
Travellers may face airport delays

THE immigration minister warns travellers they may face delays boarding flights as a result of tougher airport security measures.

Australian travellers could expect delays.
Australian travellers could expect delays.

NATIONAL security will trump passenger convenience when tougher counter-terrorism measures are implemented at major Australian airports.

The federal government intends to expand passenger processing systems it acknowledges could lead to travel delays.

The aim is to stop Australians taking part in terrorist activities overseas and identifying those returning from conflicts in places such as Syria and Iraq. 

Border protection authorities will be given earlier notice, at airline check-in, of who is travelling abroad. 

At the same time, a network that operates at global departure points will be expanded to screen and identify more Australia-bound travellers.

 The security ramp-up comes as ASIO considers raising Australia's terrorist threat level. 

It also follows funding for new airport counter-terrorism units and the introduction of departure E-gates. 

Immigration Minister Scott Morrison warns the new measures could lead to delays. 

"In isolated cases there may be the odd occasion where a bag may have to be taken off, a passenger may be offloaded, a plane might be slightly delayed," he told the National Press Club in Canberra on Wednesday. 

Australians regarded themselves as an easygoing people who thought they were a long way from the trouble spots in the world, the minister said. 

"As the world grows smaller, then obviously the threats from other places can have a greater impact here." 

ASIO director-general David Irvine is considering raising the terrorism alert level from medium to high, meaning an attack on Australian soil is considered "likely". 

Mr Morrison, a member of the government's national security committee, is not surprised by Mr Irvine's comments. 

"We know there is a very real threat by the death cult that's operating in Iraq and Syria," he said. 

Australia's threat level has been at medium since 2003. 

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