
Sexy tourism ad calls on lovers to ‘do it for mum’ on holiday

THIS ad from a tourism company is meant to get you hot under the collar, but there’s a twist that could leave you sick in the stomach instead.

Sexy Danish tourism ad calls on lovers to 'do it for mum'

A DANISH travel agency has come up with a creative way to combat the country’s declining birthrate.

Earlier this week, Spies Travel launched the second year of its “Do it for Denmark. Do it for Mum” campaign, which encourages couples to take holidays that will boost sexual activity — so grandma can have more grandchildren.

The new two-minute spot opens with bleak statistics about Denmark’s declining population and the strain it will put on ageing retirees. An older woman wistfully looks on as others play with children, clearly lamenting her grandchild-less status and the possible end of her family’s lineage.

But then the clip changes its tone and a voiceover proclaims, “Don’t despair. We may have found the solution”.

The answer, it turns out, is to send your adult children on an active, tropical holiday to boost hormones and increase the likelihood of some beach-side copulation.

“As you may already know, people have more sex on a sunny vacation,” the voiceover says, explaining the many ways in which happy, physically engaged people are more likely to do the deed.

So where does mum come in? Along with its new campaign, the travel company has introduced a new feature that allows parents to help pay for their kids’ holiday package.

The ad finishes proudly, “Do it for Denmark. Do it for Mum. Delivery within nine months not guaranteed.”

Sexy Danish tourism ad calls on lovers to 'do it for mum'

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