
Four dead after consuming bottles of mystery drink found at sea

Four fisherman are dead after drinking bottles of an unknown liquid discovered at sea.

Monday, July 1 | Top stories | From the Newsroom

Four fishermen have died and two others are critically ill after drinking bottles of an unknown liquid found at sea, having reportedly mistaken it for alcohol.

The men, all from Sri Lanka, discovered the bottles about 320 nautical miles from Tangalle, a town in the Southern Province of the island, while on a fishing trip, according to theBBC.

The group of sailors had set off on the trip on June 4.

The men discovered the bottled off the coast of Tangalle, Sri Lanka. Picture: Supplied
The men discovered the bottled off the coast of Tangalle, Sri Lanka. Picture: Supplied
The fishermen had drunk the liquid from the bottles thinking it was alcohol. Picture: Supplied
The fishermen had drunk the liquid from the bottles thinking it was alcohol. Picture: Supplied

According to the Sri Lanka navy, the fishermen had drunk the liquid from the bottles thinking it was alcohol.

Director General of the Sri Lankan Department of Fisheries and Aquatic Resources, Susantha Kahawatte, told media the navy was attempting to bring the men back to shore.

He added the navy is providing medical attention to those aboard the vessel – named the Devon.

Mr Kahawatta said fishermen had distributed some of the bottles to other crews operating in the area, and attempts were being made to notify them.

Authorities are currently investigating the contents of the bottles.

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