
Hilarious ways you can always spot an Aussie overseas

Australians travelling abroad are easy to spot because of these telltale signs, according to these foreigners on the internet.

Five things that shock tourists about Australia

It’s pretty easy for foreigners to spot an Aussie overseas, even without hearing the accent, it seems.

Here are some of the things that tend to give us away.

We have lines around our eyes from squinting into all that sun

In a post on Quora titled “What screams ‘I am Australian’?” one person wrote: “Australians have a tanned, slightly tougher look to them. They have lines around their eyes that come from not wearing sunglasses and living in a glarey environment, and they have more coarse skin than most people.”

Another commenter agreed, saying: “For me it’s the eyes. I noticed years ago shortly after arriving in Australia that there is a peculiar set of lines around the eyes that comes from years of living in a land with this much sun. The squinting shows. Not all Australians have that look, but those that do cannot come from anywhere but Australia.”

If they’re complaining about the coffee, they’re probably an Aussie. Picture: iStock
If they’re complaining about the coffee, they’re probably an Aussie. Picture: iStock

Fellas are wearing shorts no matter what the weather

Tropical climate? Calls for shorts. Sub-zero temperatures in northern Europe? We’ll still opt for the shorts, thank you very much.

We’re complaining loudly about the fact that we can’t get good coffee like back home

We’ve become a nation of coffee snobs. There’s no two ways about it.

We mention Hungry Jack’s and nobody has a clue what we are talking about

Why the rest of the world has Burger King and we got Hungry Jack’s is one of life’s great mysteries.

We’re on our phones at weird hours desperately looking up footy scores

Also, hunting down that one pub that is allegedly screening the AFL live.

We were raised with good manners.
We were raised with good manners.

We’ve obsessive about putting our rubbish in the bin

Not everyone in the world had the anti-litterbug message drummed into them in primary school. As one person stated on the Quora post: “When I was living in England, my Australian friend and his aunt that came to visit us, got super pissed when they saw a couple littering in York. They kept saying ‘shame on you’ and ‘pick it up’ quite loudly, scaring off the litterbugs and raising eyebrows from the locals.”

We’re super concerned about not wasting water

Like the concept of littering, the idea of wasting water is something that is pretty uncomfortable for any Australian who has lived through a drought. But people in foreign countries just don’t understand why we’ll fly across the room to turn off a tap, or give scornful looks when someone takes a longish shower.

We have a basic understanding of many cuisines

One of the best things about living in Australia is our multicultural society. As we are a young country, largely made up of immigrants, we can eat a plethora of different cuisines in any given week. And in general that means we have a pretty broad palate when it comes to what we eat.

You name it, we’ll eat it.
You name it, we’ll eat it.

We’re hanging out together

For some reason, when we travel overseas we gravitate to other Australians. If you walk past a bar and you can hear Khe Sahn being sung loudly, it’s probably a bunch of your countrymen who have discovered each other in a dive bar.

We’ll jump in the front seat of a cab (and put our own luggage in the boot)

“Aussies find sitting and waiting in the car while the driver is still lifting the luggage as being rude and posh,” reads a response on Quora.

We’re wildly flustered when it comes to paying a bill

If we’re travelling in a culture where tipping is the norm, you can spot an Aussie madly trying to do maths to figure out the appropriate tip, so that they don’t come across as a tight-arse when paying the bill in a restaurant (because as any Aussie will tell you, that’s one of the worst things you can be).

We’re happy to tip, we’re just not naturals at calculating an appropriate sum. Picture: iStock
We’re happy to tip, we’re just not naturals at calculating an appropriate sum. Picture: iStock

We can get a little too festive

We have to acknowledge the less flattering observations here too. It seems we have a bit of a reputation (along with our British cousins) for being a little loud and boozy when we head overseas. “If the traveller is holding a beer, they are probably Australian,” writes one critic.

We’ll go barefoot any chance we get

“They walk around barefoot,” declares a commenter on the Quora post. “Ever been to Fiji or somewhere with a lot of Australian tourists? Yea, you know what I’m talking about. If they are not wearing shoes while walking around the hotel or elsewhere, they’re most likely Aussies.”

The gents like to pop their sunglasses on their hats

If you see a bloke overseas with this ensemble on his head, there’s a 90 per cent chance he’s Australian. If you see him in Bali? That shoots up to 100 per cent.

This article originally appeared on Escape and is reproduced with permission

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