
Hard-working Aussies finally take a break

WORKERS feel more comfortable and confident in their jobs following the global financial crisis.

WORKAHOLIC Australians are finally getting the message about the importance of taking time off.

Latest research shows the number of stockpiled annual leave days fell by five million in just over a year.

The Tourism Australia research shows the number of accrued annual leave days dropped from 123 million, when it launched its No Leave, No Life campaign in March 2009, to 118 million in June.

Employees are also 35 per cent more likely to take a holiday within Australia this year than they were last year and those aware of the campaign were more likely to take a domestic holiday in the next six months.

Tourism Forecasting Committee chairman Bernard Salt said workers were feeling more comfortable in their jobs following the economic downturn and were more confident about taking leave.

"Last year, as a consequence of the global financial crisis, people fearful of losing their jobs didn't take time off," he said.

"We're sufficiently far removed from the heat of the event to actually take some time off."

Tourism Australia managing director Andrew McEvoy said more people were choosing to take a Friday or Monday off, or take extra days off when there was a long weekend.

He was thrilled the campaign was working, but he said it was up to bosses to make sure their staff took a break.

"You can be aware of the issue, but unless your employer takes it seriously it doesn't happen," he said.

Mr McEvoy said six out of ten people who take leave take a domestic holiday, two do nothing and two go overseas.

But Australian tourism operators were facing increasing pressure to encourage people to holiday thanks to the strong Australian dollar.

"Taking a break and regenerating your brain is essential," he said. "You come back with new energy and it is good for the economy."

Tourism Australia said employers benefit when staff took leave as it accrues, because it cost them progressively more to pay out in later years as wages and salaries rose.

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