set among farmland a short drive from Rotorua's centre.

The writer was a guest of Tourism New Zealand.

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