
Travel from Sydney to Brisbane faster on new $275,000 boat

DESPITE looking like a shoe box, this radical new boat design claims to travel from Brisbane to Sydney in less than nine hours.

Sea Ski
Sea Ski

A RADICAL new design of boat capable of travelling from Brisbane to Sydney in less than nine hours has been unveiled on the Tweed Coast in far northern NSW.

Coming in at a whopping $275,000 to make, The Sea Ski claims speeds equivalent to those of cars on a highway, cruising at 90 to 100 km/h with wide open throttle speeds above 120 km/h once the hull is lifted clear of the water on special skis.

And while it looks like a shoe box, the boat actually measures 6.5 metres in length, weighs 1.5 tonnes and is capable of skimming over 1.7m high waves.

Trevor Payne from Sea Ski Australasia says it's the most significant advance in small boating technology in more than 40 years, eclipsing the development of its predecessor, the Australian Shark Cat.

"We believe it will go even further than actually floats on air as well as balancing on its skis," he said.

"The underside of the hull is perfectly flat and compresses the air underneath.

"Due to the special features of the design, which is best described as a high performance sea skimmer, it can maintain high speeds in seas that slow other boats substantially."

Mr Payne said the design used speed to generate an experience encountered by aircraft pilots known as the WIG (wing-in-ground) effect.

"That is created by a cushion of air between the ground and the underside of the wings of a landing aircraft, that gives the aircraft substantially more lift at slowing speeds.

"Once up on its skis and travelling fast enough, the Sea Ski vessel is also floating on a cushion of air."

Unlike traditional hulls, the Sea Ski design does not produce damaging bow waves because most of its energy is dissipated by the skis in the form of a fine spray, leaving only a very low profile wash.

The first boats will be built by Harwood Marine International on the Clarence River. depth: The latest travel news Aussie takes home Sony Photography prize Ryanair ad not hot enough

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